He doesn't have a brain, forget that JDR, he is an idiot.
Yes. And ask yourself some questions then...
Maybe they live in the same universe of PW, omophobic scumbag.
so an idiot who says he is against mixed races, "we, Hungarians are not a mixed race" he say, talks about pure race like HITLER,
...seeing gays as propagandists and thinks children can become gay if they watch two man or two woman kissings,
sees educated and studying women as a threat...
But for PW he is the LESSER EVIL
But in fact:
LGBT that he DEFENDED bwahah yes, by supporting Orban he certainly defends LGBT rights
But let's see:
The nonsense he says... (same level of Viola Bailey that think earth is flat) so for him homosexuality is just a libido, and seeing two gays kissing encourages children to SWITCH bwahahahahah
Maybe encourages to accept diversivity, and see two women or men kissing as a normal thing?
Oh yeah, he says he doesn't want his kid ask if it's normal to kiss a man...so is it weird to be born with that sexuality? Is it a disease maybe?
And here he simply sees, leaving no room for interpretation, the word: homosexual as an offense putting it on the same level as rapist, murderer...
And he sees being homosexual as an INFAMING thing, his words.
And in fact a member there (JDR) uses the same word to offend, but he was certainly not banned.... PW, he defends LGBT bwahahahah
No, he is not too gay for him...Verlaine and Rimbaud are too high level for this homophobe...who defends LGBT LOL
He comments himself Mr. Limpman, like always.