by wason » Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:24 pm
Well, if Nacho is the most requested actor, then I guess this is an indication that the voting system has quite some value. He is in fact the best actor, by far, that LP has featured recently(i.e. best combo of size/performance that will appeal to widest audience). I have said this for a while.
Initially I was quite concerned, due to -
1) sample size, and the fact that voting would have an "immediate" effect: voting always has some value, however, it seems like particularly many forum members(who may be more aware of the poll) seem to lack the ability to accurately assess the performance of male actors, and favor male actors who are lacking in either size, performance, or both. Similarly they have serious issues understanding what constitutes a generally good scene(one that will appeal to the widest audience), or understanding the industry in general. The "immediecy" of the voting did not necessarily seem positive in this context (however, first indications are that things may be fine- Nacho).
2) "Surprising results" were mentioned... To me this would have indicated that some poor/mediocre actor like Vinny/Mike Angelo, was one of the most popular. These guys are terrible for the Sineplex style. Lacking in size/performance, boring mediocre. Compare scenes from 2011 with Jamaica/Junior/Carlos or Recent scenes with Nacho - with any Vinny/Angelo scene. Nothing personal but Vinny/Angelo scenes are very poor in comparison.
The fact that Nacho was selected most popular would not have been surprising at all (assuming an accurate system). He is the best performer currently featured on LP.
Regarding the poll: Ultimately the poll is not necessarily about particular actors. It is about which actors possess the best combination of size and performance. These are the only qualities which will be fundamentally relevant to the widest viewing audience (Personal preferences of other physical characteristics, etc, should be irrelevant, and solved by sufficient sample size, or manually considered). The question is not "which actors do you want see" The question is ultimately "what actors possess the most optimal qualities of size and performance (the qualities that will fundamentally appeal to the widest audience)". And a certain threshold of both, is necessary in order to be a good, or exceptional actor(for Sineplex Style scene). Sufficient deficit in either quality = not good for Sineplex quality scene.
Other than Nacho(which was an accurate result), it hard to see how effective the poll will be.
But, the Ranking of Actors, as such (size/performance/sineplex quality:
1) Best- could be featured in every scene: Jamaica, Junior, Carlos, Nacho, Danny D, potentially Chris Diamond,
a lot of other Brazilian actors.
2) Good but not best: Clay, Omar(if still in prime he could be one of best), Ian Scott, Roccaforte, Jon Jon,
3) Borderline - if there is lack of other better actors: Brooklyn, Markus, Juan
4) Very poor, should never be featured on LP: Vinny, Angelo, Charlie mac(unless he solves problems), kessef.
Getting back Jamaica, and Junior(which already was supposed to happen) would dramatically increase the quality of scenes. Not to mention getting some other Brazilian actors. There are a lot of very good ones. Who casted Jamaica/Junior/Carlos for Sineplex initially? SOS? Someone else who did the casting? Just let that guy cast the male actors again - he obviously knew what he was doing. The male talent is ok right now, but not anywhere near up to Sineplex standard.