please listen to it at hear Master GG's real voice.
I just want you guys to have fun.
To the naked fans, you are included, so back me up.
Wet karaoke.Can this be the next big series?
GGs Night Club is the most sought-after place on the internet, not to mention the world.
Right now, going through an internal crisis because of a shortage of well-reputed singers, one of his less likeable minions, a fuck named Vi, has come up with another of his stupid ideas to save the club.
Since it is for a good cause, we should at least hear what he has to say.
Vi..., boss, I was thinking that you could hire the prostitutes that rummage outside the club.
Since they are always sucking cocks and fighting with the customers, it is most likely that they have some kind of verbal skill.
Boss..., only you can think of such a fiasco. What are the customers going to think of this once-great place?
Vi... boss, please allow me to continue. I am confident that you will like my idea. I only want to save the club.
Boss...Well listen, Vi, if I could fire you right now, I would. I am sick and tired of all your bullshit, but since the club will be closing anyway, I dont want to cheat you out of your due pay.
Vi... thank you, boss.
As I mentioned earlier, we bring one hooker every night.
We make it a karaoke open-night mic. and we let them sing for tips.
will arrange it in this manner, the guys sitting up front will boo loudly.
the singer is to take a piece of clothing every time this occurs.
or she can prefer to be piss-showered and not take her clothes off.
If she cannot continue singing, she can cap out to an all-hole DAP ganbang. This will include all the floor tips.
Fridays and Saturdays will do the same but on those day when the audience booed them
We will allow them to auction their clothing to the audience, as it seems that on those days, the audience prefers them to be completely naked. Why? I don't know, but I think we should cater to their desires too.
And as we progress, certainly more ideas will be generated.
Who does not like a singer whore?
I think that that would save our club.
Boss...,You better be right; I cannot afford to lose another dollar.