Find models using their [spam] account, you could recruit a few that way... To find new models, find some local guys to recruit local hookers, you can do that through [spam], talk to some random guys and offer them 500 for each models they find. Some of the might agree, money speaks... (If you want russian models, find some local russian guys through [spam] and offer them money, don't pay any advances)
I heard you sold your House to shoot porn movies, hope you have another one to live... It's risky, you should be careful, observe the best selling movies in LP/Aalvids, and learn what's selling, why it's selling, what's not selling and why it's not selling. You should choose your models wisely, most of them are cheaters, they care only about the money, they don't care about you, your studio's success or their career...
So, bye..