Stacy Bloom

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby guaguancogomez » Sun Dec 31, 2023 8:04 am

Seems to me she will com backas an owner of her own porn studio base in serbia.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby xxxVIPERxxx » Sun Dec 31, 2023 2:12 pm

guaguancogomez wrote:Seems to me she will com backas an owner of her own porn studio base in serbia.

Good for her, wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Thank you for all the past scenes with GIO studios.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby giovibianch » Sun Dec 31, 2023 3:52 pm

She is a true artist. She practices her art with careful search for novelty

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Stacy Bloom Official

Postby Porn Box Bot » Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:01 am

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Stacy_Bloom1 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 11:59 am

French-Touch wrote:My best wish for 2024 is to see Stacy coming back to GIO, there seems to have been some issues and I hope there are some solutions for her return.. Every single scene from stacy is a masterpiece, we can feel her passion.

Her asbence is a loss.

And i want to be clear if u reading me Stacy, I am not minimizing the problems you encountered, I am simply deploring your absence.

I left all bad things in 2023. In 2024 there are only good things for me.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Stacy_Bloom1 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 12:00 pm

xxxVIPERxxx wrote:
guaguancogomez wrote:Seems to me she will com backas an owner of her own porn studio base in serbia.

Good for her, wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Thank you for all the past scenes with GIO studios.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Stacy_Bloom1 » Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:30 pm

guaguancogomez wrote:Seems to me she will com backas an owner of her own porn studio base in serbia.

Its my and only my life, I am not in Schengen so what anyone tells me on the forum.
Happy New Year!
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:15 am

Firstly, does somebody know why Stacy doesn't write with the verified blue name any longer?
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2948535 but with the new account: here above, Stacy_Bloom1?
Maybe a mod can help retrieve a new password IF the account is hacked or IF password is forgotten.

Secondly, and more importantly, I just read the comments on page 67 of the Ria Sunn topic:
It's about fans going too far with models on their social media accounts (and upon actually meeting) and fans generally being too obsessive with models. In the ria sunn topic member dap-addict got very mad at another member for being obsessive/stalky and disrespectful towards models. But then he got called out by that other member for doing the same thing:


I searched on social media what this is all about and to be honest I am very shocked to read all the serious and big accusations made by stacy bloom about member dap-addict:
-treatening her in Budapest (with what and about what?)
-very stalky towards her and other models
-very obesssive towards her and other models
--Models name haven't been disclosed--
-continuesly gossiping about her and other models private lives
-suggesting and spreading rumours everywhere that stacy bloom might be an escort, implying that they did more than only an interview, and thereby hinting -according to stacy- towards other fans that he may have fucked her when they've met in Budapest. She got many escort request after this to her dismay.
-offering her to move to Austria to him and "hiding her" there (in his dark basement to use as a sex slave? ; or what is this about?)
-continuesly causing stress and trauma for at least 2 years, "just for his own ego".

Stacy considered committing suicide 2 times. Her family stopped her from actually doing it.

I feel bad reading that stacy says she has been bullied for 2 years and that she feels like she wasn't treated like a human. She was so sad because of this ongoing traumatic situation she had to deal with that she almost took her own life twice.

I wonder how people involved see these serious accusations that are brought forward against them and if they have an explanation for their behavior and on how it came to all of this?
What are the next steps here? Did stacy go to the cops with these serious allegations like another fan on twit suggested (in case this alleged behavior hasn't stopped)? She surely must have archived all proof. Very sad situation all around. To anybody concerned, please stop bullying cute stacy bloom. She deserves to be treated like a human.


On a side note, this might be the last time we see stacy use the official dap-addict toy in her productions any longer....

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby bake0213 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:37 am

Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p wrote:
I searched on social media what this is all about and to be honest I am very shocked to read all the serious and big accusations made by stacy bloom about member dap-addict:

In no way should you be surprised. He's been called out many times in several places, but he retains a following due to the promoting of his favorite fetish.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby visigoth2020260 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 10:12 am

The situation is as follows:
and every normal human being will understand
fans are fans as long as the heroine is safe from their grasp
If they get to close for comfort, they become creeps and stalkers.

I myself love them all and love none.
I know who they are; they love you for your money and hate you for your love.
But it is what you get because, like a stupid child, you fall for them.
I only love them while they act.

its all a fantasy behind a wall; do not go over it.
You will not like it.

If Miss Stacy eats scat for money, then you all are calling her a model.
If Miss Stacy eats scat for free, then you call her crazy.

I will advise models to interact with their fans via platforms, not face-to-face, unless it is a gathering or convention.

I do not like scat, but that does not mean that I don't like Stacy.
Never tell a fan that you do not like him; just ignore them.
The other fans are watching.

I only love them when they are on stage.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p » Sun Jan 07, 2024 11:48 am

visigoth2020260 wrote:The situation is as follows:
and every normal human being will understand
fans are fans as long as the heroine is safe from their grasp
If they get to close for comfort, they become creeps and stalkers.


I don't think you need to be a rocket scientist to figure that out.
visigoth2020260 wrote:I myself love them all and love none.
I know who they are; they love you for your money and hate you for your love.
But it is what you get because, like a stupid child, you fall for them.
I only love them while they act.

Here's a reality check:
You are not a "stupid child" any longer you are a grown ass MAN.
I mean when the fuck does the penny drop for any ADULT that porn is a JOB?
When does the penny drop for you as a "fan" that you can never be their boyfriend; most of the times you don't even know their real first and last name for God's sake. You "love" a fantasy. A made up character/persona with a fake artist name. A dream. WAKE UP!!!!
A model claims that tou are causing her trauma for 2 years so when in those 2 years does the penny drop that she doesn't want you as a boyfriend or a friend? Is your IQ so low that any social cues are not seen at all for 2 years? A true friend does not cause mental trauma let alone cause one to want to commit suicide after every text.

visigoth2020260 wrote:its all a fantasy behind a wall; do not go over it.
You will not like it.

Yes, that's what I said.

visigoth2020260 wrote:If Miss Stacy eats scat for money, then you all are calling her a model.
If Miss Stacy eats scat for free, then you call her crazy.
I do not like scat, but that does not mean that I don't like Stacy.

You are showing your true character here. This is very low and it has nothing to do with stacy's heart felt feelings nor with her serious allegations.
Why do you need to bring it up in this discussion? This is what a lawyer does in the courtroom when he dehumanizes the other party/witness. Harming the other party's reputation in order to gain advantage. Defamation of character is a tactic. It's a form of victim blaming.
Your last sentence is a fake compliment.
It's disguised disrespect.

visigoth2020260 wrote:I will advise models to interact with their fans via platforms, not face-to-face, unless it is a gathering or convention.

Never tell a fan that you do not like him; just ignore them.
The other fans are watching.

It's one thing to ignore obsessive fans. It's another thing to not call out this type of behavior when bullying/stalking/obsessive behavior has allegedly been going on for 2 years.
If you keep quite then nothing will change and these type of fans can get even more dangerous where they will hunt models and kill them for not wanting a relationship. Many stories about unwanted love going wrong.

visigoth2020260 wrote:I only love them when they are on stage.

Please, stop with all those big-ass photos/gifs in all your messages. The gifs are okay when they are small sized, but 9/10 times those big ass photos are only on-topic in your mind. Use imagebam or imagevenue and post them as smaller thumbnails so that people who want to see them can click on them to get the full size. Not everybody want to scroll through that shit when they are going through their favorite models forum topic. Also it takes forever to load om mobile phones and it takes away too much download data for those with small phone data subscriptions.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby feltrough » Sun Jan 07, 2024 12:12 pm

Sirious accusations for sure. Poor Stacy to go trough this.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p » Sun Jan 07, 2024 1:10 pm

This can happen when you meet people you don't know for an "interview": ... rview.html ... out-window ... cow-a40832
It's about lola taylor and it should be a lesson for any porn star when agreeing to meet people they don't know. Not every fan is your friend or has your best interest at heart.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby visigoth2020260 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 2:56 pm

Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p wrote:This can happen when you meet people you don't know for an "interview": ... rview.html ... out-window ... cow-a40832
It's about lola taylor and it should be a lesson for any porn star when agreeing to meet people they don't know. Not every fan is your friend or has your best interest at heart.

interesting, but I remember seeing her sing. ... LidiaPardo for our cocks.
It was magnificent. did this happen before or after?

You have lots of words, and this is my deduction from all of them.
You are a savior.
What is it that you want from her?
This will fit you perfectly ... =jesmelric
Poor Stacy; no one seems to understand her.

But be brave and do not pay any attention to the haters and manipulators; they all want something.

Thank you for the advise on the gifs and pictures, i never thought of viewers having issues with them
You know bandwidth and all that kind of stuff. It all works perfectly on my PC and iPhone.

Not everyone has to like it or make any sense of it; we are all different.
It does not get me depressed when people don't like it or find it off-topic.
My best upload was 40 likes and 53 no likes, but know is the other way around.
I will assume that half the population understands me.
yes i know you aren't included. ;)

Whoever sets the limits is the model, not the fan. Do not blame them.
A fan is someone who is very fond of you. You cannot blame them.

may have some truth in it
but that is up to you to decide.
I'm just having fun.
I hope this is much better; it will save bandwidth for sure.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p » Sun Jan 07, 2024 5:38 pm

This can happen when you meet people you don't know for an "interview": ... rview.html ... out-window ... cow-a40832
It's about lola taylor and it should be a lesson for any porn star when agreeing to meet people they don't know. Not every fan is your friend or has your best interest at heart.

visigoth2020260 wrote:interesting, but I remember seeing her sing. ... LidiaPardo for our cocks.
It was magnificent. did this happen before or after?

I don't know what you are smoking to be honest, but what do you not seem to get here? Porn is a JOB.
Their JOB is to make money with their porn JOB. This means creating a fan base and interacting with respectful fans.
It's SHOWBUSINESS, just like your Marilyn Monroe knew like no one other. I do not understand how you can implicitly condone rape & torture because she provoked it by singing some kind of song, by interacting with fans on social media, or by meeting up in real life. Or why does it matter to you that a model sung some kind of song before or after getting raped & tortured??
I does also not make sense to continuesly tring to defend fans stalky/obsessive behavior as if it's the model's own fault.
That's VICTIM BLAMIMG and you continue to do it.
There is a line between fan appreciation and ILLEGALLY STALKING. That's a CRIMINAL OFFENSE. YOU CAN GO TO JAIL FOR IT.
Get it? What's so hard to understand here. The alleged behavior is never excusable.

visigoth2020260 wrote:You have lots of words, and this is my deduction from all of them.

Not as many words as your novels in various model threads always have and which people have been complaining about many times because they do not understand jack shit about what you're even trying to say. It's like reading google translated pieces of a stoned mind LOL.

visigoth2020260 wrote:You are a savior.
What is it that you want from her?
This will fit you perfectly ... =jesmelric

Poor Stacy; no one seems to understand her.

But be brave and do not pay any attention to the haters and manipulators; they all want something.

Honestly, this says more about you and your state of mind with a your implicit willingness to exploit others than on anything else. People do not always "want" something from another person when they speak-up against (perceived) wrongdoings.
That said, what is a savior?
Somebody who reveals or asks questions about obsessive/stalky behavior after another member talked about it in the ria sunn topic?
Somebody who speaks up against stalky/obssesive behavior which could potentially lead to suicide?
Somebody who creates awareness that models should not be too naive in their relationship with fans?
Somebody who thinks it's a good thing to hold people accountable for their alleged stalky/osessive behavior of which a model made it public and saying it's unwanted and it's casing trauma in such a way that they want to end to their own life because of it?

Are you perhaps the same type of stalky/obsessive fan and that's why feel the need to be the "savior" of fans just like you with similar stalky behavior tendencies? Or why would you otherwise continue this victim blaiming and trying to create understanding for ILLEGAL CRIMES made my thugs. What if it was your daughter or sister? Not so cool any longer, right? Better if a model does not ignore obsessive/stakly behavior and bring it out on their social media to hold these guys accountable for their actions in case something happens to them like with lola taylor amongs others. There is no point to sweep something under the rug when it has allegedly been going on for such a long time already. That can be a very dangerous strategy. The amount of stress is not worth the extra money from this type of stalky/obsessive fan. People romanticize and idealize their "relationship" with models too much like ... g_t_19_act or but it's better to see it how it is. A fata morgana. This is not hollywood. This is real life. Your "relationship" with a porn model does not exist. Masturbate & fantasize if you want bu then forget and go about your business. Even if you fuck models who do escort on the side, then leave your wacky feelings in the hotel room and be realistic: 9/10 times you fuck a fata morgana. Besides, a "relationship" with an escort will also never turn out to be succesfull if it comes to a true "relationship" as there is no respect from the start. She will never forget that you paid for the pussy and you will never forget that you paid for the pussy. You will always be seens as an (ex)customer paying for the pussy and you will always see her as a whore. The beginning always started non-equally and on a mutual gain base. It's bound to fail in the long run.

visigoth2020260 wrote:Thank you for the advise on the gifs and pictures, i never thought of viewers having issues with them
You know bandwidth and all that kind of stuff. It all works perfectly on my PC and iPhone.

Not everyone has to like it or make any sense of it; we are all different.
It does not get me depressed when people don't like it or find it off-topic.
My best upload was 40 likes and 53 no likes, but know is the other way around.
I will assume that half the population understands me.
yes i know you aren't included. ;)

I do not have any problem whatsoever with big-ass pictures or your homemade gifs IF THEY ARE ON-TOPIC, IF THEY ARE OF OR ABOUT THE MODEL IN QUESTION and if they serve a purpose for your message.However, the thing is that you always post these big ass page filling retro vintage (pin-up) pictures etc. that are NOT related to the model of the topic you're posting in. I can appreciate your home made gifs FEATURING the model in question. I think a topic with and about your photoshop skills would be very popular on this forum but non-related pictures spam up model threads unnecessarily and are only posted by you to impose your personal hobby's/tastes on people which has nothing to do with a model. If people continue to feel the dying NEED to shove their personal unrelated huge pictures down peoples throats, then do it in thumbnail form. Less irritation. Less bandwidth waste for people who surf these forums on their cellphones (and who don't use wifi or have unlimited data plans). There is another guy here who constantly shoves unrelated youtube links of their favorite songs or whatever down people throats or take every fucking opportunity to talk about the politics and polarize (like in the vivian lola topic), it just doesn't make any sense tbh. That's "having fun" for yourself and at other peoples expense.

visigoth2020260 wrote:Whoever sets the limits is the model, not the fan. Do not blame them.
A fan is someone who is very fond of you. You cannot blame them.
may have some truth in it
but that is up to you to decide.
I'm just having fun.

Your conclusions are always different from what you said previously. Therefore they are incoherent conclusions, just like many of your posts on this forum;)

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby isis666xxx » Sun Jan 07, 2024 8:39 pm

Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p wrote:Firstly, does somebody know why Stacy doesn't write with the verified blue name any longer?
memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=2948535 but with the new account: here above, Stacy_Bloom1?
Maybe a mod can help retrieve a new password IF the account is hacked or IF password is forgotten.

Secondly, and more importantly, I just read the comments on page 67 of the Ria Sunn topic:
It's about fans going too far with models on their social media accounts (and upon actually meeting) and fans generally being too obsessive with models. In the ria sunn topic member dap-addict got very mad at another member for being obsessive/stalky and disrespectful towards models. But then he got called out by that other member for doing the same thing:


I searched on social media what this is all about and to be honest I am very shocked to read all the serious and big accusations made by stacy bloom about member dap-addict:
-treatening her in Budapest (with what and about what?)
-very stalky towards her and other models
-very obesssive towards her and other models
--Models name haven't been disclosed--
-continuesly gossiping about her and other models private lives
-suggesting and spreading rumours everywhere that stacy bloom might be an escort, implying that they did more than only an interview, and thereby hinting -according to stacy- towards other fans that he may have fucked her when they've met in Budapest. She got many escort request after this to her dismay.
-offering her to move to Austria to him and "hiding her" there (in his dark basement to use as a sex slave? ; or what is this about?)
-continuesly causing stress and trauma for at least 2 years, "just for his own ego".

Stacy considered committing suicide 2 times. Her family stopped her from actually doing it.

I feel bad reading that stacy says she has been bullied for 2 years and that she feels like she wasn't treated like a human. She was so sad because of this ongoing traumatic situation she had to deal with that she almost took her own life twice.

I wonder how people involved see these serious accusations that are brought forward against them and if they have an explanation for their behavior and on how it came to all of this?
What are the next steps here? Did stacy go to the cops with these serious allegations like another fan on twit suggested (in case this alleged behavior hasn't stopped)? She surely must have archived all proof. Very sad situation all around. To anybody concerned, please stop bullying cute stacy bloom. She deserves to be treated like a human.


On a side note, this might be the last time we see stacy use the official dap-addict toy in her productions any longer....


thanks for the screenshots


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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby visigoth2020260 » Sun Jan 07, 2024 9:13 pm

Not so fast, son.
You might be right.
So was Tarentino's mother, and now she gets shit from him.

As I say before, half the population loves me.
i know that you love many of the models and some of them can't even say hello in english. :)

The vintage pictures that I post do have a purpose.
I am a big advocate for the implementation of FBV in every scene.
Perhaps it worked without anyone noticing it, as it was never intended for the general public.
Today you have LTP delivering splendid FBV—something never seen in their previous 300 and something scenes—and NTF fallowing at a distance.

Sorry for the bandwidth and attachments, but it is a tool to be used and implemented by the user on any post. Sorry, you guys must upgrade.

Regarding my language barriers, it appears that I am greatly improving as you manage to respond accurately to my post.
Many intellectuals like yourself like trashing my post, but the peasants love it and they are more than you guys all together.

i can brag about many more achievements, but that is just not me all credits goes to the producers
who have the courage to pay attention to this illiterately poor bastard.
Do not block me because I will be famous pretty soon.
then you'll probably want to hang out with me.
but you will have to wait your turn.

I love Sunday talk.

Oh! Yes, Stacy is beautiful, but why try to discredit a great community member?
Last year, there were rumors and acusations about pay issues and work bullying, and now we hear her going back to the same joint.
Shanty Franco's accusations were less serious.
You see, it is all fun and games; just be there when I need you.
Now I wonder: was it all true or pure delusions?

Also, thank you for liking my gifs, but please do not call them homemade, as I use the same editing software that NTF uses and perhaps many others.
life after porn, she is now a fucking painer like Picasso.
How long did that last? cock nightmares.
I will clarify that I am referring to her arduous work at Gonzo.
If you are not able to read the one on her wall, look here.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby isis666xxx » Mon Jan 08, 2024 4:57 am

Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p wrote:I do not have any problem whatsoever with big-ass pictures or your homemade gifs IF THEY ARE ON-TOPIC, IF THEY ARE OF OR ABOUT THE MODEL IN QUESTION and if they serve a purpose for your message.However, the thing is that you always post these big ass page filling retro vintage (pin-up) pictures etc. that are NOT related to the model of the topic you're posting in. I can appreciate your home made gifs FEATURING the model in question. I think a topic with and about your photoshop skills would be very popular on this forum but non-related pictures spam up model threads unnecessarily and are only posted by you to impose your personal hobby's/tastes on people which has nothing to do with a model. If people continue to feel the dying NEED to shove their personal unrelated huge pictures down peoples throats, then do it in thumbnail form. Less irritation. Less bandwidth waste for people who surf these forums on their cellphones (and who don't use wifi or have unlimited data plans).

those images visigoth post are awesome

fuck off with your suppression

visigoth2020260 wrote:Sorry for the bandwidth and attachments, but it is a tool to be used and implemented by the user on any post. Sorry, you guys must upgrade.

i think ur images are very high and makes ur posts elite

post + custom images = high

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Stacy_Bloom1 » Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:43 pm

If any of you will continue spread anything about my life, we can resolve this in official cases, where me and lawyer can explain you, everything in details, regarding American and European laws.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Stacy_Bloom1 » Mon Jan 08, 2024 5:47 pm

visigoth2020260 wrote:The situation is as follows:
and every normal human being will understand
fans are fans as long as the heroine is safe from their grasp
If they get to close for comfort, they become creeps and stalkers.

I myself love them all and love none.
I know who they are; they love you for your money and hate you for your love.
But it is what you get because, like a stupid child, you fall for them.
I only love them while they act.

its all a fantasy behind a wall; do not go over it.
You will not like it.

If Miss Stacy eats scat for money, then you all are calling her a model.
If Miss Stacy eats scat for free, then you call her crazy.

I will advise models to interact with their fans via platforms, not face-to-face, unless it is a gathering or convention.

I do not like scat, but that does not mean that I don't like Stacy.
Never tell a fan that you do not like him; just ignore them.
The other fans are watching.

I only love them when they are on stage.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby kuaheyden513 » Tue Jan 09, 2024 1:55 am

Stacy_Bloom1 wrote:
I left all bad things in 2023. In 2024 there are only good things for me.

Hey guys, what was the problem with GG Studio? I missed that part.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby nilis » Sat Jan 13, 2024 4:51 pm

bake0213 wrote:
Cgr69801QUvm_mYtbbqMt_r_p wrote:
I searched on social media what this is all about and to be honest I am very shocked to read all the serious and big accusations made by stacy bloom about member dap-addict:

In no way should you be surprised. He's been called out many times in several places, but he retains a following due to the promoting of his favorite fetish.

I honestly hope the guy takes what happened as a wake-up call. What's also worrying is the number of people throwing arguments to downplay the model's complaints. Even the people you think tend to behave like regular human beings around other threads. It gives you an idea of the level of reality detachment some users experience when they feel their group identity is questioned.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Wotan29 » Sat Jan 13, 2024 5:38 pm

Sounds like the idol of dap-addict is Pierre Woodman.

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Stacy Bloom

Postby Porn Box Bot » Wed Jan 31, 2024 1:01 am

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Stacy Bloom

Postby Porn Box Bot » Sun Feb 11, 2024 1:03 am

The maid wants the butler big cock

Studio: Akalexromero
Release: 11 Feb 2024
Starring: Stacy Bloom , Matt Bird

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Stacy Bloom

Postby Porn Box Bot » Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:02 am

Cleaning Stacy Lady - POV Busty Russian brunette Anal

Studio: Libertinevr
Release: 20 Feb 2024
Starring: Stacy Bloom , Jason Steel

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Stacy Bloom

Postby Porn Box Bot » Tue Feb 27, 2024 1:01 am

Johnny Sins rough fucks Stacy Bloom recording on the phone.

Studio: StacyBloomStudio
Release: 27 Feb 2024
Starring: Stacy Bloom , Johnny Sins

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Stacy Bloom

Postby Porn Box Bot » Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:07 am

Johnny SIns and Stacy Bloom - POV rough fucking non stop.

Studio: StacyBloomStudio
Release: 13 Mar 2024
Starring: Stacy Bloom, Johnny Sins

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Stacy Bloom

Postby Porn Box Bot » Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:07 am

Johnny Sins and Stacy Bloom fucking backstage.

Studio: StacyBloomStudio
Release: 13 Mar 2024
Starring: Stacy Bloom, Johnny Sins

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby msndorennanff406 » Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:39 pm

I'd be happy to buy a new Stacy's GIO scene. Even if it costs like 30tkt

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Bromrock » Sat May 18, 2024 2:53 pm

So miss her, she is a wonderful person

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby isis666xxx » Thu May 23, 2024 12:13 pm

pierre woodman talked about her:

BlueShadow wrote:

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby guaguancogomez » Fri Jun 07, 2024 5:27 pm

Happy bday
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby Bromrock » Fri Jun 07, 2024 6:24 pm

Happy birthday day Stacy, love you, dreaming to back..

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby French-Touch » Wed Jul 03, 2024 6:26 am

The studio missed her a lot... hope sh's great but damn... she is deeply unique.

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby jerrybb » Wed Jul 03, 2024 2:22 pm

Up there with the best ever actresses on LP. I wish she would return especially to the Wonder Toys.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby guaguancogomez » Fri Jul 12, 2024 1:12 am

Ass Lickers Lesbians, Stacy Bloom, 3on1 strapon, Anal Fisting, ATM, Balls Deep, DAP, Deep Fisting, Rough Sex, Big Gapes, Wrecked Ass, Monster ButtRose, Squirt AL028


Stacy Bloom
Margo Von Teese Lilith Liber Ally Horny

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby thatmeespresso » Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:36 am

Great scene!! Would love more all girl strapon-gangbangs. Needs to be a big genre or its own!

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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby visigoth2020260 » Fri Jul 12, 2024 9:59 am

Really nice scene, but please work out the ass licking.
and add a storyline.

like the 3 newbies came for a job interview.
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Re: Stacy Bloom

Postby PornoManiac » Fri Jul 12, 2024 10:50 am

So this is Stacy's studio which is located in Serbia... I hope for more girls, especially Sofa Weber, Sasha Paige, Kira Viburn, Eva Barbie
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