xxx wrote:There is no "condom takeover". We are doing a single condom scene for each girl we are interested in.
You want all new girls without condom? Then be ready to lose half of them and get NO CONTENT AT ALL. You are clueless about how things work.
germanporn wrote:my 2 things never should be in an porn
2.pussy hair. not even an smal landing strip only 100% bald!!!!!!!
My point.
xxx wrote:Amber Cute did a single condom scene, that sold well.
klapphatt wrote:todays update again a waste of ticket,rubber porn,UGHHH!!!!!
Slippery Pete wrote:xxx wrote:Amber Cute did a single condom scene, that sold well.
Oh, well as long as it sold well, that's really all that matters, right?
Slippery Pete wrote:xxx wrote:Amber Cute did a single condom scene, that sold well.
Oh, well as long as it sold well, that's really all that matters, right?
xxx wrote:I will continue to follow this logic to provide the members what they want. Based on real numbers and tools, such as the actors poll for members.
However, condoms scenes are not really here to be sold - they are like preparation work - so they don't follow this logic. This is something many of you still don't understand. You can complain all day, they will still have to be done. You can close your eyes, or we can make them invisible, but they do happen and I think some of you would rather be able to watch them.
Those of you who think they are porn oracles and know everything right and wrong, can start your own production. It is not so expensive to do a few scenes. I will happily list them here and you can see how your imagination works with reality.
xxx wrote:However, condoms scenes are not really here to be sold - they are like preparation work - so they don't follow this logic. This is something many of you still don't understand. You can complain all day, they will still have to be done. You can close your eyes, or we can make them invisible, but they do happen and I think some of you would rather be able to watch them.
evil-pineapples wrote:I think if you label these scenes more clearly as "bonus content," you would not be facing such a strong backlash against them. This is a marketing problem. You haven't differentiated the condom "preparatory" scenes enough from the rest of your content, and so your customers have trouble understanding them as different products.
xxx wrote:Of course everyone prefers to watch scenes without condoms, but in the case of this last girl it was either this, or nothing for at least 3 more weeks and possibly no chance to shoot her ever again. Which do you prefer?
evil-pineapples wrote:I think if you label these scenes more clearly as "bonus content," you would not be facing such a strong backlash against them. This is a marketing problem. You haven't differentiated the condom "preparatory" scenes enough from the rest of your content, and so your customers have trouble understanding them as different products.
DoubleOrNothing wrote:xxx wrote:Of course everyone prefers to watch scenes without condoms, but in the case of this last girl it was either this, or nothing for at least 3 more weeks and possibly no chance to shoot her ever again. Which do you prefer?
I would prefer that you don't set precedents which will only end up with droves of starlets demanding to shoot with condoms who would otherwise have shot without them.
BAD idea.
dirtyflits wrote:Why woud we want to see condoms on porn, its such a bumemr to see such vids.
i want my vids to be clear of rubber and the all shoud be hardore!!
xxx wrote:I will continue to follow this logic to provide the members what they want. Based on real numbers and tools, such as the actors poll for members.
However, condoms scenes are not really here to be sold - they are like preparation work - so they don't follow this logic. This is something many of you still don't understand. You can complain all day, they will still have to be done. You can close your eyes, or we can make them invisible, but they do happen and I think some of you would rather be able to watch them.
Those of you who think they are porn oracles and know everything right and wrong, can start your own production. It is not so expensive to do a few scenes. I will happily list them here and you can see how your imagination works with reality.
dpconnoisseur1 wrote:One request is like magiz87 suggest please don't replace the daily content with that condom scene. So on the days when condom content is shown for our consumption please still keep the other 2 types of scenes. Thanks in advance loyal customer!
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