^K, I agree... Banderas is at least 49, if not 50. I'm a somewhat young guy (late 20s), so he's old enough to be my father. Yet I have to say he beats Mike Chapman, who is old enough to be my grandfather. (not to mention the women that these guys are fucking... can you imagine having sex with someone your grandparent's age? - or even at this point old enough to be your GREAT grandparent? Ugh. - even if he is fucking them hard, as some seem to be into, the age difference is too much for me. Think about it - THEY WERE INFANTS when he was 40+... that's just gross). How gross is that? (goes to the toilet to puke) It's more than gross. It's unsettling. But seriously - it's like LP is becoming the haven for older male porn stars... and I'm not sure that's a good avenue to walk down - Imagine what you will end up with in the end.
The question comes - if LP can find such an impressive number of young female starlets (the reason I joined), why can't they do the same for male talent? Why "settle", which is what seems to have happened. Why not pursue other/better options as you continue to do with the women? I mean... in the end they're at bare-minimum half the performers in the scenes (and in the case of LP usually a larger percentage). So male talent matters, especially to this site. Why not pursue some new young-bloods? Can anyone argue that men aren't more sexually vivacious at a younger age than older men? It's genetics/common sense, really. There's no point in arguing. Why continue to hire guys who are old enough to be my grandpa? (Really, that just makes no sense at all - they should just retire for fucks sake.. I mean.. does no one in the porn industry possess the slightest bit of logic? I'm not trying to be patronizing here, but even if you hire a grandpa, how many years is he going to give you? If he's months away from being a sexagenarian, than really - how much time does he have left? - and no one is fooling anyone, btw - no matter how lively he appears to be WE CAN TELL HE'S PUSHING 50, 60, (or whatever the age happens to be)). With the law of percentages in place, it only makes sense to increase the amount of men you feature. And with the law of longevity in place, it makes far more sense to pursue younger guys - not older ones, as seems to be the modus operandi here.
Really, overwhelmingly on LP I think the women are amazing performers. But I'd love to see them getting fucked by men *closer* to their own age... then maybe they wouldn't have to pretend so much.