There must be more for sure because commercialization is an ideal PR point.
Anyway, here we have Katty West, who basically just added a few hearts:

Katty, it's not very romantic, but please remember I want your DAPbreakin' in 2023!

Kira Thorn wrote:I don't celebrate the Valentine's day, same as i don't celebrate New year, Christmas or what ever like this.
Today is the same normal day for me but unique and miracle one identically as every moment of the Life is just a fairy tale.
The pattern is broken inside of me:)
Because i consider the rules of the society but don't follow them.
Sending "happy Valentine's day" copy paste isn't my habit (personaly i don't find any sense in this action for now) and you can find me sleeping in New year Eve instead of watching fire work polution or doing polution of my body by eating tones of food at night just because it's the tradition (not even ancient one).
dap-addict wrote:3 more special Valentine's Day pics by our LP girls, retired or active:
Barbie Esm with a nice flower-heart box:
Lina Luxa with a simple delicate red heart:
Mary Jane with Valentine's Day greetings from Italy:
dap-addict wrote:
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