tgcfc26 wrote:I do want everybody involved in a LP scene shot to enjoy their work maximally, especially the girls as they are in the centre for us customers. And the level of fun and joy on really shows in the end product! But please dont come out as a male consumer defineing what these girls enjoy and what they dont!!!First of all, look porn is fantasy and not about makeing the girls on set happy and fulfilled women - also sexually.
If you wanna give them a good time find them a good lover for their own bedroom and leave them alone!
dap-addict wrote:Would be interesting to repeat this poll now half a year later and check wheter LP production of the last months keep in line with customer requests.
Me personally I really like the clear 3on1 move.
1 girl in the centre, 3 studs is the ideal number to allow maximum hard fuck obstructing nothing and keep all her holes filled.
What I see stil less put into the new LP scenes is that clear anal only majority of votes.
Look there was no single vote for pussy only.
So please shoot more STA, more balls deep anal and especially anal only scenes. No pussy fucking at all, also no dps for that matter. If you want two cocks in a girl than go for dap! And if you want airtight than put the 3rd dick in her mouth. Pussy is to look at only, the symbolic "virgin" spot.
Still of course produce a variety of product and niches incl. cream and piss voted for fairly good.
Now some general adds of how to present your girls better IMO - but maybe here a poll would help,too.
- waxed pussy, absolutely no hair, no landing strips
- heels on always
- more classic stockings
- a bit more tease with minskirts, slips torn away etc. to make place for cock(s) fast
- tanned girls or virgin white like Misha Cross but no suntan lines
special additions during any scene
- more JYL-school beaaaam positions for the gapes
- more anal creampies farted out and licked from the floor
Generally thanks all the LP team really a lot to get thos Czech rookies into anal/dp/dap from their first scenes!
Please try to shoot a bit more Russian cuties again as well as more petite girls under 160cm.
Keep up your great anal porn work!
Tastes Like Ass wrote:The thing that people need to remember is that porn is a business, and in any business, the top priority is customer satisfaction.
dap-addict wrote:Tastes Like Ass wrote:The thing that people need to remember is that porn is a business, and in any business, the top priority is customer satisfaction.
Thanks, TLA!
Its an open board though and if some think LP organizes fun parties ans sexual gratification for their girls on set even paying them on top, so let them think so. This said of course I am happy for every true orgasm I see the booked for work LP girls get on set! Its a greaaaat thing!
tgcfc26 wrote:I'm not singling you out to have a go at, I just get my back up when I read what I interpret as objectification.
I love first and foremost the reaction of the girl and how overwhelmed and turned on she gets, regardless of what the scene consists of.
Pussy is to look at only, the symbolic "virgin" spot.
tgcfc26 wrote:I just like to see the girl in question be totally in to a scene, which for me would involve including whatever she really enjoys.
I don't buy in to the concept that this is a business and therefore the aim should always be to appease customers.
Sineplex or LP has always had a reputation for its particular type of content. I wish they would just focus on what they have always represented, hard anal with a focus on gaping, hard pussy fucking, kreme and piss....
tgcfc26 wrote:Pussy is to look at only, the symbolic "virgin" spot.
Sineplex or LP has always had a reputation for its particular type of content. I wish they would just focus on what they have always represented, hard anal with a focus on gaping, hard pussy fucking, kreme and piss.... and stop trying to please every person who posts on the forums, some of whom aren't even members and have never purchased a thing.
So please shoot more STA, more balls deep anal and especially anal only scenes. No pussy fucking at all, also no dps for that matter. If you want two cocks in a girl than go for dap! And if you want airtight than put the 3rd dick in her mouth. Pussy is to look at only, the symbolic "virgin" spot.
Still of course produce a variety of product (...)
Kuaheyden wrote:Monster Gapes , Rim My Gape, Gape to Gape, the russian roots.
Seriously? So, if a girl gets off on fucking guys in the ass with a strap-on (which some girls definitely do), then Sineplex should start including that in scenes, just because the girl likes it? You've got to be kidding.
It really doesn't matter whether you "buy in" or not. It's not my opinion that porn is a business; it's a fact. It's also a fact that any porn company that doesn't do a good enough job of pleasing its customers will soon be out of the porn business. So, that has to be their top priority, regardless of whether you like it or not.
tgcfc26 wrote:I care about the personal taste of 25 people, probably as much as they care about mine. My issue is specifically about a forums suggestions deciding what a scene consists of, or the specific way the women should get fucked. I'd rather this was left up to the company/performers, and they got their feedback from sales, rather than open it up to any random Tom, Dick and Harry.
Maybe I am shooting back to fast, because you probabely prepare an answer for me too, but please let me ask: Ever hear of directors? Porn directors like SOS for instance?
These people tell their team of performers what is being shot that day, how its being shot etc.
So...if the girl and her stud(s) feel like fucking pussy only in an anal scene and SOS or who else doenst need this footage they can do it in the breaks or bts or whereever. They are free people, but the scene has still to be shot and the time is running usually.
And one last thing if a girl insists on what she enjoys and how she wants to do it on set but it isnt forseen than she gets kicked out at some point - also whan she insists on anal only in a pussy only project. Its work on a porn set, you understand this?!
tgcfc26 wrote:
Let me end this by making something clear - I have no issue with anal only scenes, I already said I love watching these beauties get fucked in the arse, it's mainly the reason (coupled with everything else they do so well) that I'm a member here. Please stop quoting percentages at me, I care about the personal taste of 25 people, probably as much as they care about mine. My issue is specifically about a forums suggestions deciding what a scene consists of, or the specific way the women should get fucked. I'd rather this was left up to the company/performers, and they got their feedback from sales, rather than open it up to any random Tom, Dick and Harry. I don't particularly like a scenario where one of these girls is told, today we are going to ignore this or that because of the results of a poll. This to me is counterproductive in terms of how good the scene and her performance/enjoyment could be, and in turn, ultimately impacts us....imo.
You have an incomplete and inaccurate understanding of the situation: Management has already stated that they use sales as a primary factor in deciding what type of content to feature. However, management has also decided to run polls, and otherwise inquire about consumer opinion(which has had a decidedly positive influence on scene quality: management has already incorporated a number of improvements as a result of individual/collective opinions - although, obviously management retains the ability to consider all relevant factors and make the final decision); the results of the poll should certainly influence what type of scenes are being shot (even a small sample size will yield meaningful results, because respondents will be essentially randomized among the viewing population, and generally this will give an accurate idea of the overall opinion - this concept has already been proven in many other disciplines, and should be general knowledge - there is no doubt the poll results are meaningful to a significant extent, even considering the sample size.), however, they are not the only part.
However, management has also decided to run polls, and otherwise inquire about consumer opinion(which has had a decidedly positive influence on scene quality
Whether or not someone "really enjoys" something is essentially an irrelevant consideration in these cases.
DudeMan101 wrote:My only thought on this topic is these forums are separate from the actual site. Someone mentioned it earlier, but anyone can sign up without having spent a dime. Taking that into consideration, it's hard to put much weight on any feedback within this forum when it isn't tied to paying members. I believe this forum should be tied to user accounts on LP. This way, only paying members can use the forum and feedback would be more meaningful.
I'm a member at Brazzers (for now anyway) and the forum is tied to the paid account. That's how it should be done everywhere.
dap-addict wrote:As long as we dont have obvious non LP sex menue trolls here I wouldnt say that.
Somebody may have his membership rested for a month for financial reasons, sb else is just waiting to get his credit card approved, try to decide what to spend his tickets on ect, why be so exclusive and not listen to likely-customer polls? As said for the LP content producers it is sales figures at first sombined with customers wishes giving future scenes directions.
Or: Why shouldnt we say what content we want to be produced for us to buy - even if this question is summed up also in an easy readable poll?
wason wrote:You find what viewers want(using a variety of methods - including sales, polls, individual opinions, among other things), you find individuals who are willing/able to do these things, you find a price, and you go from there. Whether or not someone "really enjoys" something is essentially an irrelevant consideration in these cases. If the poll shows that the most popular category was "anal only", then it makes sense to immediately consider shooting more "anal only" scenes, regardless of performer preference(of course performers would be aware of what will happen in a scene, and can make the decision beforehand whether or not to participate)
I think a lot of porn fans live in a dream world starting to believe the sexual fantasies they buy.
tgcfc26 wrote:You have taken my use of whatever far too literally. Do you honestly believe my point was to start letting women fuck men in the ass with that comment ? I think you know full well what I meant, but instead you've decided to be a smart ass.
There are plenty of examples of companies with a big profile and success that don't bend over backwards to cater to the whims of all their customers. Now if you're talking about website functionality, costing, scene bugs or issues, general support or even models we'd like to see, then yes, I think the customer is the top priority; but I don't agree when it comes to the individual opinions on scene content. By your logic, suggestions from people of bondage, or anal being disgusting so they don't wanna see it, that you've shot down in the past, should surely have full credibility and be catered for or they risk failing as a company.
My issue is specifically about a forums suggestions deciding what a scene consists of, or the specific way the women should get fucked. I'd rather this was left up to the company/performers, and they got their feedback from sales, rather than open it up to any random Tom, Dick and Harry. I don't particularly like a scenario where one of these girls is told, today we are going to ignore this or that because of the results of a poll. This to me is counterproductive in terms of how good the scene and her performance/enjoyment could be, and in turn, ultimately impacts us....imo.
DudeMan101 wrote:Note: If I say "you", I don't mean you personally. I'm using it to represent the people.
What makes members a "likely-customer"? Why are they more likely to be a potential customer than a pirate? If you aren't putting money into LP, why should your opinion matter?
If you are waiting to get your credit card approved, then you can wait to start posting. If you have tickets, then you are already a paying customer. So whether you're waiting to spend them on something, it doesn't matter, you get access because you already paid. If you stop purchasing tickets for financial reasons, then that's life. When you make it back up on your feet you can start purchasing again and join the community again.
It's not so much about exclusivity. It's about customers being heard, not the pirates. One way to do it, if you want to keep it open, is to have a section for customers only. Non-customers can still participate in model discussion, etc., but paying customers can access a section where only their voices can be heard.
As you say, why shouldn't we say what content we want to be produced? I agree with that with the caveat that only customers should have the say. The members should prove they support the company before having their opinion have any weight.
evil-pineapples wrote:The major problem with this line of thinking is that some customers purchase scenes in bulk instead of memberships. They're still paying customers who deserve to have their voices heard, but they don't pay a monthly rate.
tgcfc26 wrote:I think a lot of porn fans live in a dream world starting to believe the sexual fantasies they buy.
Make a stupid comment that's clearly aimed at me, and then thank me for my apology and say peace in the same post. Just to not derail this thread I'm gonna bite my tongue.
I tried to illustrate this earlier with my Matt Damon analogy, but in case that didn't work, here's another one. Imagine you go to your favorite seafood restaurant and order the shrimp, only to be told that's it's no longer available. Dismayed, you ask the waiter, "Why not? Wasn't it popular with the other customers?" He replies that, "Oh no, it was one of the most popular items on the menu. But we just hired a new chef, and he dislikes cooking shrimp. In fact, he's allergic to shellfish. So, we took it off the menu. Instead, why don't you try a steak? He loves cooking steak!" Would this be a reasonable position for the restaurant to take? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just fire the chef, and hire a replacement for him?
Imagine you go to your favorite seafood restaurant and order the shrimp, only to be told that's it's no longer available.
Dismayed, you ask the waiter, "Why not? Wasn't it popular with the other customers?" He replies that, "Oh no, it was one of the most popular items on the menu.
But we just hired a new chef, and he dislikes cooking shrimp. In fact, he's allergic to shellfish. So, we took it off the menu. Instead, why don't you try a steak? He loves cooking steak!" Would this be a reasonable position for the restaurant to take? Wouldn't it make a lot more sense to just fire the chef, and hire a replacement for him?
tgcfc26 wrote:This is my fear with these types of things, they limit the pool at which you have to pick from. Certain girls who may be very popular and great performers, may not get as much screen time because they won't meet a poll results criteria.
Finally polls are just one element. They point to the future whereas sale statistics point to the past. But both are crucial market research elements
tgcfc26 wrote:This is my fear with these types of things, they limit the pool at which you have to pick from. Certain girls who may be very popular and great performers, may not get as much screen time because they won't meet a poll results criteria. As others have said, if this proposal in its current form held more validity, and was reflected by people the management know are going to pay for what they ask for, then yes I suppose you do have to cater to the majority. It still for me has more negative points than positive.
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