Caveman39 wrote:We don't know if those dreadlocks are real or not.
I do. Of course, I'm not 100%-sure, but you can see it's fabric if you look closely, it looks like threads.
Caveman39 wrote:They're certainly not simple clip-ons you can just put out of your hair in a minute
Yep. But what's funny is you gave the link to her Instagram, so that means you saw her photos. And at many of them she has "simple" blue hair.
Caveman39 wrote:Bottomline it stanks.
I bet it smells good. You can wash it everyday. Let's be honest: you didn't speak to girls with hairs like hers in real life. But I did.
Caveman39 wrote:"degenerate/outlaw of society who does porn because she can't get a normal job any longer due to all that shit regarding her appearance that is going on".
Oh my… You're not a porn pope, right?
So that means 99% of girls at LP could get a normal job, because they look normal. But somehow they're in porn. So maybe their look is not the point here. There are several jobs you can work with tattoos etc., some jobs even welcome tattoos, though it's not necessary/required (like tattoo artist or alt model). She knew what she did and why. But still, tattooed or not, all this girls like big money and fame, even if it's porn star fame, questionable and controversial. Kira Thorn and Nicole Black are not labrarians somehow, even with their "normal" look.
Caveman39 wrote:In any business you do not do what you like, you do what makes sense and what makes money. That's the only way to survive. Directors get paid by the amount of scenes they sell. If they do not sell or if a girl selling ability is deemed doubtful, they're out.
So why did Rocco shoots her then? See man, you contradict yourself. I'm always upset with recommending alternative models, but fun thing is all the other sites books them and shoot them. And every time new tattoed girl is on LP, but more likely at IV, not GG, she's in top selling scenes. Luna Lovely, Sammie Six – I wanted to recommend them, but I was like "Well, I already know the answer". But then IV shoots them, and their scenes with them sells pretty good, and all the comments are good, even with "I'm not into tattoos" reference.
Caveman39 wrote:If you are a fan like you seem to be, you sure don't have basic skills on how to look up a person on Google.
I'm not her fan, just have disovered her. And yes, I thought it's hard to find a girl with so common words in her name. I did googled things like "Lady Blue model" and "Lady Blue porn", but didn't found anything. Actually, thanks. Now we have her contacts in this topic. Bad thing we can't edit our posts after some time, for some stange reason.
Caveman39 wrote:By the way, a couple of days ago she got in in the asshole by Rocco.
How do you know that? And see, Rocco shoots her. Everybody's shooting girls I usually don't even try to recommend here, because when I do, it's always like "She's got tattoos, meh, her scenes wouldn't sell well". And then those girls appear even on top sites like Brazzers. Maybe all the porn directors are "foools", including Rocco, and only LP knows something we don't, though even here IV aren't afraid to shoot alt girls.