Part III
Alright - now to the meat and veg of it all.
I've been thinking long and hard (lol) about how to convey a good pitch to "try something different" while making it somewhat obvious that it's "the smartest thing you can do."
Here we go.
You know what the problem is with the porn market at the moment? It's the same problem that exists with all media. Overabundance and oversaturation. To put this into context, dap_addict, you're looking to enter a market that, as a whole, probably has close to a billion hours of accessible footage available online for people to peruse, steal, and consume. And that's where the
biggest problem comes in with your plan.
It amounts to the really "straight-forward shooting of porn." Get a camera - get an actress (unknown) - and shoot a porno with a basic environment and set-up.
Will the girl honestly be a mind-blowing knock out? Most likely not - right? Let's be honest. She'll be "fine" for the job - but, in all likelihood - you aren't getting girls that look like the Hayek twins to come shoot for yourself. Okay - is what it is - but then ...
Outside of the small arsenal of folks who
both dig
and pay for your type of content, which most likely will not be that many seeing as they already have their appetites more than satisfied here, what's the real point of this exercise?
To shoot ten scenes, try to gather a small profit, and then keep shooting more or less the same porn?
Now - I'm going to break away from this a bit - and go back to the theme of oversaturation. Do you know what's become increasingly tiring? Seeing a girl get introduced by standing in a room - she underdresses a bit (or plays around with a theme for a bit - which was a brilliant NRX innovation - but that can only remain fresh for so long) - and then goes to cock town. And the whole thing ... it just becomes so ...
done. You know? How many times have we watched this
exact same fucking scene over and over again? It's like - just taping a different girl's face to the scene would get the same amount of investment from me.
And that's the key word there -
investment.Pornography is art. You know that poster here who always puts up a picture of a 1960's soap commercial with a hot girl leaning over or some shit and is like, "That's the essence of porn!" Like - he takes it to an extreme - but, in many ways,
he's right.The "double anal porn shoot" as it exists at the moment - does it's utmost to leave the imagination completely starved. There's as much as effort to originality in it as somebody that's going to the gym to perform the same routine they've done for the past two years. It's muscle memory at this point. You look at the girl for like ten seconds - try to figure out if it's worth watching it, and then usually move on. The reason being - the girl herself isn't insanely hot enough to overcome the boredom and justify watching the
exact same fucking scene you've already seen ten thousand times before.The Japanese go
way too far in the other fucking direction. They have an interview with the girl that lasts twenty-five minutes. Give me a fucking break. Sometimes, it's not until the 35 minute mark that the boobie makes it's first appearance. Other times - there's this gigantic fucking family dynamic that's played out with a gigantic fucking full-length movie script which all culminates into the lamest sex scene you could ever imagine. Usually, 999 times out of a 1,000 - it just doesn't fucking work. But ... but ...
That 1 out of a 1,000 makes the trying everyone does absolutely worth it.
So - okay - what's my plan?
I've collected enough of these really random scenes - and I've come up with something completely unique and new. Not only that - it incorporates a story quickly - but lets the main dialogue be
action and not words. None of this explaining shit. None of this having a big talk. Just
action. As few words as possible - as quickly as possible - with the stakes being increased tremendously with every word and every passing second.
It doesn't waste it's time fucking around. The best porn scenes do their set up in fifteen seconds. But, they explain a lot with everything from the environment to the camera angle. Remember - every second counts.
The mental tension you should be feeling build up - searching for a release - which should coincide with and fuel the physical tension of the scene - and culminate in a great release.Ah - okay - so ... what next?
Instead of planning on shooting ten videos of mid-level quality and looking to get a studio going with consistency - which will net middling sales and, well, eventually be successful - do something
worth doing. Don't go out there to just add a "plus one" to the already gigantic pile. Go out there and add an "this is the only one" to a bloated market that is thirsting to have someone come and do something bigger, better, and, most importantly,
different.Have that girl in the soap commercial's guy be screaming your name as if you are savior of porn.
Here's how I would go about it. Invest all the money into a
single scene.Get in contact with Baby Kxtten (supposedly in retirement). Ask her what she would want in order to perform a BBC TAP. Go find four of the hungest, biggest black studs you can. But, more importantly, ones who have
presence. Not just some dude who shows up with his dick hard. The more well known they are - the better. But someone who can put forth an emotional performance that doesn't necessarily reek of "this is a porn performance." You'll need three cameras. Preferably good ones - but they don't have to be the highest of quality. Enough to shoot like 2k will be fine.
importance of doing it like this is that it'll be Baby Kxtten and the well-known hung studs advertising the scene on social media. That'll get a buzz going already. Then, create both a company and a website, and allow that to be the official place where people can go buy the scene. Here's the thing, though ...
What will really determine if this is a success or not - and if you find enormous financial success with it - is if it becomes viral in the porn world. If everybody's stealing, streaming, and talking about this thing - as they damn well should be - it'll become a new benchmark in porn. Then
everybody knows who you fucking are. At that point - and this is the brilliance of the set-up ...
When you've got a hot brand name - you can go and start recruiting really gorgeous OF girls who would've traditionally never touched hardcore porn - but to be part of such a studio
would be an opportunity - would it not? You would, to smooth over the transition, make them get a percentage of every video that's sold. You have the brand to back it up -
right? Seeing as there's the possibility of a gigantic pay-day there - not just in terms of a drip feed of money always coming in in the future - but of an explosion of popularity (people will know they are then - which OF is notoriously horrible at).
This way - the DAP market gets reinvigorated with quality productions - an actual step forward in porn - you become the owner of pretty much the hottest brand on the market - and you can reinvent the "approach" to porn in an of itself.
Have the girl's who sign up go through a five-scene contract. DP - DVP - DAP - TVP - TAP. All with BBC. With each scene giving them an increasingly higher percentage of the overall pot. Whilst also not releasing a single scene until all 5 have been shot.
Get outside investment. People will be willing to pay for something which has everyone's eyes. When everyone knows your brand - you need no introduction. You don't need a pitch. Just be like, "Give me money and we'll make more of these," and people will be like, "Fuck yes!"
I've got a lot of scripts written in this new style. I'll get you started at the very least.
The thing we have to do is make sure that the script matches the personality type of the girl. That's the key. Baby Kxtten will be the exception - but we would explain what's required of her in the shoot - and explain what we're trying to do with it and why following the instructions will create a more genuine sensation of what she typically tries to achieve in her shoots than her normal routine would.
But with Baby Kxtten and the hung studs - the draw (outside of the huge pay day compared to traditional porn shoots) would be on the ground floor of a new type of porn - something of a higher quality. To be able to be in episode
fucking one is an honor. Typically pitches like that don't work - but this is porn - they've been in more scenes than they can count where it's all "been there - done that."
I know this is your money - but if you say, "$20,000?" to Baby Kxtten - I doubt she'll say no. You can start lower, of course. But, if you pay like an insane amount, you'll get a pro that both hasn't had that ladder rung broken, but who is notoriously capable of doing it, alongside extremely well known within the industry itself.
The script will be something fucking else. This will definitely
take it to the next fucking level in terms of what porn is capable of. There are
so many innovations in this thing - it's not even funny. But, it doesn't waste time, there's hardly any dialogue, it just sets the perfect emotional weight into the scene for the scene itself to be absolutely tremendous. And then keeps building on it throughout.
A pure master work of porn.I dunno - some folks don't think "big." Big opportunities - big visions - but, also, big risks.
The question ultimately would be - what would you really be more comfortable or inspired doing? Creating a batch of mid-tier beginner porn in a foreign country. Or creating one masterwork that will be watched still in a couple decades from now - and gives you the chance of creating an empire exactly where you are located right now.
It's definitely a proposition. Think about it. But let me know - if you're interested - we'll start setting up the beginning steps - and then we'll discuss the scene itself. There are certain things which are obviously perfect - but there are others in which your vision and your ideas would have a chance to enter as well. Not everything in the scene is set 100% in stone. Just the most essential parts.
I dunno - would something like this tickle your fancy?
Let me know.