Titus1 wrote:Thank you for bringing my attention to this, I hope more videos are tagged, makes it so much easier to find videos i will enjoy, Many thanks!
Deeprunner wrote:Titus1 wrote:Thank you for bringing my attention to this, I hope more videos are tagged, makes it so much easier to find videos i will enjoy, Many thanks!
Now we need an only White man tag to be fair.
Deeprunner wrote:Titus1 wrote:Thank you for bringing my attention to this, I hope more videos are tagged, makes it so much easier to find videos i will enjoy, Many thanks!
Now we need an only White man tag to be fair.
drevokocur66 wrote:You can't do that, because that... Would be racist.
TheVulture wrote:drevokocur66 wrote:You can't do that, because that... Would be racist.
Ha! You can't say that - it's hypocritical. The fact is that both "only black men" or "only white men" are of themselves racist but with the black guys I guess they don't mind as it's meant in a complimentary sense. The old thing "Waka Waka Blacks Are Coming" is definitely racist though. I dunno about the "waka waka" thing - probably a tribal reference or something and well-meaning enough - but "blacks"!!?? WTF? That should never have been allowed.
I was concerned when I saw someone talk about "Black Dicks Matter" as a heading recently. That would be grossly offensive. Fortunately I haven't seen this used officially yet. The Black Lives Matter campaign is a very serious one that everyone should support regardless of ethnicity and is not something to be trivialised or made fun of in any way. If LP or anyone else uses this then the black male performers should boycott it, plain and simple. I would not be able to buy those scenes with good conscience so wouldn't. I did with the Waka Waka ones because I assumed that the tag was a bit of a clumsy mistake rather than anything malicious (as I assume did the guys themselves) but Black Dicks Matter would not have that excuse. Please LP do not consider using that tag.
Yes to BBC scenes etc. No real problem with that and I will admit that I like seeing white girls with just black guys. But for me it's mainly about the fucking quality of the guys. I don't really see the skin colour too much.
drevokocur66 wrote:You missed the sarcasm in my post. And ALL lives matter. If they started a White lives matter organization, it would be called what it is... racist, just like BLM. If they called it Black lives matter too, I could kinda see that, but again, ALL lives matter.
TheVulture wrote:drevokocur66 wrote:You missed the sarcasm in my post. And ALL lives matter. If they started a White lives matter organization, it would be called what it is... racist, just like BLM. If they called it Black lives matter too, I could kinda see that, but again, ALL lives matter.
Ha! Well I'm not going to get too deeply into this as this is a porn and not political forum but I do think you miss the point of BLM. I'm guessing you're white (same as me). So the thing is, BLM is not about us. It's about black people addressing systemic racism that has lasted centuries. Of course "all lives matter". That goes without saying. But it's a trite comment. We don't need a White Lives Matter movement, because unless I've missed something there are not countless examples of white people suffering systemic racism at the hands of black people. You could maybe find some very limited examples like white farmers in Zimbabwe under Mugabe. But that is small beer compared to the millions of black people who suffer discrimination, assault, even murder etc. This is a movement for them and it is important. Don't debase it with pithy, reductionist rhetoric.
Mister Ananas wrote:Porn has always engaged in this deliberate stoking of racial divisions. I think you would be hard-pressed to find a company that hasn’t had a brush with it. Doesn’t make it right, but there you go.
Even the tried-and-true “BBC” and “interracial” descriptors are not exactly fantastic, and that’s not even touching on the numerous sites that market themselves explicitly along racial lines, e.g. Blacked, BBCPie, Dogfart (worst name ever), or even the more problematic names like BlackAmbush and GhettoGaggers.
How do you acknowledge race in porn without invoking these kinds of awkward conversations? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think you can. I’ve considered dropping racial tags entirely from my stuff entirely, but y’know, you’ve gotta factor in sales and all that…
TheVulture wrote:There’s nothing wrong with referencing the black nature of male performers but trivialising a hugely important movement like Black Lives Matter is simply wrong.
For a while now forum posters have been using the term "Black Dicks Matter" in a (sour) throwaway manner and I had hoped and expected that LP in good sense would have left the term there (ie in the margins of the forum). Sadly I was wrong.
I just hope that the male performers themselves will put pressure on LP to remove it. Surely they can't be happy with that? Most if not all of them must surely support the Black Lives Matter movement? If so it's hard to think that they wouldn't be offended by this.
Mister Ananas wrote:I’m just gonna be real with you, and I’m saying this from personal experience, most people who get super offended about this stuff are white liberals.
Starrio wrote:Don't listen to Vulture he is a recurrent troll...
dap-addict wrote:Vulture is not a troll at all!
Starrio wrote:It is so bad that because I'm using religious references he probably believes I'm saying he is religious, that's how bad the situation with these people is.
TheVulture wrote:Starrio wrote:It is so bad that because I'm using religious references he probably believes I'm saying he is religious, that's how bad the situation with these people is.
Oh I only just noticed that bit. This after saying "his whole dogma, god and religious beliefs is pure political nonsense".
Does anyone have any idea what any of this means? It just sounds like Trumpian gibberish to me.
Starrio wrote:Exactly what I thought, dude didn't understand a thing, brainwashing at its finest.
Starrio wrote:Patreons of pretty much every bought / sold out media outlet on the planet, they mask themselves as human rights advocates, but once you see what they do with countries' politics you can blatantly see their hidden agendas hypocrisy and dirty influence, responsible for countless acts of violence around the world and lives wasted by inciting them to fight and protest without any regards for human freedoms and liberties.
Starrio wrote:The economic policies aren't what really matter
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