So which is the real reason of LP/AV is dying?

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Re: So which is the real reason of LP/AV is dying?

Postby hyapet » Thu Feb 13, 2025 7:29 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:try to imagine that a girl had a target of 15,000/month
before, she had to do a couple of scenes with me, a tour in Budapest and maybe even some scenes in Czechia and in her country of origin
every month, travelling and so on.
after one year or so, or she became someone, or she is left with a few producers still calling her... and her revenue drops to a few thousand... she maybe join escorting to round up with a little extra money... so, she take risks she doesnt like to take

now, she reaches that target by fucking with her sex-buddies and chatting on the phone in one year or so and it keeps going for years... basically for ever.

a lot less problems and trouble, to earn more money on the long run with a more stable life.

then maybe she goes to the private club and gets fucked by 20 people, does DP and drink gallon of pee
believe me, we still have sex freak in porn, they just do it without a camera and/or when they wish smt more hot or extreme

extreme sex act did not create a parallel market because those were things that were too extreme for the model to perform. its just that a different market sucked away the models.

This happens in JAV all the time. Actually, it's part of the process of many of the girls in the industry.

The girl, typically always an unknown (but complete and utter jaw dropping beauty) comes into studios and starts shooting some real degrading porn (pissing -and- scat). That then is her resume for a whole series of brothels who have some very rich men willing to pay some very high prices for engaging in the same acts found in those videos on said girl. Especially seeing as she was in the video to begin with - they are lusting specifically after her - in turn increasing the profit she can make through her stint at a, literal, whore house.

After this winds down - she returns to the industry to refresh her resume - and the cycle continues until ... whenever she decides to opt out of it.

To be fair - that is Japan. They have a culture that is intrinsically different to that in the West - where the women are looked down upon more - but in turn are more willing to engage in said acts. It's an odd mix.

Whereas here in the West - thanks to capital Fuck You Feminism and Girl Power and All Men Are Trash - the intrinsic trust a performer has between herself and her agent or prospective employer already starts out in a bad spot. She looks at everyone in the industry with a very weary eye. And quite honestly - considering some of what can be found in said industry - that's probably for the best for the girl. Thing is ...

Getting girls to commit long term, or go in on things that require her to ramp up the ladder breaks quickly, only to then lose her worth after she's done them and be able to acquire (95% of the time) a lot less for performing the same acts - the girls by this point probably know what's up with the industry. If they're at all knowledgeable about it. If they talk to any of the other girls who are already inside of it. If they run into anybody who's that Capital Fuck You Feminism type (who are a dime a dozen these days - to be found anywhere) that would be more than happy to tell her all about the lurid and unsavory men waiting to jump on her like animals and leave her in the poor house afterwards.

God knows there's enough actual examples to back that point of view up.

So, if an alternative like turning on a camera with some trusted friends, and performing the same acts but for a small following of dedicated fans or new arrivals is the alternative, then it makes sense they would opt for that instead.

Thing is though ... this might all be changing very soon. And by very soon, I mean within weeks.

The holy grail of AI porn seems to have been found - they're now bringing it out of the temple as we speak.

It seems the Chinese mega-corporation TenCent went all in on it's own AI program which, unlike in the West, they made open source. Meaning - NSFW is fully capable with it.

The program's name is Hunyuan - and it accomplishes what so many Western AI video programs failed to before. It's severely narrowed down the computer system requirements needed for producing a video by simplifying and purifying the process behind it, ironically, making it way better in the process. No longer are images morphing from one thing to another in these programs, rather, by being trained on millions of existing examples of real life pornography, it can separate the background image, and provide a skeleton for the performer at the same time. So, essentially ...

People will be able to start making minutes long AI porn videos that look exactly like real life with ANY model they want (image to video generation) while dictating the camera angle, the procession the shot, and the actions taken within it - if not for free - then for a pretty base rate (seeing as the system requirements to produce it aren't a hundredth as astronomical as it would have been predicted to be).

We're almost there. They released the AI system like ... six weeks ago, and already they've added image to video capabilities (which didn't exist at first), so now there's probably a mad gold rush to be the first website that can have the pre-requisite number of "trained models" to perform any action whilst providing the smoothest and most straight-forward user interface.

What this translates to is - on an Internet that's already absolutely drowned in AI images (which drowns out all of the OF models) - it's now going to be drowned in AI videos as well (which will further negate their ability to be discovered). Not just this - but the number of people who would actually want to look at (or pay for) a model who touches herself for $30 dollars in a video - hee hee (as in, hee haw you fucking pay-pig chump) - can now take her likeness and create -ANY- video they want with that girl inside of it.

It might just be that the actual tent-poles the traditional studios provide - as in - they have a great customer base that actively checks out their content - will become the tools that the OF models need to utilize in order to expand their otherwise small customer bases.

I mean, not only do they have to compete with millions of other girls on the platform itself, but now if somebody types in the EXACT qualifications that would bring up her picture inside of Google, that search is now going to be 50% AI images AND videos?

I've seen a couple videos that were produced with like ... the first generation of this software ... like, not even the first generation, like ... version 0.5, and, like, holy fucking shit, Giorgio.

Holy. Fucking. Shit.

Is it a Nikki Hill BBC DAP yet? Of course not. But it gives the consumer what every other porn studio and OF girl can't. Absolute. Control.

This thing might rock the traditional porn industry so hard that, in order to compete with the imagination of 50,000,000 amateur porn producers - the OF girls will come back and start doing some pretty outrageous shit at the old school studios. Anything to still be able to grab the eyeballs of the consumer.

The key commodity of this, and really, any market.

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Re: So which is the real reason of LP/AV is dying?

Postby davebowman » Fri Feb 14, 2025 10:47 pm

It's not just O.F - girls simply have more avenues to earn $$$ than the traditional porn studio. I'm increasingly seeing a small army of girls on camsites who can fit an insane amounts of giant toys up their backsides (plus fisting and prolapsing etc), and who if they wanted to could clearly have found work at the old LP studios getting double anal gangbanged by real dicks, but are clearly making a good enough living not to even both with traditional porn.

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Re: So which is the real reason of LP/AV is dying?

Postby dap-addict » Fri Feb 21, 2025 6:25 pm

hyapet wrote:It might just be that the actual tent-poles the traditional studios provide - as in - they have a great customer base that actively checks out their content - will become the tools that the OF models need to utilize in order to expand their otherwise small customer bases.

This optimistic POV, however, would need a loyal customer care from porn platforms such as Pornbox/Analvids/Pissvids I dont see here anymore. :( :confused: While I see support working a bit faster and better recently on users side, it seems to be the contrary on producers side. Okay, users are clue as long as there is still traditional porn to be acquired, but creating a huge loyal base needs more efforts than what we have seen last 3 years.

On the other hand I still do see traditional porn as an alternative or at least supplement income for Latin American girls. I bet more studios who wanna survive will have to spread out there to cut production costs and get access to better talent pools than EU has to offer.
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact:
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!


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