I am having some real problem with the attestation!
I have tried it 2 times now and have only one shoot left before I need a new credit card.
The thing is.
They ask me about the currency of my bank account. I'm from Sweden so my internetbank is in Swedish currency. So the amounts that comes in to my account is in "swedish kronor". I therefor took currency Euro. Then when I get the payment from gtfcharge, the amount is still in swedish. I "translated" it too Euro an typed it in at the end of the attestation progress. It didn't work. I also tried to type in the swedish amount, that of course didnt work because the amount would be too big. Then I tried to put in US dollar, and that didnt work either. And all my attempts were gone. I tried again and this time it didnt work either.
If anyone had the same problem please help me. I dont want to get a new credit card!