Lord. Some of you people and your IR obsessions.
FIrst off, as Yum said, we're in the middle of a pandemic and talent of all forms is limited. So to immediately assume "she has a preference not to" without her saying so is speculative nonsense.
Second, she got into the game with Nik and that crew and is clearly comfortable shooting with them so it's not surprising a majority of her less-than-a-dozen scenes in the industry are with them. Not to mention a bunch of those are solo scenes.
Third, and I don't know how many times I'll have to say this on this damn forum, but if a girl doesn't want to shoot IR (at least in the US) it's usually because they don't like to perpetuate "harmful stereotypes" of black men (i.e. "the overly dominant sexual deviant" idea that got several people lynched in earlier times) and not because they themselves are racist.
Now I'm speculating myself here but I don't think she's far enough in her career to have thought about this at all. So don't slap her with the RACISM card just yet.
And... maybe don't suggest they get several black dudes to gang rape her "as payback for her racism." That's pretty fucked up