POLL: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

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Did you ever wish a porn girl to quit that biz because performing on set seemed too hard for her?

Yes, many times!
1 or 2 times
Only when she was working for other producers (not LP)
Not completely...wished she did just softer porn
No, but I wished they gave her a numbing lube
Why should I...its all fake anyway
Total votes : 233

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby GonzoLover » Mon Sep 14, 2015 7:04 pm

PW you wann hear this :D ?
High, really I don´t know what is high or what is less?

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby yayporn99 » Tue Sep 15, 2015 3:47 pm

dap-addict wrote:

So uhhh what movie is this from? :-x

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Wed Sep 16, 2015 12:05 pm

As stated its a Twisted Tommy scene shot start to mid 2000 in Budapest.
Do you really need the title?
I can check the cap in my archive...
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby AnalPornAficionado » Sat Sep 19, 2015 12:59 am

I think it all depends on how you define "compassion and true care". It is, as a poster said, hard to empathize with someone you've never met beyond the sort of basic human empathy that makes it basically impossible for me to watch Cody Lane's infamous Blue Room scene-she so clearly hated it, and has said so in interviews, that I find it unviewable. Beyond extreme cases like that, and some of Max Hardcore's stuff, I do enjoy seeing the girls get roughed up, and I'm sure the professional studios, like LP & Evil Angel, clearly state what they're in for. Girls like Kendra Star, Nataly Gold & Arwen Gold can take some serious punishment and like it, so I say, the more the merrier! I voted "wish...softer porn", but only because I was thinking of Arwen's discomfort with her piss scene, and "softer" porn for her would be extreme anal for anyone else! LOL.

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby bennko1000 » Mon Sep 21, 2015 3:43 pm

Yeah, it happened to me, I found it difficult and it's a long story.

basically a girl in porn (not on legalporno) talked to me and told me some things about how she really felt about herself and porn.
It was pretty deep stuff, and to be honest it was partly my fault for talking with her in that way.
Well.. maybe not we were just being honest... and that can't really be wrong.

Anyway she didn't quit porn and she still does porn now, I used to watch a lot of her scenes, after she told me some things I just couldn't watch her anymore.
I talked to her a few more times, she's ok, and she is very very successful in the industry... probably the highest paid pornstar in the industry.

So really you gotta think if someone at the very top of the industry can feel negative about it,
imagine how someone could feel if they weren't very popular and didn't make that much money from it.

All I can really say at the end of the day is.. when you watch a porn scene you don't see or hear what is actually true.

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:58 pm

Thanks for this, bennko1000!
Problems sure start once you get aquainted with a girl complaining personally. There are very different reasons why they carry on but it comes all down to money at one point. Now porn is just a job, but its a very demanding one at times, depends on the girl and the acts performed of course. I dont think its a matter of sucess, though, but of attitude and personal qualities not related to porn at all. Different girls have different needs, different sources of income etc.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Tue Oct 20, 2015 10:58 am

Just had a closer look at the Lita Phoenix dap attempt screenshots:
Now that looks it really hurt her at some point! :(
She is a trooper, we know it, but I really wondered wheter dap isnt too hard for her...as much as I would like her to become a dap regular like Arwen.

Have to download that scene first, bought it only today, but I do hope it doenst make me wish she left!
Would be the first ever scene for LP... :confused:

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Pedrolito » Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:25 pm

As long as we are talking about "porn girls" (i.e. a legal-age woman who decided to enter the business by eager and in a company that is respectful with laws and human rights ; not a pretty girl trapped by some mafia and forced to do sex against her will), we're talking about professionals who know what they do. Or else it's like watching football and pity the poor players who get tired over an intense match. On the contrary, we love to see them give all they have for the beauty of the show. As far as the company is clean (as I imagine Legalporno is), they are safe and they know what they go for. So if you watch porn to care about girls or to imagine you getting married with her, you probably should reconsider another activity, since porn is all about "submitting" a woman to our sexual desires to satisfy our fantasies. BTW caring about porn girls is pure nice guy sindroma (yes, the one who always finishes last), i.e. "she doesn"t understand that I know better than herself what is best for her, - and it always coincides with her ending with me".
From my early childhood I always loved women nudity so for me porn is a long-time love story. And it excites me like hell to see a girl reaching the limits of the bearable when doing nasty stuff : grimaces and unintentional contractions when rimmed by huge cocks too big for her is an instant turn-on - as far as it is not rape and she willfully accepts the risks before signing of course.

@DAP-addict : what's the name of this Twisted Tommy production you took the picture from ?

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Thu Oct 22, 2015 11:14 pm

Pedrolito wrote:...we're talking about professionals who know what they do. Or else it's like watching football and pity the poor players who get tired over an intense match. On the contrary, we love to see them give all they have for the beauty of the show. As far as the company is clean (as I imagine Legalporno is), they are safe and they know what they go for.

Some really wise words here, thanks Pedrolito! :)
As I said I never had these ideas that I wanted a girl to leave porn with legalporno.com
They make it very clear to any girl working on porn set for them that she can call "stop it!" anytime. But some other studios...well, I've watched a lot of porn and a few scenes were troubling for sure.

I think real problem starts once you get aquainted with some of the porn girls...but than again as some here wrote already, its not the only job being hard at times.

Btw, about professionals...some are really young and its always first time. Just keep that in mind!
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Pedrolito » Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:00 am

As for every job in the world, not everybody is equal in resources when beginning... And sometimes you simply don't fit the profile required ;-)
so, what about the name of the Twisted Tommy production ? Thanks by advance :-D

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Fri Oct 23, 2015 3:39 am

Have to find out first as I took her from a Twisted Tommy trailer and dont have that film on dvd in my TT collection. Will get on to you.

Beginners are usually not yet professionals, thats the problem. Important however is to instruct them to call it off and ask to stop as soon as soon as it hurts like they do on LP shots. Not sure how its with Sineplexx 2.0 in Piter, but I guess its the same safe standards.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Pedrolito » Fri Oct 23, 2015 6:53 am

At least that was Henri Ford's MOTO : a worker working in a stimulating and good environment will give the best of himself. And he became one of the richest man on earth...
So the more the company treat the girls well,the more they feel rewarded for their work, and the more they feel safe and eager to do nastier things. Paradoxical but logical :cool: I really do hope this is the way LP runs its business

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:00 pm

It is and this is why all this hate from Bp.
Payment, instructions to call for a stop when it starts getting too much or hurting prior to every scene, overall treatment and respect, free flat etc.

And still...for some girls its almost too much. See my early post about Olivia Devines last dap so far, also check magizis screens in her model thread.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby nec5150 » Fri Oct 23, 2015 3:00 pm

Sorry, I have no compassion for these girls. They are pretty and get paid to do their job with ass, pussy and mouth. I certainly don't want to see them get hurt or abused outside of the performance. But they picked their profession, not me. If I am paying $$$, I want to see these sluts get nasty. It's called fantasy.

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Pedrolito » Fri Oct 23, 2015 9:12 pm

hey nec5150 : Van Halen fan ?
I used to fuck my girlfriend while listening to some of their wild David-Lee-Roth-era stuff :-D

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby nec5150 » Sat Oct 24, 2015 1:05 am

Haha...yes. I'm a big VH fan. Drop Dead Legs is a great stripper song!

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:00 am

nec5150 wrote:If I am paying $$$, I want to see these sluts get nasty. It's called fantasy.

Look, every fantasy has its price, no?
Just try to come down on a human level, face to face, with everyone of your service and entertainment workers 8and also rock musicians) who make your life better. With those profitting from your job, too. What you see?
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Pedrolito » Sat Oct 24, 2015 8:41 pm

Hey dap-addict,
I found out that the picture from the Twisted Tommy produciont you posted was from the movie "Ask for ass". I watched the scene and the girl was totally fine and in control : no pain or suffering whatsoever, just fake moans of pleasure. So it doesn't really illustrate the dilemma ;)

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:59 pm

Hey, thanks, I see I have that dvd in my collectin even. :)
Shall have to watch it myself than. To be honest I took just the screenshot to illustrate without checking the footage. However, I think you know perfectly well what I am talking about. Here, btw, is the link to the Olivia Devine tears, see p. 1 of this thread: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=8182&p=61846&hilit=Olivia+Devine#p61846
As I said trouble really starts when you start talking to these porn girls personally. Film is a lot of fake of course.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:57 am

Btw, Pedrolito, how did you find out so fast?
Is there a pic google sourse a.o.?
Anyway, nice to hear its just fake moans! :)
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby nec5150 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 2:00 am

dap-addict wrote:
nec5150 wrote:If I am paying $$$, I want to see these sluts get nasty. It's called fantasy.

Look, every fantasy has its price, no?
Just try to come down on a human level, face to face, with everyone of your service and entertainment workers 8and also rock musicians) who make your life better. With those profitting from your job, too. What you see?

Good point. I did not understand your question. Yes, I feel compassion for everyone who does a good job. However, I don't feel "sorry" for adult stars. They make more money than I do and get to have sex all the time. Hard to feel sorry for that. :)

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Tue Oct 27, 2015 4:07 am

Nec, their sex is just work basically.
Immagine to do it with all lights on and a director always calling "Stop! Position change!" when it starts to get fine etc.
And now think of your favorite girl, your entertainment worker, who get into pain at this work, maybe even starts to cry like Olivia Devine did...just immgine and find a true position. No anti-porner bullshit, no cold I pay-you perform stuff, just human feelings.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Nakata. » Tue Oct 27, 2015 6:46 am

:eek: I juzt feel a very little :o Compassion in the latezt anal scenes of Misha Cross. :eek: Hardcore anal it's over for her. :(

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Pedrolito » Tue Oct 27, 2015 11:14 am

Hey dap-addict, it was easy to find out. I googled Twisted Tommy productions and then found a site that listed all the DVDs and then I checked the back covers looking for a blonde girl with beige stockings. Sherlock Porn :D

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Tue Oct 27, 2015 12:46 pm

And than you really watched that scene? :confused:
Still didnt have time to find that dvd box in my collection, thus I cant confirm tha girl really wasnt in pain during that anal. But on that trailer it looked not good. :(
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby Pedrolito » Wed Oct 28, 2015 2:22 am

Here you have a link where to find the DVD with stream and download options.
enjoy, hoping you find answers to your questions ;)

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:42 am

Ok, nothing wrong here, just fake moans.
Conceed that pic was not best choosen, I thould have digged deeper.
Still, some girls suffer sometimes on set, you also know it.... All I ask for is compassion.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby nec5150 » Thu Oct 29, 2015 1:17 am

nec5150 wrote:
dap-addict wrote:
nec5150 wrote:If I am paying $$$, I want to see these sluts get nasty. It's called fantasy.

Look, every fantasy has its price, no?
Just try to come down on a human level, face to face, with everyone of your service and entertainment workers 8and also rock musicians) who make your life better. With those profitting from your job, too. What you see?

Good point. I did not understand your question. Yes, I feel compassion for everyone who does a good job. However, I don't feel "sorry" for adult stars. They make more money than I do and get to have sex all the time. Hard to feel sorry for that. :)

I get it...you feel compassion. That's great. But according to your poll over half of the customers here (56%) never feel compassion for adult performers. You have your answer.

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Thu Oct 29, 2015 12:22 pm

Nec, poll oscilates since many weeks between 45 and 57% answering this most extreme compassion question "Did you ever wish a porn girl to quit that biz because performing on set seemed too hard for her?" with "No, never!". Currently its 56%, but not 56% of "I never feel compassion for them if they have a hard time on set".

Second really important point is we are at LP forum and I stressed many times that with LP I never got this feeling. At LP girls are fully in charge what they want to do on set basically, they can always call "Stop! Enough! I need a break!" etc. and they get informed about this clearly.

So maybe this is the wrong forum to ask this question...ok than. All I really want is porn consumers to keep in mind that these girls are haveing a hard time sometimes and they should be able to count on our understanding and our compassion. Or in other words, this are not just "whores" and "sluts" derserving the worst but girls with feelings!
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby magizi877 » Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:29 pm

I think you fail to see the larger principle.

We don't care, not because they do porn, or any other job. We don't care because they are not part of our social circle.

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby nec5150 » Fri Oct 30, 2015 3:16 pm

magizi87 wrote:I think you fail to see the larger principle.

We don't care, not because they do porn, or any other job. We don't care because they are not part of our social circle.


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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby fracassato » Sat Oct 31, 2015 1:02 pm

You can see if a person doesn't care of what is talking about by his low quality answers...

magizi87 wrote:We don't care because they are not part of our social circle.

What the hell does this mean ?

So, if a person not part of your circle gets hurt you feel no compassion ?

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby nec5150 » Sat Oct 31, 2015 3:01 pm

fracassato wrote:You can see if a person doesn't care of what is talking about by his low quality answers...

magizi87 wrote:We don't care because they are not part of our social circle.

What the hell does this mean ?

So, if a person not part of your circle gets hurt you feel no compassion ?

I feel compassion for someone getting hurt. Are implying that these girls on LP are in some way being hurt?

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby fracassato » Sat Oct 31, 2015 4:35 pm

I thought we were talking in general, not only LP.

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby magizi877 » Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:47 am

Do you feel compassion when an electrician gets electrocuted doing his job, or when an oil station blows up killing everyone aboard.

Or when soldiers die during combat.

(INSERT every other job here)

The only way you will really care for them is, if they are family or friends of yours.

Is not that we don't care at all about porn actress, but I doubt anybody will go out of their way, to show them support, when a scene was too hard for them...

Is kind of what they do, you know.

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Sun Nov 01, 2015 5:51 am

Thats exactly th point, magizi, allow some of your fave porn girls to become associated with your "social circle", emotionally at least and than see what happens.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby magizi877 » Sun Nov 01, 2015 7:19 am


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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby fracassato » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:52 pm

magizi87 wrote:
Is not that we don't care at all about porn actress, but I doubt anybody will go out of their way, to show them support, when a scene was too hard for them...

Is kind of what they do, you know.

With "general" I was refering only in porn, not also in all others real life activities, but the heart of the matter doesn't change.

And again you'are confusing subjects...we are not talking about people that have had a simple tough day at work, but we are talking about girls getting hurted for real because someone cross the borderline with no logical reason.

What can I do for the girl is another matter of fact and I'm not the holy god and I cannot take care for everyone, I support them the best I can by simply avoid to watch that particular scene.

Is then a responsibility of the girl to report to authorities if she was mistreated.

I was not there, I can't report what it really happend, so it's up to the girl to defense herself if noone is on her side.

In my country perjury is prosecutable by law, so, I cannot be the "lawyer" of everyone by simply making up stories...

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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby dap-addict » Mon Nov 02, 2015 11:22 am

fracassato wrote:Is then a responsibility of the girl to report to authorities if she was mistreated.

I think you mix things up yourself now fracassato. :confused:
Please read back this thread and my first post: Its about watching porn, detecting a girl haveing really a hard time on set and you feeling/not feeling compassion for her, even at one point wishing she left porn and find another job. Its the higest sacrifice of a fan, i.e. wishing your favorite girl would not give you anymore what you enjoy so much by her, i.e. her porn scenes.

Is not as much emotional as magizi wants to see it, i.e. I dont feel the same for her as for my family and friends or course, but its still compassion.

And again, my I remind you not to fall into the anti-porner trap in the vain of "these girls are mistreated on porn sets" and similar bullshit! As I stressed many times girl are in control usually - and for sure at LP! - they can always say "Stop it" at a porn set, its mutual understanding of censenting adults. But it still can be hard.
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Re: Poll: Compassion and true care for porn girls?

Postby nec5150 » Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:14 pm

magizi87 wrote:

DAP Addcit, we are talking in circles my friend and I am foolishly feeding this discussion by responding I know. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT PORN ACTRESSES. I PAY MONEY TO PORN SITES SO I CAN JERK OFF TO THEM HAVING SEX. Enough said already. What is the point of all this discussion?...do you feel better about posting this thread as some measure of guilt about your own feelings? Please don't respond to that. :p


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