Sasha Beart to my knowledge hasn't been for porn work in Prague since end 2021.
Still AGO released her 1on1 intro in mid June only, which means it has been in the box for 7mt already! Later we got 2 of her DAPs in early July end end of July, i.e. 7-8mt in the AGO box. Sasha Beart actually worked Oct-Nov for GIO and than also took part in gonzo's X-mas scene. AGO must have shot their scenes just after or maybe just before those bookings. Given it is Sasha Beart it was rather after GIO.
Another detail in planning is her changed hair style. Because thus she looks different.
Advantage for user is we get scenes by a girl when others have already published all they had in their box. And we get more of a girl. Advantage for girl is she has more jobs during the same work stay, i.e. she earns more money during her working session.
Advantage for studio is trip is usually payed by first inviter, here GIO. Test might have to be re-done, here it is trickier, but test is often payed by girl anyway.