stratogustav wrote:Yeah, I don't like cowgirl either.
magizi87 wrote:stratogustav wrote:Yeah, I don't like cowgirl either.
When did I say I don't like cowgirl?
HOW, lol
This is one of my favorite gifs that I have ever done.
It's a cowgirl gif, just saying
pastaga wrote:Could we have more diversity with girls clothes
stratogustav wrote:Yeah, I don't like cowgirl either. My favorites are prone bone, and standing positions which there are a lot of different ones, and doggy is fine too, I just don't like cowgirl or reverse cowgirl.
I understand it has to be done sometimes for DP purposes, but that's the only time it is acceptable. Otherwise it just looks lazy and I rather see the girl getting pounded by the guy deep inside and making it sound.
Subconsciously my hypothesis why many people don't like cowgirl positions is because if it was a rape scenario, that's probably one of the most unlikely positions to see.
Although to be fair guys that are still going through puberty may like cowgirl positions because they just want to see the girl, and that's good enough for them.
magizi87 wrote:Another thing I would like to see
that would make movies become more erotic
would be to connect contextually
scenes that feature the same model.
What I mean, is to somehow connect new scenes
in such a way that they seem to be a continuation of an older scene.
But that minimize or don't require much dialogue or acting.
For example.
I while back I read an erotic story
(I forgot the author or the story title, my bad)
Me being me, it was for sure on the realm of gangbang + non-con
It was about a secretary, a beautiful one, heh,
who got blackmailed, I think she got caught selling information
about her employer, or otherwise betraying her company for profit,
and she was forced to become the company's pet.
She would go to work, wearing skimpy clothes,
forced to crawl instead of a walk from one office to the next
and be at the mercy of her horny coworker's whims.
So one scene, say on Monday, she does a lesbian scene,
Tuesday she services the guys who go to the lunch area,
on Friday her boss tells her to work a "deal" with a group of new customers.
People who buy the series would get a higher Kick,
because the "story" makes it more erotic.
stratogustav wrote:....
Subconsciously my hypothesis why many people don't like cowgirl positions is because if it was a rape scenario, that's probably one of the most unlikely positions to see.
Although to be fair guys that are still going through puberty may like cowgirl positions because they just want to see the girl, and that's good enough for them.
rroper472 wrote:Don't use the word rape
stratogustav wrote:rroper472 wrote:Don't use the word rape
I hear you man. We are at that point in social conditioning that we can't even use certain words anymore to communicate because someone would get offended, like you can't say retard for example, it is getting absurd, but that's the world we live in.
It reminds of 90's Evangelical movement where they would call everything Satanic, and judge normal people for that, saying they are with the devil. Hopefully we can evolve as a society and move away from this level of stupidity.
It is ruining lots of lives. I have seem women, and men, adopting all these idiotic narratives and starting to become depressed, feeling like victims, and powerless. It is very sad what these PC movements are doing to the world.
Hopefully it will change. Those kind of things can't last.
stratogustav wrote:Heads up, I think Chris Diamond is a great performer, and his size is excellent for porn. However for some weird reason I don't like seeing him in videos, I have no idea why, it is just one of those situations where it just happens.
I do have some videos with him that I got by mistake, but I tend to avoid getting videos where he is performing, so that's probably why I haven't seen those videos you are referring to.
I hope that answers your question.
About the rape thing, it's a fantasy thing, you don't need to be PC about it, no one wants to rape anyone, just like no one wants to kill anyone, yet in fantasy we like to see action movies and we often cheer for people to get killed in movies, like the bad guys.
It doesn't mean in real life we want anyone to get killed or raped, if that's the case your brain is likely broken and you need to get checked ASAP.
If you can't understand a simple concept like that, like the difference between wanting something in fantasy versus wanting it in reality, then you may also need some serious help as well. I'm not saying you do, I hope that's not the case, and that it is just a misunderstanding from your side.
I hope that answers that question.
DPraved wrote: I have female friends who are afraid to walk home alone after a night out, fearing to get attacked an raped, and when I read something that suggests a cultural tolerance towards this crime, I get genuinely mad. This is not political correctness, it's a real fucking problem.
DPraved wrote:I have female friends who are afraid to walk home alone after a night out, fearing to get attacked an raped, and when I read something that suggests a cultural tolerance towards this crime, I get genuinely mad. This is not political correctness, it's a real fucking problem.
grey00owl wrote:DPraved wrote: I have female friends who are afraid to walk home alone after a night out, fearing to get attacked an raped, and when I read something that suggests a cultural tolerance towards this crime, I get genuinely mad. This is not political correctness, it's a real fucking problem.
I have much respect for your opinion and concern, but I think it's not justified. As already stated, nobody here is claiming for rape or for tolerating it. It's a vile crime that deserves to be condemned and prosecuted. But fantasy and reality are two well distinct things.
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