August 19th, 2022 was her last published scene for Yummy Estudio:
viewtopic.php?f=104&t=30924&p=759323#p706667The real shooting probably took place in July. What is going on?! Larissa is an original Yummy Icon. It would be a shame if she lost her job @ Yummy and that her Yummy tenure would be over. Will she be back for Christmas/New Years Eve/ Holiday scenes???? And what does Yummy/Mambo Perv have in mind for cute Larissa in 2023???? She deserves to get at least 25-50 more scenes....

jackthetreacleeater wrote:Unfortunately Larissa seems to be slumming it in quite low quality Brazilian porn at the moment, which is a shame. Although I get the impression Larissa is a total fuck doll and pretty freaky, so doesn't mind doing all this weird shit.
dankefuerinteresse wrote:Rough Comeback 2023?
jackthetreacleeater wrote:I wish Yummy would get Larissa and her amazing titties back into their studio, she's totally wasted in these low standard productions.
xxxVIPERxxx wrote:If she could go to GIO would help her sales, and her porn career.
After almost 1 year gone from LP (preferring/focussing on low budget and low paid brazilian productions with shitty cameras, bad lighting, shemales, midgets, and a couple of fetish scenes), Larissa Leite is back. See: Twit @yummyestudio / @larissaleite69 and Insta: yummyestudio.2 (she should start her own insta again and post a huge amount of behind the scenes/private content again without referring to porn stuff which will get her banned again). Anyway, as you can see on the yummy's social media, she looks very happy in the studio dancing and all smiles. I'll let others re-post previews. P.S. she looks great without or with minimal make-up: would make nice scenes.
1. Don't let her be the one who got away. Continue to make her one of Yummy's Icons in the coming months/years. Give her a contract for 25-50 or more scenes.
2. Where is Mambo Perv? They should invest in her too. Big tits (no tattoo) are missing from that studio. I think it would be nice to see her in intros, in normal clothing, outside the porn studio, doing all sorts of fun and tourstic and /or everyday brazilian stuff. It would be nice to get to learn the person/personality/cloting style/hobby and interests of this model a bit more thorugh these parts and not only treat her like fuck meat. MP is the only studio who does some cool "lifestyle" intros or mini vlogs. Yummy not as far as I know. She should make lifesyle vlogs on her own.
And of course, I echo the sentiments to bring her to Europe and shoot for multiple LP studios and other professional european content makers. Maybe hook her up to a professional Euro agency for her Euro tours. Brillbabes now they are part of WGCZ?
3. Way too little focus on tits and tit play and clothing which accentuate the breast. Sometimes it's as if there is more focus on the positions and the guys ffs. Let her and her body be the main focus. Maybe latex/leather dress where tits are out. Her tits should be the main focus. Long solo stuff. Long solo tit massage and legs focus. If she'd do solo tit play stuff (and have her own studio on pornbox) there would be a lot of interest for sure. Anyway, this remains a good posistion where the breasts wiggle nicely while getting fucked: (url shortener since twit links can't be posted): full body shots and not going too quickly to another shot/position. Long shots with wiggly tits is where it's at.