I did not buy it. Sorry Evil-Pineapples.
Here is my explanation. It is all based just on the trailer.
What I liked:
VIdeo quality and color, GOOD. It's very vivid compared to the overexposed style of Giorgio and Gonzo.
Camera work puts more emphasis than normal on the faces of the models.
Foot fetish is a thing for me, but I have never liked a full-on foot fetish video.
What I mean is that I liked that the feet of the models are displayed, but it doesn't overtake everything else.
What I disliked:
Lexington Steele, he behaves as if he were a prop. He doesn't do anything.
A dildo would have been better because the wood issues would not exist.
Some girls plug a dildo to a wall or door and do wonders because it's much more entertaining than this.
I mean, Lex goes out of his way to AVOID touching the models.
Look at the preview screenshots and you can count with the fingers of one hand
the amount of pictures where Lex's hands are in contact with the models.
I also don't like either of those models. Marley is quite good to look at IMO,
but at the same time she is kinda boring. And Zoe talks too much
On top of that, scenes with 2 models are not something I crave. So there is that.
Often, the camera work to introduce a model is all that is needed to sell the scene IMO.
Spending time to display her on camera, is a good investment IMO. SOS did it better than anyone else.

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When this scene came out and I watched the trailer, I was like:
"sex looks weak, but damn she looks spectacular" so I bought just for the strip-tease part, lol.
But also worth considering that you don't want to linger on something for too long.
Keep the pace moving forward.
This is my "all time" best 2 girl 1 boy scene,

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This two girls are in my personal "hall of fame" sacred altar of awesome, lol
but on top of that, Nacho dominates them in such a sexy way. It's amazing.
Also his dick was super hard that day, they way they react to the action is just nuts.
You know, if I were a porn director/producer I think what I would try first.
is to pair male actors with female actresses were both like each other.
I saw in another thread that you had a list of american and european model pairing priority thingy.
And I think that's the kind of thing that breaks porn.
Because, porn producers pair actors in a way that is convenient for them, financially, geographically, etc.
but not in a way that organically builds porn scenes that look like sex depicting humans enjoying it.
Anyways. i wonder if you are going the Sineplex route of scouting your own models,
and kinda working with them in such a way that for a period of time, they only work for you.