But I know a lot of porn fans despite their seemingly hard shell have some really weak spots for many of those girls.

True compassion gets into the way of mere customer demands as soon as we get to know them personally (not the case for most of porn fans, though), read about their real life troubles or see them really struggling on set performing for us.

For me there were situations in the past - not with LP though - I even wished them to quit porn alltogether!
I think this is probabely the utmost compassion and care for a girl you basically still just wanna watch performing porn for you, but seeing her struggle you get the true and honest wish she just quit that biz and went back to her previous normal day job as a shop assistant, hair dresser etc, or even just get a hb and kids.
I wonder wheter this ever happened to you while watching her fuck for the entertainment product you buy?
This discussion my help: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=9558
Disclaimer: I realize its really difficult to put this into a poll. I thus included two options. But best is you write down your examples and feelings. Ta!
------------------Please no anti-porner bullshit! Also no male performer bashing! Its about compassion and true tender feelings, not hate!----------------