As I was thinking about Susan Ayn, I remembered this great scene where she does a near perfect cumfart clean up. For me 9 out of 10.
Plus points for:
- a large black dick, taken deeply
- a good sized load
- good power on the cumfart (at least the first blast)
- the way she reaches back to hold her asshole open before the guy lets go off her butt cheeks
- quickly goes to cleanup mode once she she has pushed all the cum out of her ass
- determined cleanup, taking multiple licks to get all the cum and displaying what she has on her tongue each time before swallowing
- good that she makes sure to hold the cock while cleaning up-
- really looks like she's enjoying herself and is proud/pleased to see what she has pushed out
Only negative for me is that she doesn't also suck the cock clean. Maybe she did after the scene, but at least it's not included on the version I have.
- susanAynCleanup.gif (15.35 MiB) Viewed 3569 times