Now as a fellow-up of what I try to say lets take 2 DAPs I spend some time watching last few days.
Its Paola Hards DAPbreakin' for gonzo: (SZ2570)
Nicole Blacks 62th DAP for GIO: (GIO1649)
For DAP its crucial in my book that the girl no matter how seasoned a performer she may be celebrates that most difficult and demanding porn sex act to perform still and doesnt make it seem like it was a stroll in the park. The same I expect from her with any single anal basically, see above!
This is what I pay her for as a user/customer besides paying her more for doing DAP of course, but also paying studio for tests needed to shoot, camera, cutting etc.
Lets see this also really customer based for once: I pay for a show, for an adult entertainment and thus co-employ the given girl and her given studs so to say. And I want a good show from them!
Of course I am a compassionate person, I understand the girl may have a better or worse day, she may have had a row with her BF just before driving to that set, she may have a tiresome long trip behind her from Russia via Belarus or from Spain via Germany or whatever, but what I want now from her is a good porn show still.
So, Paola Hard - its her very first DAP, 2nd position, 2nd stud in rcDAP:
2nd rcDAP take by Freddy: Paola first looks very lusty directly into his eyes, than she looks into camera, ie. viewer/users eyes and involves them, too. Than she looks into Ian's eyes and smiles so nicely at him - and than she also again cuddles her anchor Angelo a bit! Just so lovely!

And that's how she started with DAP:
Paola reacts lively,
she doenst pretend nothing happened in her ass, you feel her resistance, but than she soon starts to smile. So heartwarming and hot!

Lets be aware, I am talking of a very demanding sex act only best porn girls can do fine. Its THE top payed porn act for over 25 years now. Some directors pay up to 3k for it, even in Europe! It's really difficult, thus by far not every rookie girl is as good as it as Paola Hard, can't be, impossible! But also mustnt be the opposite, a detached stroll-in-the park, going-through-emotions kind of scene, even if the girl has done 20 or more DAP scenes already. It also can't be too 'lubed out', too muted so to say, or if the girl needs it that way to perform DAP fine she still has to act fine, too! Its payed too good and it costs too much for users/customers to be just any another sex scene!
Thus also the much discussed Nicole Black case is important, as is any case of an LP girl getting past 50 or so scenes and getting caught by some on-set/work routine, how could it be different?!
Nicole for sure is more distanced and colder than rookie Paola Hard during DAP,
but, when given something new Nicole reacts pretty lively, still. Here for instance after 4-5 studs circle-DAP-ed her sb pours some lube on her down there and look what happens: Performance is not as lively as it could be, but its far from her somewhat distant and detached air she showed last dotzen of scenes.

Question is where does every user/consumer
draw a red line, what show he expects from his LP girl(s)?