I'm getting really tired of just about every thread turning into a pity party for the girls, and all the accusations of misogyny and other bullshit. It would be totally different if these girls were being forced to do things they don't want to do. But that's clearly not the case. If you don't believe me, ask EP. He has seen firsthand what goes on behind the scenes, and he has said several times that none of the girls are coerced or forced into doing anything. Everything they do is their choice to do it.
I think some of you guys have been listening to the fucking anti-porn propaganda that so many feminists preach now. Either that, or you are living in some fantasy land. As I said in another thread:
Tastes Like Ass wrote:So many people on here act like porn is supposed to be nothing but fun, fun, fun, and if it's not, then the girl is being "exploited" or mistreated in some way.
Do you people think that being a waitress or a secretary is nothing but fun, fun, fun? Don't you think they are frequently asked to do things they don't enjoy as part of their job? Does that mean they are being "exploited" or that their bosses are all misogynists?
If doing porn was nothing but fun, fun, fun, it wouldn't be a job; it would be a hobby.
The bottom line is: Yes, Arwen has every right to act like a diva. But if she chooses to do so, we have every right to call her out on it.