BlueShadow wrote: Ah, now we understand what he means by "100% natural."
100% natural apple juice.
It's almost unbelievable Blue. Pierre . . . . . aka "Juliusfidello" seems to think that his fans should have known all along that he was telling lies and it's just fine. Yes, Pierre, the trouble isn't your fans
IT'S YOU! You've lied to these people, do you not understand the implications of that? If I'd been a fan of yours for 10 - 15 years and I'd spent hundreds if not thousands of euros on your site believing that your videos were real (as claimed on your site) then found out that they weren't, I'd be hopping mad!!
The fact that it says
100% Real and doesn't say clearly anywhere on your site that "all characters and situations are fictional" would make me want to talk to a lawyer and sue your ass to get back all that money I'd wasted. These people haven't been told little white lies, you've been telling them really BIG ones! Your entire reputation was based on REALITY, now we've all found out that you're no better than any other porn producer. Mortal. No, worse than mortal because you lied, and lies have brought down much bigger men than you.
So don't worry about us trying to "destabilize" your business, you're managing to do that all on your own trying to make your members look like idiots! It's amazing that you showed yourself ON FILM lying to your members in a desperate attempt to prove someone else was a liar!! If it weren't so tragic it would be funny!
Then you have the nerve, the utter unashamed nerve to ask the PAYING members to forget about it! Now, if it was just Eva well maybe ok, but again you've then gone on your site after all this and admitted that there's even MORE!!
So, again I ask, just how many more lies have you told? And why the hell should any of your fans believe a word you say ever again?
I was the one person on this forum who was willing to give you credit for showing that Eva was a liar. If I'm honest, I still believe she is, I know that probably goes against what everyone else thinks, but I actually thought that you had a good point claiming her dishonesty. But then you go and stand in your own shit.
On a side note. . . . . . . . I might think about buying shares in TROPICANA for Woody's future episodes!