Very good reviews on her Insta too

Lot's of cool comments and many likes.
I hope the translations are okay.

Aside from the sex acts and the debuts thereof, as expected from the previews on social media, this themed porn scene is really nicely done with lots of eye for details (like the text on the straight jacket, the clothing of the boys, and the make-up on Cris). Guys could've had some make-up on their faces and hands/arms/legs too to make them look more dirty/unwashed asif just out of prison.
The short part at the gate where she tries to escape and where Vinny and the boys drag her back inside was TOP. Maybe the only thing missing was to make the room a bit more spooky/creepy/dirty in accordance with the theme of the scene. With some chains with ball around her ankles and hand-cuffs/restraints for her wrists, or some "torture" tools/ empty bottles and a dirty blanket, laying on the ground for decoration sake. That painting on the wall was a bit off for example.
Here are some great ideas for inspiration for future themed scenes: As a movie buff, as said, one can recollection of all kinds of flicks like Gothika, or the infamous escape from the mental hospital by Michael Myers in The horror classic: "Halloween" (1978): ... 45831.html