More pictures in the "picture sets" please...

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More pictures in the "picture sets" please...

Postby MackZatis » Sat Nov 06, 2021 2:23 am

I really like the pic's taken in your studio. While I'm no photographer or artist, and not an expert on all the different variables/settings or adjustments to make a picture "great". To my eye, they look great. The lighting, color balance, ect all look to be pretty spot on. Not to mention the resolution and clarity being amazing. However...
It would be great if the picture count was up around 75+. And to have a majority of them being "action" shots, not solo/glam poses. To me the current average of around 25-35 is just too few, especially when 15-20 are of the solo/glam variety....
I know that nowadays the pictures are always an after thought basically and not important enough to put any time or effort into, nothing like 10+yrs ago. But I don't think that's asking too much or would be too hard to facilitate.
I'm sure many others would appreciate as well....
Thanks in advance for listening and maybe considering it.

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