g1ndude wrote:Well whatever that means^^ Candy's blender challenge appears to just be a food and milk chugging and puking spree for 27 minutes ending with her being covered in it
LOL this was a crazy scene. They made her puke in a bowl just so they can put it in a blender and thicken/froth up the puke. Then they made her drink it LOL?? Seems more extreme than piss puke since I'm use to that by now with Max Hardcore and stuff. I think he's considered the king of piss puke
Anyone care to mention some more delayed puking scenes? I think it's hillariously cute when the dude pulls out faster than the puke can come out. So the girls just dry heaves till like 3 seconds later and the pukes comes out HA!
These 3 comes to mind (timestamped without the : colon. So 1600 = 16:00, 1612 = 16:12, if it's just 2 numbers then refer back to the previous full timestamp. So if you see 1612 blablabla. 24 32 42 that just means 16:24 16:32 16:42
P-Sluts Vol. 21 New Larissa Leite starring Busty beauty La: 1600 upside down puke 1612 25 delayed puke 40 48 58 delayed puke 1725 29 delay 2333 puke 5104
P-Sluts Vol. 2 starring Natasha Rios and Lykos Lobo 753 delay coughing 2051 coughing 4155 delay 4204 super long puke
Someone mentioned "PussyKat93 Squirt on a black boy" 48:52
lol she just keeps dry heaving till she explodes.