''Anyway it was the first and last time I did a contract with a model. I have made hundreds of moral agreements before and after that but never again on paper ...''-Moral agreements? No trying to manipulate someone at your will is called 'moral agreements'?
Porn world remains a business, and in the business willingly or unwillingly, it's a question of money, how do you pretend to have an exclusivity by someone without the "professional" model having something in return or is somehow also favored by exclusivity? A contract also serves to protect the model.
Obviously he tries to have "exclusives" trying to manipulate the new girl with words instead of a contract (cheaper ...), sometimes it works, sometimes not (but it is a calculated risk), but in the end who care? In the end he has nothing to lose, only the model can lose something if in the meantime, as often happens, she retires, but has given up on other potential works.
I have a clearly example of that:
Aisha Lark casting, the model after the casting was so happy that she said ''now I want to always anal!'' But of course the good grandfather (without ulterior motives...yeah...) immediately tries to dampen her enthusiasm, saying better to speak with your agent and blah blah blah, the manipulation had already started, and this not because he really cares of the model, but because he cares only of his business, if a girl like anal and want to do that and don't see other motivation to stop her in doing more anal.
With Aisha Lark worked, she retired after 1 and half year, losing a good amount of money without anal. With Ginebra Bellucci did't worked. And so on. He always try, sometime works, sometime not, but in the end he have only to earn with stolen exclusivity.
Or also first DP, I still remember when he tried to ''screw '' Lexi Lowe with an improvised DP (very PROFESSIONAL !!), she refused (but unfortunately not all the girls are mature like her and react in the same way) PW's reaction was not beautiful to see ... And is all online, anyone can check the facts.
''But yes I spended 8000 euros last fall on the twins but only after I got them front of me together and I even did not know Lady Zee had a twins sister when she left Budapest. I decided to shoot more at the condition their agency keep them anal exclusive for me until march.
Sadly the month after they went at the circus without their agent told me anything and of course I was furious because I did not know at this time they will become my second sale of 2019.''-Oh yes, we all know that he like to put condition...
So in practice: if you keep the anal exclusivity (without a regular contract!! And without any duty.) I will give you more work, this at my home is more close to blackmail. Or at least there is a kind of psychological pressure. Depends on point of view... It's a promise of more subsequent works.
As before, I can give an other example (that anyone can judge how they want, I just leave the facts):
In the second casting interview of Aspen Richardsen she say clearly: ''You fucked my ass but then you never give me that movie (his production) work...''
This can mean nothing or all, it depends. Things that people can easily check, but maybe I should stop to give facts, people want fakes.
''People knowing me, even some people who dislike me, know how much I hate escorting and on top hate to paid for sex. It's a non sens for many people to tell that when you paid a girl after the sex she did with you or your team, but read the internet and you'll see how many girls explain they never knew anything about money with me until all was not finished. Even recently I was answering on ADT to someone about Emma Hix, so I did some search about her firt anal and also first DP. I found out she said she ignored even she will have sex with me and even less about anal sex, reason why she was not perfectly clean and today she regrets it !!!''Well pay before... after...it's just a temporal question...
BTW I only questioning myself (because I'm very curious, curiosty is fundamental for learning things) if a girl has sex with someone (we are speaking in general, and in a hypotetically way) and is then paid without having a scene to show can be considered adult entertainment work.
A young and fresh girl should know the difference between adult model work and other things...
And the 99% of the girl on WCX that have more scene did ''something'' after the interview, even if you don't will see.
Emma Hix of course now she regret it (after she have understood how business work for real), was manipulated good. XD
''Also, and I will conclude on that, when people accuse me to brainwash a girl to not go at the circus yes if it's a newbie just starting porn with me I tell her the priority is to learn this business and become strong enough to handle the impact of a harcore scene as they do there. The simple fact all serious agency refuse to send newbies to them is clear I think and as nothing to do with me.''Dear Woodman, the problem isn't LP. Girls can do anal also for other production apart LP you know? You try to block anal, not LP (LP is just a consequence).
(Of course there is no problem to convince a 'newbie' to do anal/DP/piss on her first scene... very softcore LOL)
Let's see if Alisia Wonderland (girl that you are very advertising, and for which he says she is free to work for any production she wants..) will do anal... Bwahahahahah
And no need to degrade anything (we have also speak good when the facts are good, beauty from the east, private etc.) we say fact, people can judge, But there are many idiots in this world. You can agree with me on this point...