First of all, I really enjoy the styling of that while scene and especially Daniela Garcia, who is presented the most attractive in my book so far @ NTP.
But now, let me just add something critical: Lancelot & Natasha, please look at this camera move:
What is cameraman looking for here? - We have the 1st Daniela Garcia DAP take, but there are some wood problems, so camera moves to another girl. Understandable, but why not show Isabella U.'s DAP instead? Why this crazy fast search for a girl to show?
2nd thing. Its always the same studs with wood problems. Would it be an option to replace them? Or are there so little capable porn studs available in Medellin? Could you maybe start training 2-3 new ones or is that too much time and $$$ lost.
Btw, at this moment camera seems to be the most pressing issue.
Wood could be solved a bit later.
Third, and not important compared to camerawork, tone down Isabella a bit, curb her over-acting.