Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

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Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:20 pm

Hi everyone,

Some time ago, I shot a few scenes on my own as a test and proof of concept, with the hope of expanding into a full-time production. That never happened, for various reasons, but those scenes still exist and I have been trying to decide what to do with them for a while now.

Well, good news! I am releasing them here on Porn Box, starting tomorrow. These are never before seen LP exclusives, and I hope you enjoy them.

Hopefully, after COVID, I will be able to expand this into a full-time production as I had planned originally, with new ideas and production improvements in all areas. In the meantime, here's a preview of what I did all those months ago...



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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby IndyPleco » Fri Jun 26, 2020 8:00 pm

Looking good, Pineapple :cool:

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Jocke » Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:47 pm

Guys licking gapes and girls pissing side by side while being fucked in the ass?

I will buy all those scenes :)
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Fri Jun 26, 2020 10:51 pm

Haha, I didn't say anything about that.

I did not shoot any pissing content. I live in the United States where that content is very legally ambiguous. That's why LP blocks the sale of piss content to U.S. residents.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby tommysxc » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:20 am

Great scene, lots of quality eager ATOGM. I'll watch it in more detail later... What would be truly amazing, would be if you could get Marley to do her first DAP for you!?

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:55 am

This was the first scene I shot as part of this venture and the first time I ever ran a production all by myself. It's not called the Pineapples Test Kitchen for nothing... I was still trying my hand at it and honing the craft.

You'll notice a distinct improvement in the scenes that follow.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby tommysxc » Sat Jun 27, 2020 6:12 am

Fantastic, I'll look forward to it.

My highlights are:
Foot play
ATOGM, including a real kinkiness around this from the girls, they seem so keen
Full body shots
Definition, to the point that even the HD version shows resolution on makeup, slight dirt on Marley's feet, and hair in a way that's usually only apparent in 4k.
Attitude and interaction of girls, especially kissing
Dirty talk

Static lighting, looked like a dark spot towards the end when shooting from the right
Male talent wood issues, man he let you down big time

Overall, well done :)

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby BlueShadow » Sat Jun 27, 2020 7:16 am

Mister Ananas wrote:This was the first scene I shot as part of this venture and the first time I ever ran a production all by myself. It's not called the Pineapples Test Kitchen for nothing... I was still trying my hand at it and honing the craft.

You'll notice a distinct improvement in the scenes that follow.

You can give an anticipation of the models involved?
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Jocke » Sat Jun 27, 2020 12:17 pm

I only made through half of the scene, which is a good sign :-)

Marley Brinx is a true anal slut. Her True Anal scene with Mike Adriano is great. She has no inhibitions. I like that she is not too bubbly. Mike always ask the girls if they are "excited and nervous" kinda old now. Marley is just naturally horny and you can see that when she licks butt it is not because someone told her to.

I think you should consider wet content. This is I think where the money is and Americans are especially eager to watch it. I guess a lot of LP customers are Americans with a VPN. If you release scenes on LP I assume there shouldn't be a problem? Pornhub has 10 000 wet scenes based in Canada but probably watched in the US (or is that blocked for you?).

Americans invented girls peeing and called it squirting to avoid legal issues. It is tremendously popular. Personally I prefer when the girls are not rubbing pussy at the same time. You would get a lot of viewers. I think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity which LP is profiting on and you could too.
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby grey00owl » Sat Jun 27, 2020 1:23 pm

Very good, promising first try by Mr Ananas. Judging from Zoe's hair colour, it's a scene already a little "aged". Glad and curious to see more.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby plajvaz » Sat Jun 27, 2020 2:49 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:Haha, I didn't say anything about that.

I did not shoot any pissing content. I live in the United States where that content is very legally ambiguous. That's why LP blocks the sale of piss content to U.S. residents.

What is the exact issue with pissing content in USA?

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sat Jun 27, 2020 4:17 pm

It is legally ambiguous. There is no direct ban on pissing in the United States, and technically speaking, it is protected by the First Amendment right to free expression by default. However...

There is an exception to the right to free expression for "obscenity," which is not protected by the First Amendment. The problem is that no legal definition of "obscenity" exists. If the question ever arises, a jury will decide whether you committed an "obscene" act of free expression ex post facto using something called the Miller test, which provides that they should apply the moral and ethical standards of their local community to make their determination. In practice, that basically just means the jury is free to decide on their own whims. It's an incredibly inconsistent way to determine if speech is "obscene," and it forces certain people who operate on the fringes of society (such as pornographers) to walk on eggshells and be very careful about what they shoot, lest some redneck country jury in Buttfuck, Alabama should ever be offended by it and label it "obscene."

The Miller test has been used against pornographers in the past, such as Max Hardcore, who was convicted under its terms and actually sent to federal prison for four years. Obscenity is a hard concept to define; as one judge famously said, "I know it when I see it." Well, that's fair enough, and I appreciate the difficulty of crafting a solid, all-encompassing definition of the word, but I'm not going to play against those odds.

It's an antiquated law, but one that has been used within the 21st century.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby CanadianCouple » Sat Jun 27, 2020 5:53 pm

You explained that very well:)

Looking forward to seeing your obscene content and hopefully enjoying it!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:40 am

I did not buy it. Sorry Evil-Pineapples.

Here is my explanation. It is all based just on the trailer.

What I liked:

VIdeo quality and color, GOOD. It's very vivid compared to the overexposed style of Giorgio and Gonzo.
Camera work puts more emphasis than normal on the faces of the models.

Foot fetish is a thing for me, but I have never liked a full-on foot fetish video.
What I mean is that I liked that the feet of the models are displayed, but it doesn't overtake everything else.

What I disliked:

Lexington Steele, he behaves as if he were a prop. He doesn't do anything.
A dildo would have been better because the wood issues would not exist.
Some girls plug a dildo to a wall or door and do wonders because it's much more entertaining than this.

I mean, Lex goes out of his way to AVOID touching the models.
Look at the preview screenshots and you can count with the fingers of one hand
the amount of pictures where Lex's hands are in contact with the models.

I also don't like either of those models. Marley is quite good to look at IMO,
but at the same time she is kinda boring. And Zoe talks too much :p

On top of that, scenes with 2 models are not something I crave. So there is that.


Often, the camera work to introduce a model is all that is needed to sell the scene IMO.
Spending time to display her on camera, is a good investment IMO. SOS did it better than anyone else.

0067.gif (21.82 MiB) Viewed 38513 times

When this scene came out and I watched the trailer, I was like:
"sex looks weak, but damn she looks spectacular" so I bought just for the strip-tease part, lol.

But also worth considering that you don't want to linger on something for too long.
Keep the pace moving forward.

This is my "all time" best 2 girl 1 boy scene,

0075.gif (26.79 MiB) Viewed 38513 times

This two girls are in my personal "hall of fame" sacred altar of awesome, lol
but on top of that, Nacho dominates them in such a sexy way. It's amazing.
Also his dick was super hard that day, they way they react to the action is just nuts.

You know, if I were a porn director/producer I think what I would try first.
is to pair male actors with female actresses were both like each other.

I saw in another thread that you had a list of american and european model pairing priority thingy.
And I think that's the kind of thing that breaks porn.

Because, porn producers pair actors in a way that is convenient for them, financially, geographically, etc.
but not in a way that organically builds porn scenes that look like sex depicting humans enjoying it.

Anyways. i wonder if you are going the Sineplex route of scouting your own models,
and kinda working with them in such a way that for a period of time, they only work for you.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby BlueShadow » Sun Jun 28, 2020 3:48 am

magizi87 wrote:
This is my "all time" best 2 girl 1 boy scene,


This two girls are in my personal "hall of fame" sacred altar of awesome, lol
but on top of that, Nacho dominates them in such a sexy way. It's amazing.
Also his dick was super hard that day, they way they react to the action is just nuts.

You know, if I were a porn director/producer I think what I would try first.
is to pair male actors with female actresses were both like each other.

What did you remind me. Good old times.
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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:14 am

Well, I welcome fair and respectful criticism, so I appreciate your comments magizi87.

Your complaints about the male talent are resolved in the other scenes. I'm glad you appreciate the video quality and lighting / use of color because I was very concerned about getting those things right. It's still not perfect in this first scene, but I'm quite satisfied with it.

What did you think of their outfits, and how do they compare to these?


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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Phoenix2000 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:40 am

Prayers have been answered!!!

I’m soo glad your still here EP!

Had no idea you had archives of these “special scenes”
These are the scenes I would love to BUY!!!

Zoey Sparxxx and Marley Brinx - perfect Feet!!!

Will KUCKMAL/BAREFEET ever return to full effect?

Please and Thank You!!!!!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby avanfurwet » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:23 am

Everybody's different. I like and bought this scene. Thanks for making it for us. Look forward to more.

I think you paired two great actresses in Marley and Zoe. But I'm not a demanding critic. Maybe I just like Marley and Zoe.

I like the shooting style with all the focus on the actresses and attention to their facial expressions.

Similar to Magizi, I prefer foot fetish where the girl's feet are just shown off as integral part of the scene.

I also like the lighting and saturated colour.

No good asking me about fantasy outfits. I prefer girls in everyday clothes who quickly get completely naked. I'm weird like that.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby slo85 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 1:16 pm

It's really a great Scene. Thank you very much for releasing it
I never get enough squirting scenes...

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Jocke » Sun Jun 28, 2020 2:13 pm

Thak you for interacting with us viewers!

When it comes to outfits, I prefer if they do not hide the girls buttholes. Not even as a teaser. I like anal, a lot!

The scene was great, especially the gape licking with nice close ups. Gaping could have been a few seconds longer. I like both girls but especially Marley.

It is a shame that a veteran actor like Lexington cannot keep wood. Who would have expected that. It is like Everhard not being hard! Won't happen. I agree with Magiz that Lexington doesn't add anything. My favorite is Markus Dupree with lots of energy.
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:38 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:What did you think of their outfits, and how do they compare to these?


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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Kaderon » Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:53 pm

Jocke wrote:My favorite is Markus Dupree with lots of energy.

Dupree's a massive sham. He fucks like a rabbit on speed, but he only uses 1 inch of his tip. There's practically no penetration in his scenes. Besides, it lacks size. When you think about all the assault allegations lately, Dupree is an absolute no-go.

Good male actors are certainly hard to get. Chris Diamond is a good one, but he seems to live in the States now and will certainly be well booked. Mick Blue is surely absolutely reliable, but he is so overused in the last 15 years that people lose interest in scenes with him. It is in any case a tricky topic.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 6:56 pm

I will never work with Markus Dupree.

I'd be willing to fly Chris Diamond out to Prague for a limited series, but it would be for a defined time period because I imagine I would have to pay a premium for it.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:05 pm

In my opinion, regardless of price or availability, the top male talents working at the moment are (in no particular order):

Ian Scott
Charlie Mac
Chris Diamond
Freddy Gong
Mike Chapman
Tony Brooklyn
Sean Michaels
Potro de Bilbao
Darrell Deeps
Yves Morgan
Luca Ferrero

Any combination of three or more makes for an ace scene, at least as far as the performances go.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Kaderon » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:11 pm

Chris Diamond is definitely the next big thing. Which makes him desirable for studios, but also expensive.

^I think you list is pretty solid. I would add Alberto Blanco and Logan Long. Big guys but no wood issues.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:15 pm

Like I said, I'd be willing to work with Chris to determine a solution that makes both of us happy. It would probably be comparable to the LP scenes "featuring Nacho Vidal" from a few years ago, which were more expensive to produce because of his higher fee.

The problem with Chris, IMO, is that he is not featured the way he deserves to be in most of the scenes he has done. That's starting to change with his productions in America, but I wonder why it took so long. The man is a freak of nature with a huge penis and it only makes sense to shoot him as often as you can in MF / MFF / MFFF scenes. I always felt that he was wasted as part of the "monster cock team" here.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Kaderon » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:29 pm

I think he'll be the next Lex Steele in the States. Before the Corona break he already shot for Jules Jordan. And maybe he'll shoot for Mason later. He'll definitely have his breakthrough this year.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:40 pm

I agree.

Speaking of corona, I'm starting to think about the future of this project again. The original plan was to do these test scenes in order to get some practice, then accumulate capital for about a year in order to travel to Prague for 3-4 weeks in February of 2020. I was going to shoot non-stop at a rate of about two scenes per day for that entire visit. That would leave me with somewhere between 40-60 scenes, which I would then sell here over time. (I was even thinking about taking one or two American girls along with me. I had even started talking to one about it, and she seemed pretty enthusiastic.)

I haven't touched that capital, but it's just sitting there with no purpose at the moment because I cannot travel to Prague and the state of California (where most of the porn production in this country takes place) is still locked down. There has been some movement in the porn industry in recent weeks, but not much, and it's still pretty much locked down as well.

That leaves me with a couple of options. I can wait for an indeterminate period of time until things open back up again, or I can try to start some local productions in my own state with amateur models. The obvious problem there is that I would have to scout my own talent from scratch, which ain't easy, and I have no experience doing that whatsoever. I would probably end up paying someone from the L.A. porn industry to fly down and act as my male talent too, because that's even harder to scout from scratch.

I'm thinking about it, but it's all still up in the air for now. There are a handful of girls I know who might be interested in trying it, and for obvious reasons I can't share their photos here, but trust me, they're hot... however, the economic and social realities of the United States are very different from those of Europe, and scouting is pretty difficult out here.

If I did pursue this, I can't even guarantee that I'd be able to shoot anything except 1 on 1 scenes. With amateurs, I'm not sure if that would be worth my time and money. (Not to mention yours...)

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Wotan29 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:01 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:I will never work with Markus Dupree.

Thanks a lot!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:03 pm

Sincerely, or are you being glib?

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Wotan29 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:12 pm

I appreciate most of your visions how great porn should be and I´m looking forward to your next scenes.

As you said by yourself you weren´t 100% satisfied with the result of the first scene. To be honest, Lexington Steele was never my thing even in his best times and now he´s just a grandpa with serious wood problems (no comparison to Mike Chapman, who still has passion and fucks ballsdeep!).So the scene was not really one for me, though it features one of my favourite girls at the moment: Zoe Sparx. She´s amazing! Nevertheless it was a welcome change to all those mechanic checklist Gonzo and GIO scenes, which I can´t stand anymore.

So keep on going, I will follow you...

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:15 pm

I'm thinking about shooting a handful of smaller scenes locally with amateur girls from my city. I want to fly in one strong male talent from the Valley to star in the scenes, and I might also try to book a female talent.

Who would you guys suggest for that? Because of COVID, budgetary issues, etc., please limit your suggestions to one male and one female.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Jocke » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:36 pm

Ok we have different preferences and that is ok.
I got a Vogov subscription and every scene is top notch. Great gapes and squirting , very high energy and synergy. Sure Markus is a tip fucker but he always makes the girls look good and never hesitate to sip a little squirt or dip his tongue. Male performers who don't do oral on the girls shouldn't be hired in my opinion.

Logan Long is great and I'd say he is better than Adriano.
Isn't Everhard in the US now and then?
Xander Corvus
Chad White
Ricky Johnson
Chris Strokes
Isiah Maxwell

I am not watching anything with Manuel Ferrara
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby VictorH33 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:38 pm

Male: Sly Diggler
Female: Kira Noir or Casey Calvert
Formerly obsessed with Angel Dark, Jane Darling, Veronica Vanoza, Linet Slag, Simone Peach, Zafira.
Now getting hooked on Avi Love, Rebecca Volpetti, Evelina Darling, Lady Dee, Kristy Black, Nicole Black.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:39 pm

I have no objection to Markus as a performer. That is not the problem I have with him.

Xander and Jmac are for sure top notch performers. I am not sure of their willingness to travel. Basically, I would put them up in a hotel for a week and we'd do as many scenes as we could in that time, but it's only cost-effective for one guy, so if I wanted to do multi-guy scenes, I'd have to find talent locally. That's gonna be one hell of a mixed bag...

What about Jon Jon?

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Jocke » Sun Jun 28, 2020 10:59 pm

Kira Noir is great if you let her lose she could drive the whole scene. I bet she could come up with the whole scenario and pick male talent too.
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Pineapples Studio » Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:02 pm

I'd love to work with her. Not sure about her picking the male talent, though. With the travel restrictions because of the virus, beggars can't be choosers right now.

I'll see about contacting her agent, unless she's self-repped?

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby magizi87 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:05 pm

My favorite 1 on 1 girl is Sydney Cole.

Just saying.

I don't know if she still active, haven't seen her in a while.
And as far as I seen she doesn't do anal.

Tough luck, heh!

But she is into manhandle and rough sex, and very pretty IMO.

I kinda agree Chris Diamond was somewhat wasted during his Gonzo days.
I felt the same with Mike Chapman. Like, I always felt that Luis and Giorgio
kept them under shackles, controlling their manhood if you will,
I remember seeing an Evil Angel scene with Chris and Brenda Boop and thinking,
why is HE, not like THAT, when he works with Gonzo, lol.

Going back to Lex and your scene, I don't like bashing performances,
and that was not my intention, lol.

What I meant was that, in that situation, and you being the director
and the guys who writes the checks or wires the money,
you seem to have the power to be like "dude, DO something" lol

I think it is your job to guide the actors to an awesome scene.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Wotan29 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:18 pm

Mister Ananas wrote:Sincerely, or are you being glib?

Not at all.

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Re: Pineapples Test Kitchen (BRAND NEW SCENES)

Postby Wotan29 » Sun Jun 28, 2020 11:32 pm

Any chance for shooting with Haley Reed?
For me the most beautiful girl in the biz with a breathtaking body (those legs...).
Additionally she has a brain and a great personality.
And if you let her go, she doesn´t pretend and really gets off.
Her "Manhandled 10" scene with Xander Corvus is one of my most favourite porn scenes ever.
And we still haven´t seen the uncut version including crazy piss games...


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