LP Girl interviews

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LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:21 am

Interviews are less sexy than fucking of course, but they bring us our LP cuties so close still!

UPDATE: My whole Nela Decker interview is finally out!

Looks like the embedded links to my Lana Bunny interview conducted almost 5y ago dont work anymore. :confused: Here is a working link: viewtopic.php?f=104&t=23748&p=313640&hilit=Interview#p313640

Interview with Stacy Bloom by dap-addict, Oct/Nov 2021:
Stacy Bloom just about to reveal her face... and much more!

[color=#FF0000]"DAP is a boring sex act
to perform for me, it has NEVER been a challenge for me!"

Q01: Stacy, at an age when many women start getting baby panic, you started your own Stacy Bloom Studio. For me that is the most impressive in your comparably short AVLP career. How did it happen? Was an own studio a long dream of you?
STACY BLOOM: I had the idea to go behind the camera in my mind for a long time, but it happened much differently than planned: Pandemia caused that I gave that start-up. Before that I wanted to start as content creator with my boyfriend, but he betrayed me. After break-up I started webcam - on his recommendation btw, for what i am grateful to him. I continued with webcam cause its interesting and it was new for me. I like to learn something new, even if this will take some time and effort.

I am masturbating a few times in a day usually, and noticed that it looks not bad with beautiful light, and ME, and I can to do what I want to do anyway, without limits. Then, came the option of recording live cam shows, and I also received support from Stripchat company. I did it, and published it. And I found out that lot of people have the same fetishes as I have, they love to watch beautiful view and perverse, what shown beautiful.
Also, as a porn-fan, especially of fetishes,I usually prefer to watch extreme solo scenes, especially very early works of some studios and models who have been in business 8-12 years ago. Watching and recording I was really happy realizing what I truly like, because many porn performers told me that what I am doing was strange and disgusting. But I didn’t let myself dis-encourage. My roots are stronger!
I also happy like to show pervert action, how I see it; to share my feelings during live broadcast and during any sex-action.


Q02: Oh, gosh, I wasn’t aware you had so many previous experiences! StacyBloomStudio is a big leap forward still because you have control over the entire process yourself…
STACY BLOOM: I wanted to do all I had done previously better - all the process of broadcasting, recording and editing. I wanted something more professional. I am still looking around myself and I am still learning… I found this behind the camera work is interesting - for me more interesting than just to perform.
During performing I am enough concentrated on my feelings, enough relaxed at the moments when I need to be relaxed, and have real orgasm in most of moments, and the same time don't forget about camera, light, and performers. This process makes me happy.

Also, I started this own studio in a period of strong depression, and I can to say, that filming saved my life. But SBS grown up after my family relationships gone to right direction - and I finally made a choice with who to cooperate and what to do. In my difficult moments of depression I took my mind on something else while I filmed and performed.

At that point of my porn career I had the choice to stop performing in porn and to go to webcam and content producing. However, I decided to combine both direction as you can see on AVLP. I appreciate and respect all people who supported me with that own studio, my parents, people from porn business with whom I am continue to work. I didn’t expect they would support me. But it really helped me, that vision from more experienced people, who can see my progress, development and also my job in all its complexity.
And like thus a beautiful thing was born: A project that makes me and other people happier, and also moves our community, makes it grow and developpe. Meanwhile I also see that other models also have their own studios. This shows again that as a community we are growing. I know many women, men, couples, who like to watch beauty and pervert solo/Girl/Girl genres. In my experience, it is a very universal genre.


Q03: How and why did you enter porn biz originally?
STACY BLOOM: I had a good offer from agent of Giorgio Grandi LP studio, a good offer of one of my favorite porn studios, which films I had seen before and which made me horny before, I had extreme good experience in my private life much earlier than I came to hardcore. Gang bang, fisting, anal, DAP, pee, was not something new for me. I known how that working, I tried EVERYTHING what I wanted t try before porn, and an make it beautiful and with sincerely pleasure.

Q04: You started soft for MetArt and came only later for hardcore porn: What made you change the genre?
STACY BLOOM: I started to work with MetArt at 18 y.o. and continued when I was a student in university. Then I took one more education, then one more… but continued my modeling job. I liked this, and felt myself and my beauty. I still remember this time of my youngest years in adult entertainment business with best emotions! Sometimes I was shy, I learned how to play with camera and how to perform in front of the mirror - it was a great experience, and I think that it was good school. But sometimes was also a bit boring….

At the same time, I was aware that hardcore porn in Russia is illegal, and thus if I want to start PORN - I should to do it in EU or USA. EU is closer, and I had s Schengen visa.
Before starting in EU, I had offers to shoot in porn in Russia… But this is not a good idea, and also they offered very small money. Imagine, they offered the same amount as MetArt paid for open-legs photo shooting. And in Italy MetArt even payed more. And to be honest I had more sex in private life before than I have now in porn, haha, because I performed in swinger parties, fucked as crazy with my partner - gang bangs and everything. So, for sure I did not go to porn for the fucking!

What changed my mind was that I had GOOD offer from Giorgio Grandi studio at LP. And because I had difficulties in life, especially health issues, for which I needed fast some big money. So, I agreed to that GIO studio offer. I heard that they are working in EU, and that they adhere to the respect of rights and safety, which was the main issue for me.
It was exactly New Year time, I remember is like it had been yesterday: I was dismissed from the place where I worked as a dancer and I needed a new job. But because it was New Year time and Russian holidays, there was not job. So, I decided go to Prague and since then to start new chapter of my life - with 10 Euro in my bag for the beginning, haha.


Q05: Only this year you started doing wet. Was “piss” first repulsing for you?
STACY BLOOM: Yes. But more important is that before doing wet I had other questions to solve. Because I had an aggravation of epilepsy (a neurological illness shared by almost 40 Mio. people, with unclear causes in 60% of cases) I have since childhood. I also had a surgery and needed to generally restore my health first, before I could start traveling and take wet scenes.
Also, before porn I have been in BDSM relationships, where pee from other partners was taboo. Later I stopped these relationships, because I didn’t want to limit of my life being dependent on one partner. And ofc one of the first things what I made - its my first wet scene. \I promise that next scenes will be hotter and no limits at all )))
In the beginning of my porn career I have seen the worst things: Deception of agency with what been big mistake work for me, betrayal and deception of some performers, health problems unrelated to business, and the epidemic of syphilis and HIV of Spring 2018 in EU porn biz. Those time, around 2 months, most of productions did not worked.


Q06: How important is the pairing with the boys in porn set for you? What is more important with porn studs: attractivity, wood-proof dick or character? What kind of an actor is the worst actor? (no names, but what does a bad actor do wrong?)
STACY BLOOM: It is important, but depending of the scene. On gangbang scenes it does not matter. In 1on1 scenes yes, it is important as soon as camera is rolling. When camera is not rolling I don’t care. The worst actor is who coming on the scene for fucking, not for performing. The worst performer is who is trying to cheat you and to abuse you for his own side-content. Filming of content is also a job! I don’t want to suck a dick in my free time. The worst when my NO on the question, can we to film content, makes them sad. This is job! And I don’t come to studio to suck dicks on the side or BTS. I sucked many dicks before porn, sucking dicks is not my job. The worst performers are those, who don’t understand this and who do not respect women.

Q07: Would you like the porn studs to cuddle you on set - or better before start of work?
STACY BLOOM: No! I have my own space and want people with who I am working to respect this.

Q08: You told me in LP forum that “DAP is boring”. Why do you feel so? Is there no DAP position any challenge for you anymore? What is the biggest difference between DP and DAP for you? What do you prefer to perform on set and why?
STACY BLOOM: DAP has NEVER been porn sex act or position that was a challenge for me. I do my job and I do what I like, but I am not stopping at doing DAP only because I tell you again: It is boring. I prefer fisting or big toys, prolapse games.
And what is the difference? - DAP = Double Anal Penetration. DP = Double Penetration (one dick in ass and one dick in pussy). That IS the difference!

Q09: Hmm, if you say so, I have to accept that…. I also realized you have never performed DVP? Would you consider doing it for Gonzo or other LP studio at all?
STACY BLOOM: I performed DVP in "Naked Barefoot", I remember every action very good. Funny that you written in comment to this scene "Leave DVP to Gonzo, this is TRIPLE". But generally, I decided to make it on other studio.
Triple Vaginal Penetration not bad idea for my pussy )

Horse dildo by Erasexa.

Q10: How did working in porn change your personal life? Did it also change your private sexuality? Did it change you as a person?
STACY BLOOM: Yes, it changed my private sexuality. I appreciate and concentrate more on my PARTNER now, and also on WHAT I REALLY WANT (not what performers or directors are want). I started to understand the difference of partners, my partners and generally all people became much more important for me. That is also why I stopped all sexual contacts outside of porn to be honest. I respect my film partners and want to feel all of them. I appreciate myself and my sexuality now more, than before porn, and prefer to think, and to choose, before fucking with somebody - is this person really deserve my attention. And I am happy it has become like this.

Q11: How important in your income from your own Stacy Bloom Studio (SBS) compared to your LP studio work for you? Is it already economically significant income?
STACY BLOOM: As a smart man (smart men make me horny!!!), Bill Gates, told: "I owe my success in business primarily to my ability to focus on long-term goals without succumbing to the temptation to solve momentary tasks."
Oh, and also as another smart man, Confucius, told: "Find a job that you fall in love with, and you won't have to work a single day in your life anymore."
That’s my answer!

Q12: Can you tell us a bit more about porn shootings: Do you get real orgasms on porn sets? Does it happen with porn studs, or with other girls, or when you play alone in your own studio? What is needed for it to happen?
STACY BLOOM: Yes, I always get real orgasms. As you sure remember during my first scene I had 6 orgasms. This has never been a problem for me, neither in private sexual life nor on porn sets, and anyway I also masturbate often. I am feeling my body very well and I don’t need something special to get an orgasm: just a bit of stimulation. I am doing gym, I worked as a dance performer, and my dad is an ex-sportsman. I know how the body is working. My body is also very sensitive. And I am an adult girl, to become horny and to have orgasm, I just have to be here and now, to concentrate on my feelings, my most perverted fantasies (of which nobody watching my scene – I hope, haha - has any idea. It’s just me, I always felt this way!

Q13: Which porn sex act was the most difficult at your very porn start?
STACY BLOOM: I had no difficulties with any sex acts in porn business. And I am happy that I worked with professionals. In my private life I tried everything I wanted to try before porn. I have only one taboo always, with what which I cannot work: alcohol and drugs. When I see other performers this condition, I cannot work with them. This is difficult for me and better don’t do scene this way.

Stacy Blooms very start still in Russia just after she had turned 18yo.

Q14: Is working on a porn set funny sometimes? Are there also boring moments? Please tell me some examples.
STACY BLOOM: Its most of time funny, and if not, I find some moments to make jokes. It is boring on set when one of the male performers is late. But luckily they stopped to be late on set. Taking fotoshots for picture set is also boring.

Q15: How do you feel after your porn sex work is done? Are you tired and just want a shower? Hungry for food finally? Sexually charged for more sex even?
STACY BLOOM: First, I wanna squirt at least a few times in the shower, what left after scene. I am also masturbating after set. But I also want to leave Stacy Bloom (finally) on that stage, and take back myself after the scene. For this I need 5 minutes just to blow out and take back myself. Ofc I also want to have lunch - my scenes are usually in the morning slots. I also want to sleep 20min after scene. And to have a walk on fresh air. But last is not a big difference compared to my simple non-shooting day.

Q16: How do you generally feel reading LP forum? Is it difficult sometimes? Do you perceive many fans as rude - or rather as kind and understanding people?
STACY BLOOM: I know how to read such forums, thus it is not difficult, to put letter in words together. Sometimes some users have problem with language, but its still possible to understand. I did not meet rude ppl on forum - I guess my fans are good boys.

Q17: In LP forum fans ask you to perform certain things, many have very different wishes: Do you get the feeling they understand that your scenes are a payed job you do for them on set? Or are they just naïve? Are these wishes rather possible at all or not? Can you give me some examples of wishes that sound just crazy?
STACY BLOOM: Crazy is when they are talking about how a girl should change her look. Most of advices just can stop a porn career - and I have actually seen, how that happens. Just because of fan request, girls lost most of their previous jobs. For me much more important than the forum talk is opinion of professionals and people with whom I am working. Wishes of fans are changing every day, but I am doing what I am doing just in time, just when time for this is coming.

Think about it!
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Q18: There is a forum poster (The Vulture) always writing about his need for girls to enjoy their job: He is against chocking and slapping girls. Is he really the understanding and kind voice in forum? What can you tell to (and about) him?
STACY BLOOM: My limit is chocking. Cause I have epilepsy and chocking can provocate an epileptic attack. Yes, TheVulture is really understanding and kind of an objective voice on forum, who help to sweep our industry from raping, from scenes on which performers are performing on drugs or alcohol – and also scenes in which performers can get troubles with health (as me) after the scene because they were forced to perform in such a scene. TheVulture is doing the best he can, and I am happy that on forum (and in life) there are people like him, who respect women and our performing, and want to keep us as possibly longer in this industry. Have u ever thought why some girls, who did all what was requested, from any studios, are not coming back to porn? I think this is the answer!

Me, I cannot perform in vomit scenes because I am still on medical treatment and have problems with my stomach currently. To do vomit scenes for me is not a good idea for my health. Also, for example I had situation of rape in my life (before porn – when I was just walking home from my job). And fictive porn scenarios that could remind me of this horrible thing make me very upset and I just cannot do my work – because I am crying.
First of all filming without agreement and in discomfort is illegal. We have rights in porn. BEFORE, and AFTER the scene, we are signing a video release where we are talking what happened on the scene, confirm that we are not on drugs and alcohol, that our rights have not been violated, and that we are happy with how the scene went. That is why we are calling this biz LEGAL PORNO. And people like TheVulture remind users buying our scenes, that they cannot make request, if model disagreed with this. It is not possible to buy an agreement without personal wish of performer to do this job. It may be possible elsewhere, in other jobs, but not in porn.

Q19: Let me add a self-critical LP forum question: You reacted very sharply when I compared the numbers of DAP scenes you did (per year) with that of a DAP record holder. Why was that? Did you feel objectified, reduced to numbers?
STACY BLOOM: I felt that people have no idea what happened in my life when I came to porn, and how much time and money it cost me to restore and solve some things I needed to work at all. I have also have seen all the difficulties of this biz in the very beginning of my hardcore porn career, especially epidemy of syphilis and HIV. Early 2018, if you can remember this, for 3 months most productions didn’t work. Additionally my agency lied on me, that’s why I left Giorgio Grandis studio for some time. Solving this problem took also time (and money). Therefor it is not correct to compare numbers, years, and success, if you have no idea about situations and reasons WHY a performer did not work for months or years.

Q20: How long would you like to stay in porn biz? Do you aim at ending your work for GIO first, but continue to work for your own studio with dildoes only, i.e. no B/G and no G/G? Do you have already plans for the time after porn retirement? Would you eventually like to have children?
STACY BLOOM: You must be joking! I did not say that I am gonna go away from porn business anytime! I am 12 years working on my adult performer career, and I am not gonna leave. I could change my stage name once again – that’s the maximum. Or I could go behind the stage. Our biz is also wider than you are thinking. Nobody cancelled blogging and sex education, especially for what I am working right now. I am not just performer, I am an artist.

I am planning to film BG content in my STACY BLOOM STUDIO. There exist already a lot of BG scenes with me, and I am developing in the direction I have chosen, solo, g/g and also b/g. There is also a lot of men, who love anal games, and they also watching me on SBS or live cam show, and I am happy to share my pleasure with them. I know that girls, gays and couples also are watching me - and I am happy about this! I need male performers help of course sometimes, but not dicks, only a helping hand. Boys I can see in my lense also as passive sex players – strap-on, crossdressing, fisting.

Soon there will also come GG scenes at STACY BLOOM STUDIO. Now I am choosing models and making some job about this - papers, payment method to models, also need to learn some questions. And I am happy to pay girls for their work in those scenes, happy to provide jobs for them, too. I wanna to male business clearly, legal, and ppl around me and with who I am working been happy.
Not many adult content creators have the real possibility to choose in what direction to work. I do! And I appreciate this, what business gave me and I took the best! Especially because I was a fan of famous solo models like Roxy Ray, HotKinkyJo, Alyssa Gap, Proxy Page, ProlapseParty, O-pearl, DirtyGardenGirl and Veronica Moser (if we are talking about something dirty). I think that adoration of women playing alone with themselves (or with each other) should be forgotten, especially because this genre is universal.

Q21: And what about kids, of that is not a too personal question, Stacy?
STACY BLOOM: About kids: I don’t know many girls in 2021 who are 29yo. and in "baby boom”. My generation is more "childfree". World has changed, women became more independent and have possibility to choose their way of life and their time of making kids and family - which is more important for me. I would like to create a FAMILY - not kids. Create kids can everyone in any moment, we are filming this every day. And I have seen enough lonely women with kids, who are leaving them with grandma, or somewhere else, because they need to take care about kids without man. I don’t want to be one of them, and especially one of those porn actresses, who is crying, because they don’t see their kids for months, because they need to work in porn to give their kids something more. But kids need 100% attention and love of mom. Always. Not only in free days.
Better you do this after you understand what do YOU want from your life, from your PARTNER. And me, I don’t want to have kids without partner. We are not animals and we are in 2021. I would like to have a full family, my kid to have a dad - because its important – and be without needs of money, food, place for living and education. I prefer to have this possibility for future FULL FAMILY before making kids.
To have kids I am ready only from a man who deserve that, of whom I took a part inside me, also into my heart. And I will take a decision who this will be. It will not be men who only pretend to be a dad or just only a creator of kids (I am calling them “creator of kids”.
Sorry, but in my opinion better don't waste time for people who just pretend on you and on your life, because you are a woman and seemingly weaker, and who impose to live with you. We are choosing our future ourselves, without kids, without men, without marriage and other illusions. It’s very stupid to follow wishes of other ppl. I don’t see near me any man, from whom I would like to have lovely kids. In my opinion - and how my parents educated me - the most beautiful kids were born in love. And I want our kids to be beautiful. And I choose my life without help and advises. If a man, who deserve to follow road of life with me - on the same rights, is able to create a HEALTHY society, fine. But to grow a HEALTHY society, you should provide a HEALTHY world for all new human life. And not just create kids and then not know what to do with them! Believe me, there is a billion moms with not enough loved kids in world.
And me, I dont need to make more unhappy people! Better to film more scenes or make something more useful for this world. Everyone wants to take flowers - but there are no men, who stayed with me and accepted, and DID NOT WANTED TO ABUSE (I also met this in my life) my health diagnosis and my situation when I am weak.

Q22: What do you like to do in your leisure time? What is your best way to relax after a stressful day? Which of your favorite music, films or books can you recommend your fans?
STACY BLOOM: I love to dance. Btw after restoring my health and a finally correctly choosen anti-epilepsy treatment I wanna go back to dance performing it also on stage. My fav music is classic or psychedelic rock (such as Pink Floyd), I love 1980ties pop (Madonna, Michel Jackson, Depeche Mode, Abba, Hess is more), electronic (Paul Kalkbrenner, Monolink (instrumental), Dj List, Spyder, Magnit, Giorgia Angulli, Ann Clay, Solomon),Ii love trance and also meditation music. Of Books - I love to read since my childhood – I love ofc classic Russian literature, Dostoevsky, Chehov. I also love George Orwell’s books – they are cool. I love educated literature also - Vadim Zeland, Michail Labkovskyi (Russian psychologist). Currently I am reading a book my dad recommended to me - Joe Dispenza - it’s a very cool book which helps to understand something more than just leaving your life, and this book helped me in the beginning of changing my medical treatment - I needed that mental support. And that helped. I am happy to recommend this book to other people - especially in period of any sickness, or before/after any medical treatments. Anyway, its very good book. Knowledge of this theory is very good.

Q23: Is there anything I did not ask, but you would like to tell us?
STACY BLOOM: I appreciate and I am grateful for everything I have seen in this business and in life - it made my roots stronger. I am happy to continue to work with people and studios, who were with me from the beginning, and did not leave me in difficult moments of life and difficult health situation. This support let my business bloom.And I am happy to developpe our business, I want to make something more than just performing for people with whom I am working – because all of them made me bloom and supported me.

Fotos chosen by Stacy Bloom & dap-addict.
Foto credits: Lena Vazhenina, Chad Stepbrother, Disciples Desire

(Sorry couldnt attach more fotos, but in Stacy's model thread there will be more)

Previous interviews:
Silvia Soprano
Ava Harris
Sharlotte Thorne you find on page 3 - and her nice fotos at the end. :)

Silvia Soprano by dap-addict, conducted March 25-27th 2021.
Silvia Soprano revealed - Holidays in Venice 2019.
(private Foto, unpublished before)

Q01: You are Italian but you live in Barcelona. How come?
Silvia Soprano: Yes, I'm Italian, from Rome to be precise, I've always lived in a very small neighborhood, I've always felt very close to it and I'm the classic girl who has always said "when I'm 18 I'll leave Italy". In the end it happened when I was 21, but better late than never.
I decided to move to Barcelona because I wanted to learn Spanish, and above all because I needed to feel far from home a little bit to test myself and become independent. When I made the ticket I only had a room rented through the internet and some money aside.
At the beginning it was not easy, I am not a very sociable person and I had great difficulty with the language at first and I suffered a lot because of this. After I found a job, I started to make first acquaintances and from there it went all better. I learned the language quite well and I started to adapt more and more.
I would do this experience a thousand more times, and I'm proud to have had the courage to throw myself into the void. Even if I had a lot of worries at the beginning, now I'm doing great and probably if I had not left I would never have even started acting. Traveling makes you think, opens your mind and above all makes you discover new facets of yourself. I would recommend all my peers to do an experience like this, it can really change your life in a positive way!

Q02: How and why did you enter porn biz? What did you do before to earn your living?
Silvia Soprano: Before entering porn I always worked as a hairdresser, for about 5-6 years. During school I always thought I had a strong passion for this job, but when I started, I realized how much it oppressed me and how much it made me feel bad. The first few years of apprenticeship are tough because employers take advantage of you and with the excuse that you have to learn they make you work long hours and you are paid a pittance. You don't always meet colleagues who know how to work as a team, so very often I found myself being treated badly by people older than me, who were in fact just supposed to teach me.
Initially I was there because I was small and naive and I really loved this job, I was willing to face this apprenticeship and try to educate myself as much as possible without taking the bad examples of people I had around me. But the more time passed and the more I saw that despite the hard I work never reached satisfaction, I always seemed to be at the same point and I never had even a little free time for me, I began to hate this job, coming to the conclusion that it was not for me.
The change happened in Barcelona: When I moved there one of the first things I did was to buy my first sex toy. I had never had one before because at home with my mother I was always afraid she might find it. To have one finally made me feel really great, like when you go out for the first time alone or when you open your first bank account. And above all it made me free! There always comes a point in life when you feel like you're alone, don't be afraid because it's in those moments you see everything more clearly.
I've always been curious about sex but at the same time embarrassed and scared. So finally living my intimacy freely changed something inside me, I simply understood that sex was what made me happy. In life before Barcelona I've always looked for strong emotions in the wrong ways, so it was a great achievement for me to find this euphoria in something healthier. I've always been very shy, I never thought I'd end up naked in front of a camera. But it's like one day my limits that I thought I had, just disappeared and I started to seriously consider becoming a porn actress because I really felt that need. It's like for the first time in my life I saw it clearly. I had never experienced this feeling and so I let myself be carried away by these emotions and I started to get myself informed. My search for information was simply "how to become a porn star?" on google. Writing it in Spanish I found an amateur site that gave the opportunity to send a form with your data and photos. I obviously tried thinking that they would never even call me. Instead, after a few days the producer called me and proposed me to do 3 scenes: The first was a bga with a black guy, the other two were simple bg. I accepted immediately thinking that it could be definitely a good start. After I did these scenes I had the confirmation that this was just the job I wanted to do.
I don't know what advice I can give to all the shy people in this world, but I know what it feels like and I know it's a great discomfort. But I can only assure them, that sooner or later shyness disappears, and you don't even remember what it is anymore. There comes a time when you feel so good with yourself that an energy takes possession of you to make you live life to the fullest without unnecessary paranoia and focus only on yourself.
Anyway, going back to the subject of how I got into porn, it happened like this, by sending a form with data and photos. From there my second step was Robin who I suppose discovered me from there.

Q03: Since last Summer you made about 10 scenes for GIO/GLab. Most are DAP and 0% pussy format. You also made a TP. Do you feel better with anal sex only? What is the difference in feeling between DP, TAP and TP?
Silvia Soprano: Let's say that anal sex gives me more physical sensations, I feel it more, but in my private life I see it as a very intimate and special thing so it's only for a few of my private sex partners.
There's a feeling that DP, DAP and TP have in common, the feeling of being full, but in a positive sense. I always feel constantly a lot of emptiness inside me, as if I never feel 100% satisfied, there's always something that makes me think I could have more, let's say it's like when you go to a SPA after a long period of stress, or when you go on holiday. I don't know how to explain this feeling but it certainly makes me feel good.
I liked the TP particularly because it's another limit I overcame and I remember precisely the feeling of feeling full, the same feeling you have when you are in front of a fireplace and it's snowing outside, you feel your heart is warm.

Q04: How important is the pairing in porn sets for you? What is more important with porn studs: attractivity, performance and wood-proof dick or character? Is there a difference for you whether you perform with a white or a black porn actor?
Silvia Soprano: It's important but not too much. So far I can say that I've got on well with all the actors and actresses I've shared the set with. I think this depends a lot on me, it's really hard for me to have problems with a person, I can always establish good relationships with people.
I'll give you a ranking in order from the most important of these aspects to the least: 1. character; 2. performance 3. cock proof; 4. atractivity
For me there is no difference between working with a white or black actor, how can the color of the skin change anything?

Q05: Would you like the porn studs to cuddle you on set, or before start of work? How much intimacy you feel okay with in porn work?
Silvia Soprano: I don't look for any particular attention from my colleagues. Because the most important thing is respect and kindness and this is enough for me to work in harmony. Intimacy is enough for you to be able to do your job without discomfort, but not too much. Because otherwise I wouldn't have any more special moments left for me.

Q06: So far you performed on set together with Rebecca Sharon and Anna de Ville: How was it working with them? What do you prefer with each of them?
Silvia Soprano: I enjoyed working with both of them. Having a woman on stage makes you feel more supported let's say. The things I appreciated most about Rebecca was her polite way, her calmness and above all it's always a pleasure to work with a sunny and smiling person. With Anna it was my first scene divided in two parts, which means many more hours of shooting, and I must say that it went great because we got along very well. I appreciate her character and her sense of humor.

Favorite moments of life, holidays!! - Camerota 2019.
(private Foto, unpublished before)

Q07: Watching your DAPs I realized you still have problems sometimes in cowgirl DAP position: What makes that position so difficult for most porn girls? Which DAP position works best for you?
Silvia Soprano: Yes, it's true that I often have difficulties in cowgirl DAP position. I think it is because I have to arch my back to assume a more harmonious and more nice-looking posture and I automatically get very stiff. But I am sure that with time I will improve.
If I can stabilize myself with a comfortable position in reverse cowgirl DAP I can relax and I don't have any problems.
Above all I can give the best of myself when I have my mind emptied of all thoughts, in some periods it is not easy, but I have always had the ability to neutralize all the negative thoughts that I may have in that day.

Q08: How did working in porn change your personal life? Did it also change your private sexuality? Did it change you as a person?
Silvia Soprano: This job has changed my life for the better, I can confirm it every day more and more. First of all, now I feel that I am surrounded only by people who really love me. Since I started I lost many friends, at first, I felt bad about it but now I understand that they were never real friends. With my parents I have never had such a good relationship, absurdly enough since I left and confessed to them that I wanted to start this career they have become my best friends. With my parents, now I talk about things that we had never discussed and I no longer have any secrets. Of course, there is no need to go into specifics, I don't tell them every detail, but the important thing is that they always know that I am well.
My lifestyle is now much healthier than it was a few years ago, I love myself much more because I know that my body is my working tool, so I always try to respect and take care of it. I tried to go out with a boy some time ago, and everything seemed to go well, I was happy because he knew everything about me, even if he didn't like the idea very much, but with him I had my own space that made me feel like the simple girl I have always been. This dating ended because he told me he had found a girl more serious than me and with a normal job. This hurt me a lot, it really hurts to try to constantly show how much you love someone and the conclusion is that you are not serious enough because of the job you do. But like all the unpleasant things that happen in life you get over it and move on.
However, apart from this small chapter in my intimacy I prefer to give myself to someone I love. Casual sex doesn't give me any satisfaction because thanks to my job I feel I can live my sexuality to the full.

Q09: How did your friends and family, relatives react on you doing that kind of work?
Silvia Soprano: My parents weren't very happy at first, having such news through a video call can't be easy to process, but they are really two great people. My mother at first was just worried that someone might have convinced me in some way and that I alone far from everyone at home in Italy got carried away. First thing my father asked was if I had economic problems. He just wanted to make sure I wasn't doing it just for the money. When they understood that it was just my choice and that I felt very comfortable they were happy for me, and even now they always support me. As I said before, our relationship is getting better every day, I can't wait to see them, hug them and say thank you, because without their support it would never have been the same.
Friends often turn out to be all the opposite. But these are experiences that help you grow, to stop believing in fairytales of friendships forever. When my best friend stopped talking to me I was terrified of bonding with people, but then I realized such behavior is of no use: You have to always be yourself, never hold back, you have to make the most of your experiences and if one day it ends for whatever reason, life goes on and the world is full of people who will give you good times and good memories.

Q09b: How you cope with negative internet (LP forum, IG, Tw etc.) comments?
Silvia Soprano: I feel lucky because on the internet I've never read terrible comments about me. If they write that I'm a whore I won't be offended. It's clear that what I do can't convey anything else, maybe that's the beauty of the game, that everyone can think what they want. But when you know who you really are, it doesn't really matter. Maybe sometimes I've read that I'm not very pretty, but that's fine, everyone has their own taste and I understand it perfectly. I can say that until now I've never read anything about myself that made me feel bad.

Q10: Can you tell us a bit more about porn shootings: Do you get real orgasms on porn sets? In how many in the 12 GIO/GLab porn sets did it happen?
Silvia Soprano: Sometimes it happens that I have real orgasms. But I have to say the truth it does not happen always, simply because I need a lot of concentration to have an orgasm and when I'm on the set, I'm focused on something else. Anyway, I think the scene where I had the most orgasms was the one with Dylan.

Q11: Which porn sex act or fetish was the most difficult for you at start? Was "piss" or swallowing sperm first repulsing for you?
Silvia Soprano: I've always swallowed sperm and it has never bothered me, pee neither, simply because the idea doesn't disgust me. People eat and drink a lot of things and have no idea what's inside, like energy drinks, fast food sandwiches etc. So why be shocked by sperm and pee?

Q12: When you are performing on set you do it for your fans to watch you later: Does this knowledge help you doing all those acts? Does it even create a sexual tension and lust for you?
Silvia Soprano: Thinking that someone will watch me afterwards definitely motivates me a lot to give my best, and it definitely gives me a lot of pleasure. I like to have the idea that I can make others have a good time, so I am proud of what I do. That's why I always try to make eye contact with the camera.

Q13: Is working on a porn set funny at times? Are there also boring moments?
Silvia Soprano: Working on a porn set is fun because sometimes it doesn't even feel like a real job, and most of the times you are dealing with nice people. Boredom is a feeling never experienced on a set before.

Q14: How do you feel after your on-set job done? Are you tired and just want a shower? Hungry for food finally? Sexually charged for more sex even?
Silvia Soprano: When a scene is over I have a wonderful feeling, I feel really satisfied. The first thing I do is to take a shower and eat, then I usually drink a beer to relax and rest. Because after the moment of euphoria I start to feel tired.

Favorite moments of life, holidays!! - London 2019.
(private Foto, unpublished before)

Q15: How long would you like to stay in porn biz? Do you have any plans for the time after porn retirement? Do you eventually want husband and children?
Silvia Soprano: Obviously as long as possible, as long as my body allows me to. The dream I always had in life is to open my own barbershop with only female employees, I would like to create a place where women take care of men with the utmost professionalism.
I'd love to get married. One day I'd like to have a man to spend the rest of my life with, but some things can't be planned, let's say that if it happens I'm happy, if it doesn't it won't be a drama. But I've never thought about having children. First of all, I'm still very young and then I don't like the idea, this world is totally wrong, I'd be afraid to bring someone into the world knowing that they could suffer a lot.

Q16: What do you like to do in your leisure time? Which of your favorite music, films or books can you recommend your fans?
Silvia Soprano: In my spare time I like to read, go for a walk by the sea to relax, go to the gym to workout. I really miss practicing a sport. When I was little I always did ballet, I stopped because when you become a teenager you turn into a dickhead and think about something else. But I'm going to sign up for boxing soon.
My absolute favorite singer is David Bowie, he was from another planet, his music really makes me travel, my favorite song is "Moonage daydream", I especially recommend delving into the lyrics.
After Bowie, I like all genres, there is not a minute that passes without me listening to music, it has always been part of my life, my mother sings in a choir and my father plays bass and double bass.
My favorite books are: "Ocean Sea” (“Oceano mare") by Alessandro Baricco, "Eleven Minutes" by Paulo Cohelo and "Veronika Decides to Die" by Paulo Cohelo.
My favorite films are by Quentin Tarantino, 1st “Pulp Fiction”, 2nd “Django”.

Q17: Could you describe some of your tattoos? Which one is especially dear to you and why? When and why did you get your first one?
Silvia Soprano: I have a love/hate relationship with my tattoos. I started getting them before I was 18 and if I had waited a bit longer I wouldn't have so many probably. What happened is that I grew up and changed my way of seeing the beauty of a woman's body. The tattoo I'm most attached to is on my arm, a glass bottle in the middle of the sea with a parchment inside with "words" written underneath: I've always had great difficulty in speaking, that tattoo represents all the words I've never said. That tattoo always reminds me, that if I don't take opportunity to express myself my words will end up in a glass bottle in the middle of the sea and there will be no way to get them out.

Q18: LP forum talkers still want this question in my interviews, thus let me ask: How many boys you had sex with before entering porn? And how many since?
Silvia Soprano: Before entering porn, I was with about ten guys I think. Now the number has increased considerably, if we count actors, but in private life the number is more or less the same, less than 20 for sure.

Q20: And finally last question: Is there anything I did not ask but you would like to tell us?
Silvia Soprano: I would like to thank all the people who watch my scenes for supporting me, being chosen among so many girls, is flattering. A special thanks goes to those who will read this interview, after seeing me in all possible ways I decided to open my heart too. I embrace you.

Favorite moments of life, holidays!! - Camerota 2019.
(private Foto, unpublished before)

My Interantional Women's Day 2021 interview with Polish newbie Ava Harris:
GL404 - fotoshot

Made the interview around 8th of March to honor brave and free women like that Polish newbie. And I tried to open this porngirl up also a bit as a person, an individual young woman with her dreams and likes going beyond porn and cheap adult biz PR. I'll publish the more porn half today and the more personal half in a few days. I hope you like this kind of inside talk...

Ava Harris pre-DAP Interview for LP by dap-addict:
Q01: Dear Ava, on Monday was International Women's Day. What does this day mean to you? Is woman's liberation important to you?
Ava Harris: This day is like a normal day for me, although women's liberation is important because we are human beings too, maybe a bit weaker in some things but it doesn't mean we are inferior. Yesterday I got me new driving lessons, that’s my contribution to that 8th of March.

Q02: When did you start to think about adult modelling? What made you start with LP?
I started thinking about it about a year ago. Because I like sex it wasn't a problem for me, and it's also a new experience and I enjoy the work in general. I had been waiting for such a good opportunity with fair payment for almost a year because in my country is only cheap productions. I finally landed at LP studio of Giorgio Grandi thanks to Robin and dap-addict.

First selfie Ava sent me end2020 asking for help with LP.

Q03: Your first ever porn scene was a 1on1 anal with Dylan, a big black cock (BBC) actor. Where you very nervous before going on set? How did you feel right after this scene?
Ava Harris: I was very nervous before the first scene, because I didn't know what to do and how to do it, but as soon as we started filming the stress and nervousness went away, because it felt good and somehow it calmed me down. Dylan was nice, caring, affectionate. And after the scene I felt totally relaxed and I could have done more and more of this anal sex.
Let me also add that the color of the actor doesn't matter to me, it's important that he respects me before, during, after the recording. For me the color of skin doesn't matter, I care more about feeling good about the other person.

Q04: In that 1on1 scene you do some very good gapes: Are you really completely new to anal? Did you know before that you are anally so talented?
Ava Harris: I've done anal in my private life, but not as often as I'm going to do it now. I didn't like anal as much as I do now, because I didn't have a very good experience with it. Some of my lovers didn't know that you have to handle my ass with care, literally, you can't just go in like nothing, you have to push it in slowly and with feeling. You have to do the opposite of how you can handle cunt.
Now after Prague experience I have a different opinion on the subject and I like anal. And as for anal talent, I didn't know I had it, but I'm happy about it, because that's what porn is usually about, and since I'm going to develop here my born talent is an advantage.

Q05: Your second GIO scene is a wet DP: What is the difference in feeling for you between single anal and DP?
Ava Harris: I had only one DP in my private life and it's generally cool, but you don't know which dick to focus on. I really liked that DP scene because the actors were so nice, but over all I prefer anal and that's it. Easier to focus that way.

Ava with a selfie message for me on 8th March 2021.

Q06: You were the first time in a porn studio working for GIO: Which were the 3 most surprising things for you?
Ava Harris: 1st surprising was that everyone is supportive and there's no stumbling blocks or anything like that, which makes me happy, 2nd was that the actors take really good care of us women and make us feel good, which makes me happy. And 3rd was, but this is more about me, that the condition of my ass is really good.

Q07: How do you feel about doing DAP for GIO studio eventually? Do you want it at all? Are you afraid of it?
Ava Harris: I've never done a DAP before so I'm actually a bit stressed about it, but I think I can do it. It will be hard because it's double dick in ass and it may hurt first, but it's not impossible really. I'm a bit scared, but also excited because it will be a new thing for me. I have promised dap-addict that I am doing this for him, and when I promise something I do it because I am a faithful girl. Because of this I hope that 1on1 and DP scene sell well and GIO will invite me for DAP.

QO8: In your 2nd porn scene ever you do already wet! How comes you did it that fast?
Ava Harris: Hahaha, I'm shocked that it happened so fast as well, but it was cool. Right at the beginning of the film I was already wet, nice! That is all for you…!

To be continued in 2-3 days... Stay tuned!

Here you go! :)
Ava Harries, Poland end Feb. 2021.

Q09: If you could choose a cosplay or fantasy figure to play in porn, who is it?
Ava Harris: I would probabely choose Dr. Jane Foster from the Marvel movies, because this character is similar to me in a way, she is so sweet and nice, but on the other hand so wild and honest. I would like to play this character in a porn movie!

Q10: Do you have a sexual fantasy, which you would like to fulfil in porn?
Ava Harris: About fantasy…can we shoot outside in Summer? I would like to do some public sex. I imagine me going to a shopping mall to buy lingerie for a soft erotic foto shooting. I wear a streetwear miniskirt with high Dr.Martens boots and in that shop I meet 4 guys buying presents for their wives… They do DAP with me behind the shelves, but suddenly security appears. So we pack and drive to a lake. On the way they feel me up me in the car, one fucks my ass and busts his nut on my bald cunt. I am even more horny now! At the beach we continue. Two more studs join in. I have 6 boys now and its very thrilling because tourists walk around lake. I try to be silent and not moan during fucking, but I cant.

Q11: What do you think about guys watching porn?
Ava Harris: Guys watching porn are just as cool as guys not watching porn. All of us have watched it for a while, so it's a pretty normal thing, although some people are sensitive about it. Some people like watching porn, some like something else. Men who watch porn would definitely be better lovers.

Int Wom Day.jpg
Ava Harris on International Women's Day, March 8th 2021.

Q12: Which are your adult career goals?
Ava Harris: I take my adult career very seriously and I would like to develop as much as possible, because I like this profession in every way, and I also want to get better and better with every film. I would like to become one of the best actresses on DAP, who has done a couple Dozen DAP scenes.

Q13: After you leave porn, what career would you like to persue?
Ava Harris: I haven't thought about it yet but it's possible that I would go in the direction of appearance in general, so some kind of cosmetologist, make-up artist or something like that.

Q14: Which is your favorite color? Why?
Ava Harris: My favorite color is black, which you can even see on my two GIO videos, because this color goes with everything, every piece of clothing. In general I love dark colors.

Q15: What music are you listening to?
Ava Harris: I listen to Polish rap and foreign pop, although I like rap more because it's my thing. So Taco, Szpaku, Bedoes, Tymek, Problem, Kizo, Malik Montana...

Ava selfie for GIO crew, Robin and dap-addict today.

Q16: If you could change something in your character what would it be?
Ava Harris: I would change the character for the scenes, to make the beginning of the scenes even more harsh. Can I say this or is it controversy? Why not stage a rape fantasy, it is clear it is all just play on set anyway? Burglars could break into my flat…. Or typical bankers could intimate me at the local real estate credit branch. They sit all day in office, thinking about money only and thus frustrated and here comes me, starved like them but they don't know. Let them be many bad guys do DAP, a minimum of 15.

You got me wrong, Ava, its not about a porn film character but your daily life. What irritates you with yourself and what would you change if you just could in 1 second?
Ava Harris: Oh, that's the question! I take less irritation than, and more patience.

Q17: Thanks a lot, Ava! I hope your fans will like to get to know you better. And that you will get new fans...! Just to finish, let me go back to the start of our talk, Ava: Do you believe in ideal romantic love with flowers a.o.? Could you imagine dating a fan?
Ava Harris: I am not a fan of flowers. As for dating a fan, I can imagine it, he will meet me in person and I will see who is watching me, just out of curiosity, I am a am very curious person. Just please don’t bring flowers to our 1st date but rather L’Oreal perfume or chocolate! Anyway, I guess I don't believe in perfect love anymore, 'cause there are not many guys who treat women not as an object for just one night.

Ava in the cold Poland morning of March 12th 2021.

After Ava Harris DAPbreakin' I did a short update interview with her about GIO1647 this afternoon:
Hope this is an interesting read, too! ;)

Q01: Ava, you did that DAP in only your 3rd porn scene ever! How do you feel about it?
Ava Harris: I feel very good after doing DAP. I didn't think I could do it but I did and I am just really very happy with that fact.

Q02: In some of the footage you look like you would enjoy it. Is that all acted or did you feel real lust? Did you get an orgasm even?
Ava Harris: Nothing in dap was faked, I really wanted it and I wanted everyone to see it. And yes, I had an orgasm at the end of the video.

Q03: How does single anal compare to double anal? Did pissing add to the challenge?
Ava Harris: Double anal is also enjoyable, although it sometimes hurts a lot. Peeing was a little rest and break for me. Pee helped me do DAP, you see.

Ava Harris selfie before her becoming a GIO Daggie, 24.2.2021.

Q04: Was the hight payment fee the main motivation for you to try DAP? Any other motivations to try DAP? (mike101-inspired-question)
Ava Harris: Payment is a motivation of course. I mean DAP is not a sex act you just do for fun in private life with lover 1 and lover 2. But important for me was also that I want to become a known porngirl with many more scene offers. Finally I promised to dap-addict to try DAP if they invite me back to Prague. I keep promises and so I did it.

Q05: Many fans pay to watch you having DAP with professional actors. Did this knowledge help perform on the set? Did you think about that during the filming? (mike101)
It rather helped that I was playing with professional actors on the set, during the filming I didn't think about it at all, I just concentrated on my work.

Q06: What kind of scene would you like to be staged for your next GIO DAP scene?
I would like only 3 studs next DAP and a fake rape scenario like Anna de Ville had recently on GIO and also for that other studio. I would like very much to play in such a fantasy, the more as it is clear that all is faked and I can always stop everything if it gets too much.

Also now let me still point to these 11 mostly not in english but nice and insightful LP Girl Interviews:
Lolita Taylor (Russia), Dec. 2014: http://cumfortune.com/Promos/Lola_Taylor_Interview/index.htm
Jessi aka Vladena Puskasa (Latvia), Feb 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eFzaDw0v2g
Florane Russel (Czech), Jan 2018: http://xczech.com/florene-russell/
Kira Roller (Russia), Sept 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhGPsATD0k8
Belle Claire (Czech), Oct. 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKEaOnTc0rs
Kira Thorn (Russia), Oct 2018: https://pornbox.com/application?#watch-page/34651 - long pre- and post scene interview by Giorgio
Kira Thorn (Russia), Aug. 2019: http://xczech.com/kira-thorne-exclusive-interview/
Sasha Sparrow (Russia), Nov. 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1wiGvYVRSY&list=PLGt6BQi_2rdA8-OFRVtRm5Xe6-HsHZD2m
Katrin Tequila (Russia), April 2019: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7ufHILHEmg
Nelly Kent (Romania), Oct 2019: [url]https://www.[spam].com/Article/5371/MV-Xposed-NellyKent/[/url]
Kitana Lure (Russia), Feb. 2019: https://teletype.in/@taboofree/r1kNFtZS4
Last edited by dap-addict on Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:45 pm, edited 26 times in total.
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact: dap-a@seznam.cz
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:30 am

This is probably the longest porngirl interview I ever did!
My original Kitty Doll interview was started in early May, but then it turned out that she got invited to shoot in Prague. Studio, however feared that she gets nicked by competitors when it turns out she's around and thus I was asked to postpone the interview. Its sad but true that some studios steal girls imported from others because they than dont have to pay travel expenses etc. :mad: Anyway, later it turned out that Kitty got re-invited for more Prague porn work and I updated the original interview - and now just before X-mas she turned up in Prague again! :D :cool:

So, this interview was up-dated 3-4 times to include her Prague porn work experience. I hope 37 are not too much insider questions and still an interesting read! :)

Btw, as for the fotos, Kitty originally sent me some exclusive private fotos for my interview, but she also referred to her Tw and IG. The private ones sadly got lost over postponing, thus I took them now from her social media. I hope you still like them!

Kitty Doll-Interview from May to Dec 2022
- by dap-addict


038 - pre-DAP.jpg
Kitty Doll just before DAPbreakin' @ NRX. (copyright NRX)

Q01: Dear Kitty, you have already 5 Top10 selling monthly AVLP solo scenes, congratulations! Are you surprised by such big success?
Kitty Doll: Thank you very much for your questions. In fact, I am very pleased to know that I have a large number of fans. And yes, I am very surprised by the success! I can't even believe it, because to tell the truth, I always worry whether there will be sales or not. But I'm glad that everything is going for the better!

Q02: All of your best selling scenes are DAP or even TAP. How do you like these sex acts? Which one do you prefer?
Kitty Doll: I definitely prefer DAP. I like this wonderful feeling, probably because I'm a big fan of anal sex, haha!

Q03: Can you describe how does it feel to get DAP-ed on a porn set? How does it feel for you compared to DVP? And to DP?
Kitty Doll: The feeling with pussy sex is more pleasant than in the ass, but if we are talking about two dicks in there, then I will choose the ass! Double penetrations turn me on and the pleasure of filming increases by 1000 times! However, DVP I love less than TAP, I don't know why. And DAP will always be the favorite!

Kitty @ Prg1 romance1-.png

Q04: What is the problem with DVP for you? Is there a problem at all?
Kitty Doll: I have a fairly high tolerance for pain, but when two members enter the pussy at the same time, it's a little painful. But now after some training it doesn't hurt as much anymore.

Q05: Did you do single anal sex in private before starting with porn? Did you like it?
Kitty Doll: No, in private I didn’t do it. My first anal sex was on the set. I was really preparing for it carefully, I read a lot of sites before doing anal and it said that then there are a lot of problems with anal sex. But as it turned out that everything went well and even very well! As I said, I like anal sex more than vaginal!

Q06: Was wet porn (‘pee’) first repulsing for you?
Kitty Doll: At first it was repulsing, yes- But then I adapted, especially since it's not really urine. But please don’t expect me to reveal that secret of porn, haha!

Kitty  @ Prg2.png

Q07: How about slaps on your face or your tits? Do you like this? Does it help you perform those very demanding sex acts?
Kitty Doll: My breasts are quite sensitive and when I was hit on the chest, it was a little uncomfortable. But during the scenes I don’t pay much attention to that, because so much is happening! But as I said above, a little bit of everything, also slaps ofc are still acceptable. And by the way, sometimes it was very exciting!
Because blows and slaps turn me on. Also, from the beginning of our filming we discussed what I like and what I don't, so I was always ready for this.

Q08: Back to DAP again: You seem to feel a bit uneasy in the king-of-clubs position. How comes?
Kitty Doll: The monkey position is just a difficult one for me, because it is very difficult to keep this position for a longer amount of time because legs become numb, also with studs. When one penis is very limp, this position makes it really difficult to pass and it hurts both me and my partner.

Q09: In cgDAP it looks like you have problems or even pain performing this position more than other DAP positions? Like many new girls to DAP you as well tend to to hunch their back, which doenst look so nice on camera.
Kitty Doll: Yes, this pose is very difficult and causes some pain. We have to be patient a little!

Kitty @ Russia.png

Q10: A fan wants to know whether you like prone bone anal?
Kitty Doll: Yes, definitely, I like anal sex more, and there I try to do all positions.

Q11: Which are your favorite sex positions on porn set? And in private? Also you seem to feel a bit uneasy in king-of-clubs DAP: What makes position so difficult?
Kitty Doll: The doggy position is my favorite. But I like every position for sex.
With DAP however everyone doing it, girl and boys, is a bit uncomfortable. Doggy DAP is thus very convenient for the patency of the penis and also for the girl not getting hurt at all.

Q12: Can you tell us a bit more about porn shootings?
Kitty Doll: You always need to take porn very seriously, you need to take a lot of tests and keep your body in good shape! This is very important! Besides ofc also hygiene! This is very important, I had to go to the gynecologist sometimes, because when the wrong flora comes from the ass into the pussy!" and then everything itches and hurts.

Q13: What did you do before to earn your living? And what made you join porn biz?
Kitty Doll: Before I lived an ordinary life, in secret. I used be quite heavy, as much as 75 kg! But then I thought about losing weight, and of course I got an eating disorder, which is still with me. As if this was not enough I have an intolerability of lactose and gluten. As statistics show such goods are very expensive in Russia, sadly. After I lost weight, modeling agencies began to pay attention to me because of my "baby face". I went on tour to China and Korea, but I'm not tall enough, so I'm only suitable for photo shoots. Then I tried to work as an administrator in a web studio and sometimes streamed, but I was very lazy and didn't always go on the air afterwards. Than I met an agent and she invited me to NRX studio. And that’s how porn started.
Also, I love to draw and sew. If you want, I'll draw you an anime girl, haha! I also play computer games, especially fighting games, I often go to local Russian tournaments and win prizes, but this is just a hobby.

Kitty @ Prg1 urge-.png

Q14: How did working in porn change your personal life?
Kitty Doll: Performing sex on porn gave me to understand and feel myself for real. I learned to love sex and understand all different aspects of it, for example, how it will be best for my partner and thus also how it will be better for me. Undoubtedly this all is a good experience!

Kitty @ Prg1a.png

Q15: Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now? What would you like to do in porn? And/or outside of porn?
Kitty Doll: I want to become a fashion designer. And I also want to found a shelter for homeless animals in Russia. It may sound corny, but I really love animals! But of course I also do want to continue working in the porn industry, I would like to make a great career in this business!

Q16: Is working on a porn set funny sometimes? Are there boring or awkward moments?
Kitty Doll: There are rather a lot of funny moments, for instance when guys after they do "pee" come up and comfort me and ask if everything is okay, as if I was a little kid! After filming ofc we like to joke about how we did it, because it is very difficult. And usually there are no boring moments. One exception: Its boring when we're all waiting for everyone to come because sometimes the actors are late.

Q17: Did you have any bad experience on set? What happened?
Kitty Doll: There was a moment when a guy without lubrication entered my ass and after that there was blood, it was very painful and unpleasant! But later everything passed and healed.

Kitty @ Prg1aa.png

NEW1 (after 1st Prague work trip)/Q18: You recently worked on set for GIO in Prague: What were the main differences compared to working in Russian porn?
Kitty Doll: The difference between Giorgio Grandis studio and Russian studios is that the work goes more smoothly in Prague and does not take much time, people are very understanding and everything goes very quickly. And there is also a model house where you can relax and sleep! I bet Prague is a 10/10.

NEW2/Q19: Is it true that most GIO stud’s dicks are bigger? Is that an important factor at work really? And if not, what is important?
Kitty Doll: Definitely the GIO stud’s members are bigger and it's a fact. But I'll say also this: I'm not a fan of big members, the main thing for me is how well a stud owns them! And therefore all the dicks are good in their own way!

NEW3/Q20: How did you like Czech Republic and its capital? Did you like Czech food and drinks? Did you bring some gifts home from there?
Kitty Doll: I really like the Czech Republic! But the only thing that is not so nice are these flags that were hanging everywhere (I won't say which ones I think you will understand for yourself). All the people who live there love Russian people very much and have always treated me well, the food is very good! for me, the Czech Republic is something like a little Europe… I even managed to learn Czech language a little! I brought a plate and a mug from Prague. Very modest, but it's enough for me.

NEW4/Q21: You say you learned a lot about sex on porn sets in Russia. What did you learn on GIO porn set?
Kitty Doll: I was taught to prepare properly before filming, as there was a lot of anal. I prepared carefully, but not to the point of insanity. And I also learned a lot more about the right poses. And yes, in order for the angle to be good, you need to stretch your back like a kitty!!! Haha!

Kitty @ Prg1 romance-.png

NEW5/Q22: After working for GIO you returned for other studios to Prague. But meanwhile travelling from Russia to EU got even more complicated. Can you explain your fans how difficult it is meanwhile to get to Prague?
Kitty Doll: Traveling here now takes a very long way, to get here you need to fly via Istanbul and than either through Barcelona (morning flights only) or through Warsaw. Therefor my third visit here in Prague started at 02h in the morning and ended at 19h in the evening. Why is there such a long journey? Because recently Prague has adopted sanctions against Russians, and now we can’t just enter Czech territory as easy as before. So now we are making a huge circle… So for next time I even consider going to shoot porn in Colombia! Because travelling there from Russia is actually easier because of now visa and its also faster!

NEW6/Q23: So, you have been working in Prague already 3 times! Which stay was the best for you so far?
Kitty Doll: The best stay was at Angelo’s for the second time, because it lasted only two weeks, and it was pretty fast. Now this third time I’m very tired of traveling for a long time in 20 days or even a whole month. I have not the strongest immune system, so filming, traveling, all this really undermines it, add a lot of stress to that mix. So just a few days ago I managed to get food poisoned and catch a cold… If I lived in Europe, I think everything would be much easier? Or maybe even shooting in Russia would now be easier for me?

NEW7/Q24: In terms of content AGO is much different to GIO. Which porn sex mix is more to your personal likeing?
Kitty Doll: I cant say, its 50:50. GIO scenes were quite difficult, also I did 10 or even 12 scenes for his studios and in the last week I worked very hard and was exhausted, in fact I just got very tired. Generally it’s easier for me when shooting is not every second day but every three days, because I have time to recover. For Angelo, the shooting schedule was less intensive, for example, I rested for 2-3 days between shots. But the AGO shooting itself is more difficult.

NEW8/Q25: AGO dwells on studs, who have worked prior for years and years with GIO. Is it easier to work with them for their huge experience?
Kitty Doll: Yes, in some aspects it is easier with them, but as I already explained, their shooting is much more difficult than Giorgio’s, because there is not only a butt, but more emphasis on pussy. And let’s be honest, everyone loves hard, although most models will tell you that it is very difficult and tedious and can also be traumatic to work at AGO.

Kitty @ Prg1b.png

NEW9/Q26: So to sum up: GIO shots are more easy because its anal only, but good thing with AGO-shooting is usually you have more days without work in-between, days just to recover?
Kitty Doll: Yes, exactly!

NEW10/Q27: Since you worked in Prague you got even higher in your model ranking and you are TOP20 of still active models now. I read that you even get marriage proposals now from fans. How do you cope with such posts?
Kitty Doll: Yes, fans offered to marry me, and more than once, but alas, I refused. In my experience I will say that usually men rarely marry girls like me, I mean porn actresses, because first not everyone likes this job, and second it’s really difficult for me also because everyone thinks that I will have sex with them every day, but no, there is no sexual sex in my life, as there is no partner. And I don’t need him as such!

NEW11/Q28: Do you have favorite girls, with whom you would like to work on your next porn sets?
Kitty Doll: I would very much like to shoot with Aliska Dark. And also once again with Monika Fox and Cyber Shot. And, well, I do also hpe with Lia Lin – if only she returns to porn of course.

Kitty @ Russia legs-.png

Q29: Do your parents and peers know that you work in porn? How did they react? How did/do you cope with negative reactions?
Kitty Doll: My mom only knows, and only says that if it brings me pleasure, then there are no problems! No one else knows, but I'm not shy about it.

Q30: Did you ever feel any pressure to change your body with silicone or any other surgery in your body/face?
Kitty Doll: Nope! My body is completely mine and without any operations, although I plan to tighten my breasts, because after losing weight, my tits sagged a little. So, I am completely natural.

Q31: Looking back to your career so far, would you have wished a slower start or are you in favor of a fast progress from single anal scenes to DAP and TAP?
Kitty Doll: No! I love fast transitions! It's always fun and interesting experience.
I like it when everything goes fast! And on the contrary, I don't like it when everything is slow, because I need everything here and now!

Kitty @ Prg3.png

Q32: You have only some light tattoos. What do they mean to you?
Kitty Doll: Oh, are you talking about "strange dots"? Hahaha, they are all called blots, but I made them myself, these are star constellations. On my left hand I have a firework (on my elbow) and a little lower the constellation of Sagittarius, on the right - Pisces and Leo! I make them to capture important people in my life! I also plan to remove one because it failed and I don't like it anymore.

Q33: Seems you are a fan of Genshin Impact, is that right? Can you tell us a bit more about?
Kitty Doll: Yes, I love Genshin Impact! I like the story and the concept of the game itself, although it is a simple story, but it is made very beautifully. I like Kokomi (we have the same date of birth with her) and Ke Qing. And I also like the red-haired boy Tartaglia. If you want to kill time and feed artifacts for a lot of damage then you are in genshin!

Q34: Is there anything else you really enjoy doing?
Kitty Doll: I love to dress up beautifully. I really like to pick up new outfits. And also in principle to sew clothes for myself. I also love to take some ideas from Japanese designers or YouTubers! And of course, I love all my 9 cats!

Kitty @ Prg1 tattoo-.png

Q35: Is there any of your favorite music, films or books you would recommend your fans?
Kitty Doll: My favorite book is “Eugene Onegin” by Alexander Pushkin. It is a very interesting book and, in principle, shows well the era of that literature. My favorite movie is Fight Club by David Fincher (1999). And from anime films its “Stein's Gate” (2011).

Q36: Sorry to ask, but do you have any stance on that war with Ukraine?
Kitty Doll: It seems to me that "the one who arranged it" is digging his own grave with this war, because of him, the Russian people and in general ordinary residents of Russia began to dislike him. We can't do anything against, because we sget beaten up with batons and take us away to the paddy wagons. Also the sanctions are terrible. My OF stopped working because of this and new people can't subscribe to me, although I had a fairly large income there. I believe and hope that this political war will end soon, we should not suffer because of our leaders who did not play enough war in childhood.

Q37: At the end: What do you recommend to girls who want to start with porn?
Kitty Doll: Before you take into this path, you must be mentally prepared for the possible disclosure of your identity, you must actually sign a contract with yourself about it! And most importantly, don't be afraid to say if something is wrong to the producer or you don't like something, otherwise you will then earn yourself a moral injury on the set and in life.

Kitty @ Prg2a.png

Q38: And is there anything I did not ask but you would like to tell us?
Kitty Doll: I would like to say that shooting porn changed my life for me, I would never have thought in my childhood that I would shoot in this! It's an amazing experience, I've made a lot of good friends and fans. I cherish you all and love you very much! Also thanks very much to Nick for discovering this wonderful world for me and showing me a lot of new things! And thank you, dap-addict, for your questions, I tried to be as open as possible in these matters!

Kitty dear, thank you so much for answering! :) :cool: :)

And the 12th interview, homegrown this time, the most recent:
Lana Bunny @ GL104

Lana Bunny (Spain), March 2020: https://www.legalporno.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=23748&start=320#p313640

on work:
I get so many orgasms in front of the camera, joke and laugh with everyone in the set, slide with the amount of pee on the floor and hit everything since i'm clumsy as fuck… I have a lot of fun while working!

on GIO:
We don't have the same English level, there's people who barely knows a word (but tries anyway) and people who's fluent. But you can always find the way to communicate!

on Spain today:
Since the risk of contagious of this virus is so high and it's really harmful for part of the population, i decided to stop right where i was.

on sex:
We all can improve our sex lifes taking a bit of care about it. Listen to your partners and express yourself, dont be afraid to try new things, test your limits carefully...

on life:
I can make a living out of things that make me happy. I travel, meet people and have a lot of sex.

Make sure to read all her 20+ answers on life, sex and her favorite art!


I'll re-post this interview with Czech 2020 rookie pornstar Sharlotte Thorne here because a big part of it has gone lost in Sharlotte Thorne's model thread. I conduced it within a few days of April 2021 when Sharlotte was 6mt into her porn career...

Interview with Sharlotte Thorne on 9./10. 4. 2021 -
by dap-addict:


Btw, about the fotos: Sharlotte asked me whether she could send me some fotos of her with her BF to show, I agreed even its pretty private and I normally avoid showing such info to protect porn girls privacy. But here it was her explicit wish. Some additional fotos she told me to take from her social media. In the original interview there were much more fotos, more private ones, too.

---Char1 dg--.png
When originally posting the Sharlotte Thorn interview in April 2021 in her own model thread this here was her absolute favorite foto of the private ones she sent me. I do still like it a lot also 20months later.
---Char1 dg--.png (644.62 KiB) Viewed 26169 times

Q01: Sharlotte, thanks for agreeing to that interview: Are you really only 18yo?
Sharlotte Thorne:Yes, I am really 18yo. I will turn 19yo only in a few months.

Q02: From your different social media I got the impression you had a very difficult last year with a bad split with your ex… but towards end of 2020 first porn scenes, a second pet and also new love which made you very happy. Is that true? What came first? And how and why did you enter porn biz? Did you move to Prague for porn?
Sharlotte Thorne: I broke up with my ex already 2 years ago. I was alone and I didn't want to be anyone. Than in 2020 I moved to Prague and got a second dog. I met again a man I have known for over 3 years and the sympathies were so great that we began a relationship.
It was a coincidence that I got into porn biz: I met a porn scout, a girl, and she offered it to me and I agreed. Before and when I moved to Prague I mainly wanted to do dancing and also mainstream filming. I did various jobs before porn, also nude photography. And I still do nude photography today.

Q03: How many months are you in porn now? What did you expect when you started and what surprised you most in the way it was different than what you thought? Was the GLab scene with Dylan your first b/g scene?
Sharlotte Thorne:I am shooting porn for 6mt now. I expected bigger money to be honest and also that I will have more shootings. But a lot of productions are bothered by tattoos. No, my first BGA was before Dylan, but I was filming a long time before I did anal.

QO4: How important is the pairing in a porn set for you? Did you happen to work with a porn stud with wood-problems on set yet? Does this bother you in a way?
Sharlotte Thorne:The actor should know what he is doing and prepare best for his task. If an actor is a bad actor because he has wood problems, then the scene can't look so good in my opinion and then I don't feel good either. I have my black list of actors. I don't want anything to do or work with them. But I want to stress that nothing bad physically has ever happened to me.

---Char6 car.png
Sharlotte being driven to porn work by her BF, early 2021.

Q04b: Is there a difference for you between a white and a black porn actor?
Sharlotte Thorne:Before, I had my reservations against black actors, yes. But now black actors seem more cool to me, with a few exceptions and big dicks, hahaha.

Q05: How much intimacy you feel okay with in porn work? I am talking about deep kissing and caressing, such things.
Sharlotte Thorne: It's a job, so I don't deal with it much, I want the scene to look good and to be fine. But there is definitely a certain you may call intimate connection on the scene, we are talking about sex, but it is not with everyone

Q06: You seem to live in a very tolerant relation with your boyfriend. Is he in porn biz as well? And if not, was it difficult for him to accept your work first? Do you talk about work at home or you avoid that subject?
Sharlotte Thorne: Yes, indeed, we have a great relationship together. And no, he doesn't work in porn. We only shoot together for homegrown productions. He knew from the beginning about my porn job and he is fine with it. We talk about it normally at home, it's just work after all and we talk about all our work.

Q07: You have performed 1on1 anal and DP so far: Have you done this also in private life before porn? Which act works better for you on set?
Sharlotte Thorne: I have already recorded 3x DP and 2x DAP, but it hasn't been published yet. I like DAP more on set than DP. And at home with my BF with dildo we so far rehearsed DP.

Q08: If you could direct a scene and you had no financial limits, who would you choose to do what with you and each other on set? Where would you shoot that scene? Would you prefer that film to never been shown to public?
Sharlotte Thorne: I don't know a lot of actors and actresses who are good at all, but I would like to direct something original and it would definitely go out into the world.

---Char8b & Patrick.png
I really hope they are still happily together! She was so much in love with him than in April 2020, it was so nice to hear her talk about him and their plans.

Q09: How did working in porn change your personal life?Did it also change your sexuality? Did it change you as a person?
Sharlotte Thorne: Probably not all friends and family take it easy, but I gained a lot of experience and not only in sex, but also in life.In sex thanks to my porn job I know a lot more positions that feel good. I think I have improved in sex. Porn mainly gave me that I am no longer ashamed. I used to be ashamed a lot, now I would walk calmly naked on the street and I don't care what people say.

Q10: How did your friends and family, relatives react on you doing that kind of work?
Sharlotte Thorne:Most of them were completely fine and sure now they don't mind.

Q11: How you cope with negative internet comments or on LP forum?
Sharlotte Thorne:I have not seen any negative comments on the LP forum yet. Most of negative comments are on social media, some of them actually freeze me, but I just don't deal with them.

Q12: How important in terms of money you wanna earn is outside mainstream studios? How much time you spend daily to promote this content?
Sharlotte Thorne:I will not tell you numbers and amounts, but I would like our homegrown productions to be one of my main income. Nowadays I devote a lot of time that homegrown production and promo if it.

---char8c, BF, Demon and Waffle - _I wrote to everyone, how lucky I am to have you_.png
"I wrote to everyone, how lucky I am to have you", Sharlotte commented that foto. So sweet!

Q13: Do you get real orgasms on porn sets? Or is it only possible in private sex life?
Sharlotte Thorne: Real orgasms you can see only in up-mentioned videos with my BF.

Q14: Which porn sex act or fetish was the most difficult at start? Was “piss”or swallowing sperm first repulsing for you?
Sharlotte Thorne: I had a block against anal sex, but over time I unblocked it and learned to love anal in a way. When I had the first piss scene, I was terribly sick, but after the second, everything was fine. And sperm is not a problem for me either.

Q15: Is performing porn for you a way to overcome a born shyness? Have you been a shy girl at school or earlier at all?
Sharlotte Thorne: I've never been shy, and I'm still not shy.

Q16: Are there also boringmoments on a porn set? Please tell me some examples of boredom and just something really funny happening.
Sharlotte Thorne:It's always boring for me if neither actor nor producer have much fun with me or the production isn't very good. I hate boredom and it annoys me when I can't choose a proper outfit or make-up. I know what suits me and what I feel good about, and when it's not my style I don't like it. Today for instance I was filming for Her Limit and it was my best set and best production so far: full of laughter, jokes, nice environment and atmosphere. At LP this is missing sometimes. Giorgio helped me a lot in terms of anal and advised me how to do it; that's very nice.

Post scene shot.
---Char4--.png (632.49 KiB) Viewed 26169 times

Q17: How do you feel after your porn sex workis done? Are you tired and just want a shower? Hungry for food finally? Sexually charged for more sex even?
Sharlotte Thorne: It's different: Sometimes I'm tired, sometimes not, sometimes I want sex at home and sometimes not.

Q18: How long would you like to stay in porn biz? Do you have any plans for the time after porn retirement? Do you eventually want husband and children?
Sharlotte Thorne: I would like to work in porn definitely as long as possible, as long as there is work for me. My boyfriend definitely doesn't want children, but we would like to get married within 2 years.

Q19: Fans always want this question answered: How many guys have you had sex with before entering porn? And how many since? Are you an early bird at losing virginity? And anal?
Sharlotte Thorne: I dare say that with 30, but I don't know exactly. Since I started filming I slept with 4 in private and the 5th is my boyfriend now. I lost my virginity on my 15th birthday. Anal we do rarely at home with my BF.

---Char3 bf-dg--.png
Another private foto Sharlotte sent me for the interview. She's such a dog lover!
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Q20: What do you like to do in your leisure time? How do you live out your creativity? Are you interested in art, photography or fashion? I realized you write poem-like texts on social media in Czech: Do you also write fiction or keep a diary?
Which of your favorite music, films or books you would recommend your fans?

Sharlotte Thorne: I like to work, train, go out with dogs and try to be productive. I'm interested in music, art and photography. I used to keep a diary because I went through terrible things and those who haven't experienced it won't understand it. I actually want to write a book about it. And yes, I write texts on social media from my heart only, just of what comes to mind or I've had for some time in my head.
My favorite singer is Andy Black and Rihanna and my favorite book is “Fuck it - Do What You Love” by John C. Parkin. It is a very motivating book.

Q21: Who are your female icons and heroines? Historic Women or film characters who have helped you become the young woman you currently are?
Sharlotte Thorne: It may sound strange, but I, inspiring and motivating myself from an early age, would not be able to do anything without myself.

Q22: You look very happy with your two dogs. How did you get them, how are they called? Did your boyfriend accept them at once? If you shoot abroad, do you take them with you?
Sharlotte Thorne:The blue one is a Demon and the Yellow one is a Waffle. I love them above all they are family members. Demon is my first dog and I cried to my mother because she didn't want to let me have it for a long time. I also wanted a second dog, and when I moved out and to Prague it was clear I would get a second one finally. I wanted to adopt a female dog first, but it went to adoption before I could get it. My dream was to have a German Mastiff, and so now I have it.

My Boyfriend loves them both very much. When he lived with his parents they had first German Mastiffsand a Golden Retriever, but gradually, they always had only one dog. And when he left, they bought another second dog.

I once took Demon to film in Germany and my driver watched after him when I was shooting. I was only there for a day, but I wasn't much about because of Covid. Also next time a friend would watch them, and if we went on vacation we would take them with us, or if it would not work, they would stay with my boyfriend’s parents.

Q23: Is there anything I did not ask but you would like to tell your fans?
Sharlotte Thorne: I just want to say one important thing: Thanks very much to everyone who supports me, I respect all my fans, I love you!


Alexa Black-Interview by dap-addict, Aug/Sept 2020:


Interview parts are embedded in her model thread, scroll down for next Q/A! :)
That was actually my 2nd porn girl interview after Lana Bunny, unfinished but still worth reading. So far 8 lengthy and in-depth Q/A translated and transcribed.

Alexa Black on work:
I don’t do porn for the money, but because I want to do it, doing webcam and selling clips I earned more in long term.

on GIO:
I want to travel to Prague and perform many more DAPs for GIO as soon as only possible!

on sex:
I had a hard time in my first scene for LP because I was manhandled by Mr. Anderson, while in private sex I am the one to manhandle the boys.

on boys:
I like girls, too. I like them all petite girls and boys. There was a time I tried a new boy every week, usually I did anal sex with them.

on career planning:
I don’t wanna be in porn forever, I wanna to become a dentist. I hope I can do that in Czech Rep. But I really love porn. Thus even if I become a dentist I might still shoot porn from time to time.

Make sure to read all her 10+ answers on life, sex and her best orgasms...
Last edited by dap-addict on Thu Jan 12, 2023 10:39 pm, edited 24 times in total.
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact: dap-a@seznam.cz
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby 101mike101 » Wed Apr 01, 2020 11:35 am

dap-addict wrote:Interviews are less sexy than fucking of course, but they bring us our LP cuties so close still!
:) ....

I've read some of these interviews, and they are all missing an important question:

What does the lady has to say to the people who claim to be protecting and defending her by cutting off banking and payment services for people like her and for the porn companies that she works for?

This kind of thing is a common occurrence in the porn industry. And it increases the costs of financial transactions for both consumers and producers alike. Every lady in porn is probably affected by this. And this is why every lady in porn should be asked this question in an interview.

Because when only one side is talking, while the other says nothing in reply, then the one who is talking is presumed to be saying the truth.

Silence is a kind of agreement. That's why it's not good to be silent, when the topic is controversial and the ladies in porn probably disagree with what's being said about them.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Thu Apr 02, 2020 9:20 am

101mike101 wrote:
dap-addict wrote:Interviews are less sexy than fucking of course, but they bring us our LP cuties so close still!
:) ....

I've read some of these interviews, and they are all missing an important question:

What does the lady has to say to the people who claim to be protecting and defending her by cutting off banking and payment services for people like her and for the porn companies that she works for?

Can you elaborate?
Never heard of such a problem. In Europe a lot pay in cash just after the scene for practical and some also for fiscal reasons.
ex-Eurobabeforum DAPlist responsible - PM contact: dap-a@seznam.cz
TWO DAP SCENES PER DAY! - More true fast balls deep DAP! More 0% pussy! - Dress them to fuck and pop their eyes - Heels on! No condoms!!! - Lets lets get a GONZO non-vanilla successor!!!

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Giorgio Grandi » Thu Apr 02, 2020 11:44 am

101mike101 wrote:
dap-addict wrote:Interviews are less sexy than fucking of course, but they bring us our LP cuties so close still!
:) ....

I've read some of these interviews, and they are all missing an important question:

What does the lady has to say to the people who claim to be protecting and defending her by cutting off banking and payment services for people like her and for the porn companies that she works for?

This kind of thing is a common occurrence in the porn industry. And it increases the costs of financial transactions for both consumers and producers alike. Every lady in porn is probably affected by this. And this is why every lady in porn should be asked this question in an interview.

Because when only one side is talking, while the other says nothing in reply, then the one who is talking is presumed to be saying the truth.

Silence is a kind of agreement. That's why it's not good to be silent, when the topic is controversial and the ladies in porn probably disagree with what's being said about them.

Performers should first of all pay tax in their country to acquire a "tax identity" as 95% of porn producers and websites are doing.
How can you expect a porn worker to be equated to a normal worker if almost none of them fills out a tax return?

There are just few country in the civilized world where a porn performer cant clear his/her tax position and still, with a little goodwill, you can also pay taxes there

The question should be: Do you fill out a tax return or you are a total tax evader?
My work: https://www.giorgiograndi.com/

Girls here -> https://www.giorgiograndi.eu/

My toys at https://www.thewondertoys.com/

Do you want to review my scenes (and not only)?
I would refund you the cost
Ping me on twitter @giorgiograndi76

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby 101mike101 » Thu Apr 02, 2020 2:32 pm

dap-addict wrote: :confused:
Can you elaborate?
Never heard of such a problem. In Europe a lot pay in cash just after the scene for practical and some also for fiscal reasons.

Here is an excerpt from an article about it:

For nearly a decade, PayPal, JPMorgan Chase, Visa/MasterCard, and now Square, have systematically denied or closed accounts of small businesses, artists and independent contractors whose business happens to be about sex....

Here is some more information about it:

Banks Have the Power to Ruin Your Sex Life

Sex industry faces 'financial discrimination' from banks, ombudsman says
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-01-04/ ... on/9303376

Banks are accused of discriminating against sex workers and being 'hypocrites' for refusing to loan them money
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... money.html

I thought what I've said before was common knowledge in the sex industry and among porn-fans. But apparently, I've assumed too much. Which is probably one of the reasons why everybody seems to have accepted this travesty of justice against sex-workers and doesn't worry about it anymore.

Injustice doesn't get fixed on its own. People need to know about it and talk about it. And that's why I say that such questions should be raised in any interviews with porn-stars. Because the hypocrites who discriminate against porn-stars often claim to be on the side of women and doing it for their own good. Which isn't the case at all. This is hypocritical misogyny and nothing else.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:16 pm

101mike101 wrote:Because the hypocrites who discriminate against porn-stars often claim to be on the side of women and doing it for their own good. Which isn't the case at all. This is hypocritical misogyny and nothing else.

Thanks, Mike, to be honest I want aware of that problem.
Is it discussed very much in your place than?
I'll think about and ask... probably.
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Pineapples Studio » Thu Apr 02, 2020 5:36 pm

Moving away from all of that...

This would be a good type of content to feature on LP during the corona lockdown. Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:13 am

Features instead of interviews.
:confused: but why not?!
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Fri Apr 03, 2020 8:35 am

dap-addict wrote:And the 12th interview, homegrown this time, the most recent:

Lana Bunny (Spain), March 2020: https://www.legalporno.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=23748&start=320#p313640

Working on a fellow-up.
If you have some questions to ask Lana apart from the banking exclusion problem PM me or write it in here today, Friday Apr. 3rd.
Ta! :)
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:28 am

A long Gina Gerson interview from the time she still performed a lot of b/g also for LP:

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Sun Apr 05, 2020 1:53 am

Nice interview with Kacie Castle and Steve Holmes behind the scenes of her FacialAbuse scene.

Among other things she talks about her puke fetish and how she gets off when getting roughly facefucked.


The pre-scene interview starts after the photo shoot at 4:05, the post-scene interview starts at 14:05.
(Cool, she´s wearing the same Vans as me!)

Hopefully we will see her again in Prague. Maybe showing us her puke fetish here, too. :D

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Sun Apr 05, 2020 8:22 am

Hey, thanks Wotan! :)
Nice interview link addition!
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:22 pm

Nice interview with Anna de Ville and Rocco:


One user commented:
"Many thanks for this honest and inspirational interview! Next time, please question Anna more about other things that she prefers: kitchen, art, music, travel, sports, books, poetry, etc. Of course we should acknowledge the objective fact that Anna is the real godsend in the industry in recent years, but it will be so interesting to know Anna more not just as an internationally recognized talent, but rather as a person."

Me personally I do this via following her on [spam]. I can only recommend this to everyone. She is such a humorous, educated, sophisticated and at the same time nasty woman

Apart from that:
Tonight there will be a livestram with Rocco and Anna de Ville on youtube. Of course no sex, but probably a very interesting talk. It starts at 20:00 or 21:00 European time.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 6:24 pm

Edit: livestream

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 8:29 pm

Starts in 30 minutes at 21:00.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:03 pm


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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:05 pm

This was the "set":

Anna de Ville.png

And her little dog was also there...


Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Sat Apr 11, 2020 11:33 pm

The Mouse storry sounded insane...

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:23 am

Moxoxo wrote:The Mouse story sounded insane...

Missed that. At what time?


Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Sun Apr 12, 2020 12:39 am

Wotan29 wrote:
Moxoxo wrote:The Mouse story sounded insane...

Missed that. At what time?

Or was @ the snuff moment, i dont even want to repeat it...

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Sun Apr 12, 2020 10:00 am

101mike101 wrote:Here is an excerpt from an article about it:

For nearly a decade, PayPal, JPMorgan Chase, Visa/MasterCard, and now Square, have systematically denied or closed accounts of small businesses, artists and independent contractors whose business happens to be about sex....

Asked, but no answer yet. :(
Asked in the fellow-up to this one here: https://www.legalporno.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=104&t=23748&start=320#p313640
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Sun Apr 19, 2020 5:00 am

Interesting post retirement interview with Arwen: :cool:
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby pomegrante » Wed May 06, 2020 2:44 am

Another good interview from Rocco on youtube , this time with Veronica Leal. . Very open & engaging , love her laugh . Her top three male performers , Kristof Cale , Christian Clay & Chris Diamond. Bukkake is on her wish list . Well worth watching , just over an hour .

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Pineapples Studio » Wed May 06, 2020 7:26 pm

Moxoxo wrote:
Wotan29 wrote:
Moxoxo wrote:The Mouse story sounded insane...

Missed that. At what time?

Or was @ the snuff moment, i dont even want to repeat it...

Please do, or provide a timestamp. This is too intriguing to ignore. Is Rocco jerking off to snuff movies?!


Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Wed May 06, 2020 8:20 pm

evil-pineapples wrote:Please do, or provide a timestamp. This is too intriguing to ignore. Is Rocco jerking off to snuff movies?!

I will when i go back to it. Today inwatched Rocco Interview with Luna Rival and Charlotte Sartre. Lunas Boyfriend is 64yo old. She's pretty cool. About the snuff - Rocco was on Australia and meet some Guy that collect those movies. I find it


Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Wed May 06, 2020 8:28 pm

Moxoxo wrote:
evil-pineapples wrote:Please do, or provide a timestamp. This is too intriguing to ignore. Is Rocco jerking off to snuff movies?!

I will when i go back to it. Today inwatched Rocco Interview with Luna Rival and Charlotte Sartre. Lunas Boyfriend is 64yo old. She's pretty cool. About the snuff - Rocco was on Australia and meet some Guy that collect those movies. I find it

Yoo Bad news, i demem er the Stream was longer than the 1:13:00 time on yt. I can not find the original

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Pineapples Studio » Wed May 06, 2020 9:55 pm

Moxoxo wrote:
evil-pineapples wrote:Please do, or provide a timestamp. This is too intriguing to ignore. Is Rocco jerking off to snuff movies?!

I will when i go back to it. Today inwatched Rocco Interview with Luna Rival and Charlotte Sartre. Lunas Boyfriend is 64yo old. She's pretty cool. About the snuff - Rocco was on Australia and meet some Guy that collect those movies. I find it

I gave up and just listened to it myself. Are you sure he was talking about snuff films? I think they were just talking about horror-themed porn. Rocco went on for like ten minutes about the "een-credibil 'orror moo-fees".


Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Wed May 06, 2020 10:29 pm

evil-pineapples wrote:
Moxoxo wrote:
evil-pineapples wrote:Please do, or provide a timestamp. This is too intriguing to ignore. Is Rocco jerking off to snuff movies?!

I will when i go back to it. Today inwatched Rocco Interview with Luna Rival and Charlotte Sartre. Lunas Boyfriend is 64yo old. She's pretty cool. About the snuff - Rocco was on Australia and meet some Guy that collect those movies. I find it

I gave up and just listened to it myself. Are you sure he was talking about snuff films? I think they were just talking about horror-themed porn. Rocco went on for like ten minutes about the "een-credibil 'orror moo-fees".

Yep im sure


Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Wed May 06, 2020 10:34 pm

I dont remember the whole think, i remember a detail but i dont wants to write about it here. Since pm are blocked you have just to live with that. But its was wired, IT was like a 10 min monologue from him.Ita for sure cut out.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Wotan29 » Thu May 07, 2020 1:15 am

Yes, the stream was nearly 90 minutes. They cut it out. Maybe a wise decision... (Anna de Ville was a bit irritated - or better said - upset, too.)


Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Thu May 07, 2020 6:24 am

Wotan29 wrote:Yes, the stream was nearly 90 minutes. They cut it out. Maybe a wise decision... (Anna de Ville was a bit irritated - or better said - upset, too.)

I think it was more Irritation becouse of His monologue.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Destroyherass » Thu May 07, 2020 8:34 am

Nice topic. This is interesting.
Throwaway account.

I love seeing hot girls getting their ass destroyed and pushed to their anal limits.
And huge, wide gapes off course.

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Thu May 07, 2020 10:00 am

Moxoxo wrote:I dont remember the whole think, i remember a detail but i dont wants to write about it here. Since pm are blocked you have just to live with that. But its was wired, IT was like a 10 min monologue from him.Ita for sure cut out.

What's the sense of blocking PM?
I dont wanna even know what Rocco talked about in terms of snuff, but PM was exactly for such info for those who wanna know.
And now what we are supposed to do? To change to another forum, a competitor forum?
:mad: :confused: :(
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby Moxoxo » Thu May 07, 2020 12:20 pm

The answear
Moxoxo wrote:
xxx wrote:The private messaging feature caught the Coronavirus and sadly, did not survive.

If You want to hide something make it clear to the actors you work with. Barbie, Valentina, Anna, Britany, Yeas posting from the Studio. Funny that Dylan write onTwitter about a Stop, why would Anna go to a grocery with pissed Hair ? Good that we have Twitter ...

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:54 am

17th interview, the 2nd homegrown one:
Alexa Black @ GIO1596.

Alexa Black (Russia, 19yo.), interviewed by dap-addict in Aug/Sept 2020, just before and after this scene: https://pornbox.com/application/watch-page/153538

on work:
I don’t do porn for the money, but because I want to do it, doing webcam and selling clips I earned more in long term.

on GIO:
I want to travel to Prague and perform many more DAPs for GIO as soon as only possible!

on sex:
I had a hard time in my first scene for LP because I was manhandled by Mr. Anderson, while in private sex I am the one to manhandle the boys.

on boys:
I like girls, too. I like them all petite girls and boys. There was a time I tried a new boy every week, usually I did anal sex with them.

on career planning:
I don’t wanna be in porn forever, I wanna to become a dentist. I hope I can do that in Czech Rep. But I really love porn. Thus even if I become a dentist I might still shoot porn from time to time.

Make sure to read all her 10+ answers on life, sex and her best orgasms...

I had a hard time in my first scene for LP because I was manhandled by Mr. Anderson, while in private sex I am the one to manhandle the boys. (Alexa Black interview with DAP-A, Sept 2020)
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby 504036255 » Wed Sep 16, 2020 11:10 am

nice work!!!

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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Sat Sep 19, 2020 7:27 pm

Its a bit typical TV glamour, but really good and frank answers by Adel Asanty:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S95H0fXJFdM (July 2020)

Funny thing is she tells them she definitely wants to be an anal hardcore model, but than she says her LP 4on1 was too many studs on just her alone. LOL!
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Sat Sep 19, 2020 11:39 pm

Another nice one about Ally Breelsens sex education and mainstream film plans:
And some nice views, too! :p
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Re: LP Girl interviews

Postby dap-addict » Tue Mar 09, 2021 1:43 pm

Interview nr. 21 - the typical PR stuff, but nice fotos:
Not the way I would wanna talk with a porn girl because she isn't even supposed say anything interesting.
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