Did the micro brain of the tooth fairy from Budapest melt again???? Pierre andre nicolas gerbier (pierre woodman) AKA "Mr. Clean" himself. Pierre andre nicolas gerbier (pierre woodman): "I would like just some people do not try use the death of kai taylor to promote themselves !!!"
Pierre andre nicolas gerbier (pierre woodman):
-"It's amazing how many assholes surround us and how when you die so many of them pretend they were your friend just to make a show for themselves !!!"
A few moments later.....
"I was the one of the only person who tried always make him feel good"
-"Always the huge friendship was on the top"
-"Kai was in the restaurant with
me the afternoon before his death. He called her [his girlfriend blue angel] because he was crying of happiness after
I told him some funny crazy jokes and he was happy to tell [his girlfriend] blue [angel] those stories !!!"
-"Just a few moments before he quits this world he sends
me a voice message that I will keep forever and his last words at the end was:
"I LOVE YOU PIERRE bye bye"-"Honestly when
I listen to him the tears goes to
my eyes and it makes me sad
I did not see his call maybe
I will have been able to stop him"
-"It's important to
me that he told
me this.
We were a family for him".
Shit, if that isn't the pott calling the kettle black than I don't know what is for fuck's sake!!
Lots of ME ME ME ME , I I I I. Typycal narcissism.
Pierre andre nicolas gerbier's problem is that he is
JEALOUS of Rocco Siffredi and that the whole biz goes to Rocco to aks them about Kai Taylor. CRYBABY pierre stomps his tiny feet on the ground and crying: "but I was Kai's best top friend, not rocco". "NOT FAIR, NOT Fair, Not FAIRRRRR!!!!!!"
A few moments later.....
Even after the death of pierre andre nicolas gerbier's "supposed" top friend.....he can't help himself to be in competition with his enemy rocco siffredi.....Crying: "who was the true top buddy of kai????"
After rocco siffredi gets all the attention in little piere's eyes....little pierre is top angry!!!!
Little pierre already showed his jealously of big dick rocco siffredi on multiple occasions once rocco quit their toxic "friendship" by speaking about rocco siffredi on multiple occasions on his forum using one of his millions of troll accounts again (even one named after his enemy blueshadow ffs).
P.S. Notice that April 9th was the last time someone posted in the rocco siffredi topic (because FANS DON"T CARE!! THEY ONLY CARE ABOUT PORN).
Then miracuously May 2th that message was posted
right at the time rocco was working on some projects with kai taylor.....
Pierre andre nicolas gerbier's (pierre woodman) modus operandi. Use the main account pierre woodman to neutralize the harm done by the post he made using his troll account!!! and show the world I am "mr. clean" and have a good heart/soul. HHHHHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHH!!!!!!!!
How do we
also know this troll account is used by pierre andre nicolas gerbier?
Just check the history of that account with the few posts. NEVER talks about porn. ONLY is used to write posts to help the main account pierre woodman or to help create a certain narrative that is usefull for the main account pierre woodman.
"blueworld's" first post by that account was used to help set up a narrative and insult pierre woodman. Yes, that's right, this masochist always insults himself so that gerbier then cam defend himself with his main account pierre woodman and show everybody that he is under constant attack by his so called "haters". HILAROUS!!!!!! Sometimes he goes on to ban that troll account (=himself). Sometimes not.