berlim wrote:They were wanting a lot of scenes in a short time, and after she became popular, the money offered was little. But she said she likes to record.
justinwarren41 wrote:I know that AGO will make a big push. Angelo is a big fan of Kelly's. He had started his new studio and was pretty much done as a performer and then Kelly shows in Prague and the next thing you know he is working as male talent for Gonzo out of nowhere. Haha can't blame, Kelly O is absolute goddess. I hope she does all 3! Fingers crossed
Eduardosilva060401 wrote:She's in Prague! Giorgio, Gonzo or AGO?
GuyMontag1701 wrote:She's in Berlin now...
email2022BCN wrote:Hello to all friends of the beautiful Kelly Oliveira porn scenesI have a good collection of videos that I would like to share and comment on a streaming room on the kosmi platform. If anyone is interested, please contact me
Eduardosilva060401 wrote:Recently she published some videos on her IG telling how her life is going, she is currently with a guy in Germany (Sugar Daddy), but he is not her boyfriend and that the contract with him ends in 6 months. And she doesn't intend to renew.
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