Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby xxxtentionn » Tue Feb 18, 2020 11:37 pm

Agreed with this thread. I love LP but more creativity is needed. Get bful girls, and use them nicely, not just dick in a hole, or two dicks in one hole.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby misangrenegra2 » Tue Feb 18, 2020 11:56 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Location/Story:

Not necessary change in a big percentage the main scenario (white room), but like you said, (stairs, corners, lofts) give some variety in the teasing and make some diferent the scene. The bathroom location is missing for a while, i dont know the real reason for that, but can be used in some domination scenes like the last scenes with Angel wicky in that room with that metalic floor but reading your post about that technical issues with light etc i can guess why. The point is make look diferent the scenario eventually (including outfits, accesories), making setups like in Pyscho Doctor series or "Gym room" (This surely was more expensive). Ask for new places outside of your studio is insane in my opinion.

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Story:

The story is something additional, but creates a story / scenario for the viewer and places it in a situation or fantasy, looks more worked

Maybe direct 15 scenes per month with story is a huge target. Why no start with a small number between 3 or 5? In fact maybe you can be inspired read the suggestion area (time that maybe you dont have but if you try starting with a small number could work), surely a big number of them are not good enought but maybe some of them could be a good ideas. That area should be for these things and not a dead area with any purpose.

Maybe some users can provide some good scripts, you could put some terms or rules for that.
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Wotan29 » Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:37 am

misangrenegra2 wrote:Ask for new places outside of your studio is insane in my opinion.

No, it´s not insane. Why the fuck shouldn´t it be possible, from time to time shooting a scene outside the "porn factory"?
Just because it´s more convenient in terms of financial, technical, logistical or whatever reasons?
Come on, for sure LP generally and Giorgio especially makes some good money (pretty okay and otherwise they wouldn´t shoot so many scenes...).
So let´s release some "special goodies" - I repeat myself - just from time to time, e.g. once a month.
And those scenes in new locations should be the ones with a storyline and the location should fit to the storyline.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Giorgio Grandi » Wed Feb 19, 2020 12:58 am

You consider formulaic an high standard of content and after I see some of you praising content with low sales or even content with low sales where a model with potential gets Dapped and Pissed at the first scene.

Also, even with the possibility to overcame all the problematic that you consider formulaic (in the action), a chaotic content do not sell on long term because you have a trailer that do not represent the scene (you take the few parts that are watchable, but in general the content is not pleasant to watch)

Said that, very often models are too much inexperience to get more complex action, and clearly if a model is not supported we do not shoot her anymore and this bring to the impossibility to even teach the models to better performing (a model that know how to perform can get into the action more easy than when at the beginning she needs to think how do not fall on the floor).

Camerawork: oh came on, you even praised the afford of sineplex cameraman, when for fuck sake my cameraman was the best director sineplex ever had, praised from everyone here on forum until she worked for me, than he became bad and now even somehow considered lazy. He shot the same, just with a different mechanic.

In short: someone praise me for the creativity so I write a creative script to the cameraman you praised and the output sucks. Oh guys, the cameraman frame the people on stage, he cant do a lot if the action is boring, if the models cant keep a position as she should or if she is not able to make anything different than standard, or if he is forced to cut every 5 minutes because she continue to shit herself except cancel the scene or keep the more easy script it possible to give at least a chance to the girl.
How he does this?
April Fool, the answer is moving more than necessary, otherwise the cameraman (and the users) would fall at sleep. I do not get how people so into details and commenting, never get that the less intese is the action, the more the camera moves. ABC of videography (and specially of pornography), you learn this the first month you shoot anything. Its called "video dynamic" or "effective video dynamic", I dont remember exactly now.
Than, I wont explain you why on a scene with more than one girl, the camera HAVE TO also frame the girls individually, connect the 2 neurons and you probable get it yourself.

An Arwen Gold or a Whiska or Brittany do not born every day and even if she does, she maybe does something else than porn, because real money are elsewhere.

We can change a picture on the well, change a couch, but for fuck sake we cant make a model out of a girl that maybe shot already 10-20 scenes and doesnt know how to old herself correctly on a reverse cowgirl, some doesnt even know how to correctly place herself in doggy, you should fucking tell me how can we arrange this when we shot a BG than DP and sales are too low to continue with more shooting. You do not learn to be Arwen gold, you born like this, you can became like Nicol Black, but she worked hard to get it and she was supported also when she was boring like a sloth (not the funny one from Ice Age)

For fuck sake you are all masters, it remembers me a joke of an Italian comedian: "Sono tutti finocchi, con il culo degli altri" (translated: They are all homosexual, with the ass of others).
For the few with only 2 active neurons, it means that "someone knows the problem and how to solve it, when he is not the one that have to do it"

If you want a model presented like a gourmet, you have to buy her scenes otherwise very often its over long before she understand how to turn herself from a calf cub to a filet mignon.

Because the concept of Mec Donald is wrong, we dont get meshed meet, we get a calf cub.
A cook cant take and calf cub and magically change it into a succulent fillet, I can change the plate, put you on a better table with view of Niagara Falls, but you still have a fucking calf cub in front of you.
If you want a filet, you need to let the calf cub to became a veal, feed it with milk first, good grass for just few weeks after and than butch it properly when it is ready, so you will have your fucking filet mignon.

Did you get the point?
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby avanfurwet » Wed Feb 19, 2020 1:42 am

Giorgio Grandi wrote:... but she worked hard to get it and she was supported also when she was boring like a sloth (not the funny one from Ice Age)

that's funny :D Also she's really pretty (I think), which maybe kept her in the game while she learned some skills.

I get that we should support the models that we like, so they get more bookings and a chance to develop.

Regarding fans' criticisms of models and directors in general, I think it's really the same as watching football on TV...

Most of us could not play football to save our lives, but we all magically become expert critics in our armchairs. We watch world-class professional football players who are human and sometimes not perfect, and we announce with absolute certainty that they are crap and could not kick a ball if it fell at their feet. Even we fans know this is bullshit, but we enjoy the theatre and the ego-trip of pretending we know what we're talking about. I can't believe the football players or their coaches pay much attention to the opinions of silly fans, otherwise they would go mad.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Wotan29 » Wed Feb 19, 2020 1:43 am

otto1219 wrote:Magizi, DAPaddict, Jocke, Wotan29 and many others have been saying this for a long time, yet the answers provided are not at all pornographically based, but based on middle management accounting arguments. I guess LP has found Excel spreadsheets sexier than good porn.

Thanks for mentionining me and I agree with your whole long post.

But unfortunately we can actually close this thread. in his long first reply (anyway thanks for taking the time) Giorgio in my eyes completely misses the point of this thread, Somehow the reply is pretty confusing and everything is just about financial, technical and logistical issues. The core of his contribution actually is: "I am the pro and you are all idiots, who have no idea what porn is" (quote: "If you want to talk about porn like big boys..."). No, magizi, dap-addict, me and some other experienced porn watchers are not just complaining and demanding our individual preferences...we´re talking about quality porn and directors, cameramen, performers who want to shoot outstanding porn, create something special or even new and are fully involved with theit hearts.

In his long answer Giorgio often uses the Toyota Corolla example to support his views. What? So Giorgio is satisfied with being the Toyota Corolla of porn? I always thought, LP generally and Giorgio especially wants to be the Ferrari Dino of porn or at least the Porsche 911 of porn. If Giorgio is fine with shooting middle class mass-products which sell pretty well, then actually no more words are needed in this thread... Then he has lost his soul for innovative, creative porn and is just a businessman now. No misunderstanding, please: With all my heart I grant every person earning good money for his work. Even more if the work is great, but that´s not the case anymore.

A few more words, Giorgio: If you want to talk about marketing like a big boy, then you shouldn´t mistake SEO for CEO. Or did you want to talk about the Search Engine Optimizing of Toyota instead the Chief Executive Officer of Toyota? :D Sorry, this little side blow had to be - as mostly you are the man, who wants to explain the world to everyone else...

And finally some peaceable words: At least me (and I believe this applies to other members who commented in this thread, too), I´m only fighting for my position so persistent, because still your studio in my eyes creates the best output on LP and I still have hope there´s a chance for a change for the better. (By the way, this thread is not about your studio, it´s about LP generally including the other two main studios Gonzo and IV). But it could be so much better without the assembly line production, which dominates more and more.


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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby avanfurwet » Wed Feb 19, 2020 1:46 am

Wotan29 wrote:
misangrenegra2 wrote:Ask for new places outside of your studio is insane in my opinion.

No, it´s not insane. Why the fuck shouldn´t it be possible, from time to time shooting a scene outside the "porn factory"?
Just because it´s more convenient in terms of financial, technical, logistical or whatever reasons?
Come on, for sure LP generally and Giorgio especially makes some good money (pretty okay and otherwise they wouldn´t shoot so many scenes...).
So let´s release some "special goodies" - I repeat myself - just from time to time, e.g. once a month.
And those scenes in new locations should be the ones with a storyline and the location should fit to the storyline.

I agree and Giorgio has shot outside his studio sometimes e.g. Clockwork series.
Obviously it's a lot more work, especially logistics.
So I guess a producer will only do it if they're passionate about the scene, or expect huge sales.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:16 am

Giorgio Grandi wrote:Camerawork: oh came on, you even praised the afford of sineplex cameraman, when for fuck sake my cameraman was the best director sineplex ever had, praised from everyone here on forum until she worked for me, than he became bad and now even somehow considered lazy. He shot the same, just with a different mechanic.

Just for the record, Giorgio: In the old forum I always criticized exactly this Cineplex cameraman, because of his cold attitude towards the girls, his almost belling orders etc.
And at that time I preferred a 100 times your nr4ta cameraman, and at that time I supported you and not old Sineplex.
If I now mention Sineplex I mentioned the footfetsh lover cameraman, thats not the same. SOS had many cameraman.
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Giorgio Grandi » Wed Feb 19, 2020 11:07 am

What you did not get, and Im pointing the OP is that you are not a normal customer (

How many DAP did you collect and deeply analyze?

How many customer are like you?

How many customer instead just watch porn to have some relax and fun

This is the main point, I am not telling that watching my content day by day, you maybe dont find a spark, but for christ sake your perception is not the perception of the mass, but the perception of a tiny group of customer that even if supports the production, can not be considered as a "mass opinion".

About toyota, without to consider the CEO/SEO mistake, LoL try to find someone that spend time to replay as I do, Im not a mother tongue and I write in english from thinking in Italian and in Russian, I do mistakes and I do not have time to read again and correct mistakes.
You are not stupid to consider what good porn it, you just pretend to much compared with the mass that is fine with much less.
Said that, I would love to increase the level to a "spark", but you compare my content with Valter and Robin, not with someone providing you the same volume. If I would release a Robin Read scene every day for 5 years, you would complain as well. Just saing, you are climbing a mirror

I wrote some interesting stuff in my last post, you (posters) totally ignored just to support your point, I would post you again, so you maybe read it better.

- An Arwen Gold or a Whiska or Brittany do not born every day and even if she does, she maybe does something else than porn, because real money are elsewhere.

- We can change a picture on the well, change a couch, but for fuck sake we cant make a model out of a girl that maybe shot already 10-20 scenes and doesnt know how to old herself correctly on a reverse cowgirl, some doesnt even know how to correctly place herself in doggy, you should fucking tell me how can we arrange this when we shot a BG than DP and sales are too low to continue with more shooting. You do not learn to be Arwen gold, you born like this, you can became like Nicol Black, but she worked hard to get it and she was supported also when she was boring like a sloth (not the funny one from Ice Age)

- If you want a model presented like a gourmet, you have to buy her scenes otherwise very often its over long before she understand how to turn herself from a calf cub to a filet mignon.

- A cook cant take a calf cub and magically change it into a succulent fillet, I can change the plate, put you on a better table with view of Niagara Falls, but you still have a fucking calf cub in front of you.

- If you want a filet, you need to let the calf cub to became a veal, feed it with milk first, good grass for just few weeks after and than butch it properly when it is ready, so you will have your fucking filet mignon.


There are many reason why your perception of content is like it is:
- you watched too much porn
- you pretend too much from inexperience models
- you do not support enough the new models unless they do not like like Nicol Black, with the results the models do not step on next level that would allow more creativity

I am not telling studios do not do mistakes, what Im telling you, and I personally talk about my production, is that there are many problematic you ignore.

Woltan: I make you an example, Polina Maxim.
Her first scene sold ok, following scene did not sell so ok, last scene was decent. This is the classic content I would not have produced if I did not believe on interracial DP/DAP she would do much better.
Why I did not shoot interracial directly?
She did not want, she was not ready I needed to deal about multiple scenes with white people to bring her to the point to be ok with interracial.
So, her scenes do not have a big spark, I know it. So the point was do not shoot her at all after the first scene or release so called "average" content as an investment on future.
To increase the level of output, in the way many ask me, would mean do not shoot Polina Maxim at all after her first scene.
Do you really want this?

You are right, I should not pay attention to most of topic, and Im going MAD, you are right also on this. Buy I prefer to be in peace with my consciousness telling what I think, than simply ignore everyone and keep going in the direction I wish.
To tell a customer that he write BS is a form of respect, not an insult. What is insultin is to assume someone in my position do not know how to do his job.
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Wed Feb 19, 2020 3:16 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:What you did not get, and Im pointing the OP is that you are not a normal customer :(

Giorgio, I am aware of that.
But you please also be aware that many of your clients are demanding customers, but they buy 15-25 of your scenes per month and not only 2-3.
Also, demanding and expert customers may still have a sensor for things going in a wrong direction. Just saying...!

Finally, if only you would shoot 1 scene every week yourself again - and you could well do it with a good model, not a beginner! - than GIO would be much a better place! :)
I started this thread, hoping to provoke an answer also from Luis or his crew, but I see only you, Giorgio, are passionate enough to communicate your POV! Thats a good start already!
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby avanfurwet » Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:45 pm

Giorgio Grandi wrote:I wrote some interesting stuff in my last post, you (posters) totally ignored just to support your point, I would post you again, so you maybe read it better.

- An Arwen Gold or a Whiska or Brittany do not born every day and even if she does, she maybe does something else than porn, because real money are elsewhere.

- We can change a picture on the well, change a couch, but for fuck sake we cant make a model out of a girl that maybe shot already 10-20 scenes and doesnt know how to old herself correctly on a reverse cowgirl, some doesnt even know how to correctly place herself in doggy, you should fucking tell me how can we arrange this when we shot a BG than DP and sales are too low to continue with more shooting. You do not learn to be Arwen gold, you born like this, you can became like Nicol Black, but she worked hard to get it and she was supported also when she was boring like a sloth (not the funny one from Ice Age)

- If you want a model presented like a gourmet, you have to buy her scenes otherwise very often its over long before she understand how to turn herself from a calf cub to a filet mignon.

- A cook cant take a calf cub and magically change it into a succulent fillet, I can change the plate, put you on a better table with view of Niagara Falls, but you still have a fucking calf cub in front of you.

- If you want a filet, you need to let the calf cub to became a veal, feed it with milk first, good grass for just few weeks after and than butch it properly when it is ready, so you will have your fucking filet mignon.


There are many reason why your perception of content is like it is:
- you watched too much porn
- you pretend too much from inexperience models
- you do not support enough the new models unless they do not like like Nicol Black, with the results the models do not step on next level that would allow more creativity

I am not telling studios do not do mistakes, what Im telling you, and I personally talk about my production, is that there are many problematic you ignore.

Regarding fatted calves and filet mignon:

It's a risk for the studio to shoot, and a risk for the customers to buy, scenes from a new/developing model in the hope she will develop. Some models will bloom like a flower. Some will continue but not develop. Some will not continue.

I guess it makes sense for studios to invest in developing their most promising models, if they break-even or don't lose too much, because the studio can make more money later if the model develops well.

For customers, it's a really hard ask to persuade customers to support a new model. Most customers probably don't care and just buy what they like. The few customers who cared enough to support the model in her early scenes will only receive the same reward as everybody else i.e. they can buy her later scenes. For some, it's enough. But I don't think it's a great sales proposition.

It seems to me in these days when Amazon know more than just your pants size but also how often you change your pants - surely online porn sales organisations could develop algos to try to retain and reward customers' loyalty to studios and models.

For example, discounts on future purchases for customers who already bought sufficient volume of scenes from a given studio or model.
This kind of discount to encourage continuing purchases is basic in most retail organisations.

I don't imagine this would revolutionise model development, but for sure it would be easier to sell "buy now, get loyalty rewards" than to sell "buy now or else the model is toast". Because I think most customers don't care if the model is toast because they think another model will come along tomorrow. Only, as Giorgio has explained, new models are fewer and further between than ever before.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby hjohjole » Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:54 pm

I have said it many many times before. LP would be a lot better off if they just balanced the large amount of scenes that is released every month on the shoulders of more studios/directors. We would (hopefully) get greater creative diversity and on top of that the director and actors would not become over worked and burnt out anymore.

The reason we are still not seeing this is of corse money. No one of the current studios want to take a step back and produce less content because that would mean a loss of income for them. As Giorgio said in this thread that he would still have basically the same running costs for his operation even if he would produce less scenes. So even if the fewer scenes would be better and would also sell better he would still be losing money compared to today.

Maybe the change would have been possible if it was implemented many years ago. But i am starting to doubt that we will ever see a change as it stands right now.

I guess we can either get used to the boring streamlined porn factory that LP has become. Or we can forget about LP and move on with our eyes open for the next big thing.
But sadly there is no such thing in sight. Not right now anyway.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Wed Feb 19, 2020 8:08 pm

avanfurwet wrote:Regarding fatted calves and filet mignon:

It's a risk for the studio to shoot, and a risk for the customers to buy, scenes from a new/developing model in the hope she will develop. Some models will bloom like a flower. Some will continue but not develop. Some will not continue.

Its really not much of a risk for customer to be honest. You spend 2,8 to 3,6 tkt for a sex act you maybe not really want that much, but you help studio to try go further with the girl. Its a quite cheap bet still. Most problems me personally I see with DP shots. DP is more expensive but the least I want from a new model, but I do realize it brings her closer to DAPbreakin'.
Core line is trust in the studio to do their really best to get the girl where user wants her, i.e usually DAP and maybe also wet at GIO.

This all said for me posters and later also Gio perverted my OP with those "fatted calved and filet mignon" quite a bit:
My OP was really not about the kind of girls GIO shoots, but the mood conveyed in the films shot by GIO - and also gonzo and IV - often: A cold, distanced factory camera.
Gio actually surlined this revealing who his support director and cameraman worked for before: SOS was a genius in talent scouting, but not in passing director and cameramen job.
There was only one cameraman with a visible and truly erotic vision for me: the barefoot fetishist one. Also rarely shooting SOS himself was quite good and had a positive vibe. At least for me not the cold barking one they had until Mexico and luckily not there anymore.
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby avanfurwet » Wed Feb 19, 2020 10:23 pm

dap-addict wrote:This all said for me posters and later also Gio perverted my OP with those "fatted calved and filet mignon" quite a bit:
My OP was really not about the kind of girls GIO shoots, but the mood conveyed in the films shot by GIO - and also gonzo and IV - often: A cold, distanced factory camera.

A big element of the "mood" of a scene is provided by the star actress.

As Giorgio has said, few girls are "born for porn".

Actresses need to develop.
Until somebody opens a good "porn school", actresses need to learn on the job.
Unless studios and fans invest in early scenes to develop fatted calves into filet mignon, the girls won't have jobs to learn on. Simples.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby avanfurwet » Thu Feb 20, 2020 12:18 pm

My 2c worth as an uninformed fan:

I think a tripod-mounted cam is great for long shots from a different angle to the main cam.
But more work to edit in some long shots later.

Tripod mounting seems to me impossible for the main cam if you want to shoot a dynamic porn scene quickly with few takes.
You'd be forever stopping the action to re-position the damn tripod.
Or just shooting from a very static point of view.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Thu Feb 20, 2020 1:11 pm

Gio explained the camera movements like this:
Giorgio Grandi wrote:Camerawork: (...) Oh guys, the cameraman frame the people on stage, he cant do a lot if the action is boring, if the models cant keep a position as she should or if she is not able to make anything different than standard, or if he is forced to cut every 5 minutes because she continue to shit herself except cancel the scene or keep the more easy script it possible to give at least a chance to the girl.
How he does this?
April Fool, the answer is moving more than necessary, otherwise the cameraman (and the users) would fall at sleep. I do not get how people so into details and commenting, never get that the less intese is the action, the more the camera moves. ABC of videography (and specially of pornography), you learn this the first month you shoot anything. Its called "video dynamic" or "effective video dynamic", I dont remember exactly now.

Choatic camer frames were actually discussed already when Gio himself shot all scenes still and in principe I do agree with Gio here. I shouldn't be too chaotic of course, but I actually got quite used to it - except new cameraman's closer frames cutting girls legs off even more than Gio did.

What I still can't get used to is the cold attitude of the director/cameraman. And here he actually can very well change something, if he cares to get more compassionate person in charge. But with this cameraman actually all the time I got the impression he doenst even like girls, he just wants them to behave on set exactly as he has imagined, for them they are just like robots he can make move in his robotic barking voice. :mad: :( Most of the time due to better mikes Aleksey's barking at girls isn't hearable anymore, but his attitude is still here. :(
Maybe send him on holiday to Goa once, let him relax a bit and get acquainted with a more flowing lifestyle. Its not about demanding less from girls on set, its about how to reach it!
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby IndyPleco » Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:33 pm

Been around cameras my entire adult working life and I have never heard of a rule that there has to be more camera movement if there’s less action. I have serious doubts that the cameramen I know would agree with that notion. Plenty of porn is shot static and not any worse for it. The most important thing is that we see the action. If the cameraman is bored shooting static shots, he shouldn’t be a cameraman.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:44 pm

Its not about him being bored with static frames, its about accidents on set and girls with problems keeping position.
Anyway, are camera moves for you in GIO too erratic now?
For me they arent really. Thats not the problem I have with that cameraman at least.
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby IndyPleco » Thu Feb 20, 2020 2:59 pm

Not terribly. My camera gripes at LP are almost exclusively with framing/reframing.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby MiniSexDolls » Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:20 pm

We need some more creative videos
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Sir Noel » Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:49 pm

Two points to make:
1 - Porn is fantasy. It is visual. I think Giorgio is being too dismissive of the set. He may not be able to film in the sunshine like JJ but he could take some cues from how he furnishes his house/set to make things more colourful. Likening it to placing a dining table next to the Niagara Falls shows he misses this point. Who wouldn't enjoy an average meal in those spectacular settings? Yes Giorgio, move the table next to the Niagara Falls: the view WILL make the food taste sweeter!
2 - In my view perhaps part of the issue is Giorgio being TOO prescriptive in telling his cameraman/ producer what to film. Maybe give him some more of his own creative input on some of what he films and see if he develops his own style to compliment the scenes he films in the GG "house style".

Personally, I don't see the divide here being bridged though. The answer is if LP gets too monotonous you need to stop only watching porn from this one website. As Giorgio says, he is releasing one or more scenes every day. At that rate any job would sap the creativity out of you. I am not sure what the answer is, especially for studio Gonzo which feels like it is utterly burnt out nowadays.
There are still some great scenes on this site, you just need to not expect every scene to be a world beater and pick your purchases.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Destroyherass » Fri Feb 21, 2020 9:25 am

Interesting thread.
Many good points being made by many people. I have huge respect to Giorgio for replying and entering disvussion and explaining his knowledge of the industry. Its refreshing.
I think people complain too much. There literally isnt any studio/site on par with lp, i see no good alternative for sites with hot fresh girls and focus on anal sex. I hope lp sales are good enough to last a long time in the future.
Probably its a minority complaining on the forum, sales show the true picture.
Throwaway account.

I love seeing hot girls getting their ass destroyed and pushed to their anal limits.
And huge, wide gapes off course.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby buddyevo » Fri Feb 21, 2020 10:46 am

LP was best years ago when Goldie, Arwen Gold, Sofi Goldfinger, Roxy Dee, Lita Phoenix, Victoria Daniels,Leona Levi, Maria Devine when they were still around. Now it all looks the same and boring. LP will never be what it was from 2014 to 2018. From around 2018 its been all the same and boring scenes.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby grey00owl » Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:39 am

Just discovered this interesting thread: praise to dap-addict for having opened it.
Thanks to Giorgio too for having accepted the discussion and shared his opinion. Where are Luis and Joachim? It would be interesting and useful to hear their opinion too.
I have criticised Giorgio sometimes for his contemptuous attitude, but he is the only one ready to speak with the customers.
If I agree with those demanding for more variety, fantasy, intensity and care, I also understand Giorgio's reasons. We should consider one major point: we, who write in this forum, are porn junkies, who consume it on regular basis, each day, it is obvious that we are so much  more demanding. Me, for example, had started watching porn at the times of Gabriel Pontello, earlier to be precise, paper porn. And other than dap-addict, I watch different porn sites too. We are all porn history aware. I (we) have seen so much, so good as bad, it's obvious that I'm so harder to please than new customers. For a new consumer, who watches porn two or three times a week, maybe, it's much simpler, he has a good choice.
For me it's so exciting to have  Cayenne Klein back shooting anal again, afterwards she has gone slamming the door, saying she hates anal. I'm aware of her history and fame. I would pay any price to have her here doing anal again, because apart from liking her very much, it intrigues me, there's the mental aspect, the added value. But for a new customer I'm for sure a moron, when I say, I'm ready to pay 20TKT for a new scene.
Or, I like slim natural models and don't like surgery modified ones, it's true: I have not ONE scene of Florane Russel. And Florane sells very, very well. Same for Aletta Black: I have just the scene with Lola Shine, because I love Lola. However I have all scenes of Billy Star. It's a question of chemistry, Billy is for me attractive, Florane and Aletta not. Another example: Anna de Ville is a great performer, I can see it very well, but she's not my cup of tea, so I have only scenes, where "my girls" play with.
But I cannot ask Giorgio (nor Luis nor Joachim) not to shoot models I don't like, even more so they sell so well: I just don't buy and wait for the next.
Or, I have all 59 Nicole Black's scenes: it's obvious that some of them resemble each other.
Yes, it would be not so difficult to add some elements to get a scene more attractive, to spice it up: as said by wotan29, the settings are very important, as clothing is, as lighting is. To be honest also Rocco uses always the same location, his villa in Hungary, that admittedly looks quite more glamorous than LP's studios. But for sure I find GONZO's studio quite more attractive than the other two: I have an impression of more care and attention for materials and details.
Of course nice furniture, interior design, luxurious clothes etc make alone no better porn, but surely help. I would like, for example, to see sometimes a model not to dressed up for fucking, but in normal way, or possibly in a very elegant way.
Giorgio's Lab teaches.
About contents: I don't understand why to keep themes split: Giorgio's Gagland series is very hot for me, but does not include any anal. Why?
I also would like to see much more girls rimming males as well as guys licking, tongue fucking, female assholes: why so little of it?
I'm a big fan of piss and manhandle, but at the same time I would also like to see more tenderness, more kissing and licking. About piss: yes it's so much better when the model is into it, nonetheless I like it also when it's not the case. wotan29 brought the example of Annette Schwarz: yes, she was great at piss drinking, and cum snorting btw, but her scenes for 666/GGG are not exciting, no matter how she good is.
Also appealing to me would be some reverse, mutual manhandle: mindblowing for me that scene with Misha Cross for SINEPLEX in which she happily gets manhandled and roughed up and suddenly begins to slap Tony Brooklyn's face and he enjoys it.
Also some plot can be interesting, as demonstrated in that scene with Lola Shine shot by Andy Casanova: awesome.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby grey00owl » Fri Feb 21, 2020 12:52 pm

buddyevo wrote:LP was best years ago when Goldie, Arwen Gold, Sofi Goldfinger, Roxy Dee, Lita Phoenix, Victoria Daniels,Leona Levi, Maria Devine when they were still around. Now it all looks the same and boring. LP will never be what it was from 2014 to 2018. From around 2018 its been all the same and boring scenes.

I don't agree. Surely those were stunning women and good till great performers, but the current models have nothing to envy.
Megan Venturi could easily be a mainstream/fashion model and make a good figure on a catwalk. And Cindy Shine, Freya Dee and Nicole Black, to name few, are just gorgeous. And what about Vicky Sol, Roxy Del and Zoe Sparx? Their performances are always intense and up to the expectations. And last but not least Alita Angel, the new, bright rising star. Moreover we have some promising lovely newcomers like Sweetie Plum, Stasia Sì and Light Fairy. No, I think we can't really complain.
I want to also add something to my post:
some dirty talking would surely spice a scene up.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby misangrenegra2 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:02 pm

Wotan29 wrote:
misangrenegra2 wrote:Ask for new places outside of your studio is insane in my opinion.

No, it´s not insane. Why the fuck shouldn´t it be possible, from time to time shooting a scene outside the "porn factory"?
Just because it´s more convenient in terms of financial, technical, logistical or whatever reasons?
Come on, for sure LP generally and Giorgio especially makes some good money (pretty okay and otherwise they wouldn´t shoot so many scenes...).
So let´s release some "special goodies" - I repeat myself - just from time to time, e.g. once a month.
And those scenes in new locations should be the ones with a storyline and the location should fit to the storyline.

I was talking about shooting in other places (houses, sites, etc) outside of him studio, shoot literally outside and close to the studio some intros/teasings to bring more variety, yes, i think could be possible if is safe and they dont have problems to shoot.

About giorgio studio, i'm very glad with the content and style, simply i feel Giorgio could make somes scenes look different with a few things: adding some furnitures, accesories and some diferent outfits (like Lara de santis wet scene) to start in the current studio, going to the "cheap" way to show different thematics or using old locations or setups like gym and see more some positions that are less often (This surely depends of the girl skills),. But reading Gio is clear that a lot of us (including me) dont have the numbers about what sells or not and how many things i dont know about how really works a porn direction

About camera works i dont have enough, in fact almost zero, knowledge but i like the current style, some people ask for less close moments but i like these close moments to appreciate good the anal penetrations/gapes but i imagine is necessary a good balance between far and close shoots, technically i cant say nothing because i dont know about this area, only my current perception about what i watch.

I gave my opinion, i think gio could bring some new scenes with storyline but starting with a small objective a not a 50/50 number of scenes with storyline like he said is stressing, in fact he could spend sometime reading the suggestion area and "take" some inspirations.

In fact i'm only suggesting some new things/variations in general terms trying to be realistic
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Sat Feb 22, 2020 9:04 am

grey00owl wrote:Just discovered this interesting thread: praise to dap-addict for having opened it.
Thanks to Giorgio too for having accepted the discussion and shared his opinion. Where are Luis and Joachim? It would be interesting and useful to hear their opinion too.

+ 1

That was my dream, btw, Luis coming here I mean!
And I counted a bit on Joachim, too.
He was quite present recently, but now suddenly gone. :confused:

Anyway, I dont want this thread to be only about GIO, only because Giorgio was the only one with the guts and respect for fans to come here and discuss. Its about all LP!
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby avanfurwet » Sat Feb 22, 2020 11:40 am

It would be great to have input from Luis and Joachim. But seems unlikely.

Luis doesn't post much and consequently he probably has a more tranquil life.

Joachim seems to have finally lost patience with the little boys on the forum poking him with a stick.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Wotan29 » Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:36 pm

Lately I watched a BTS, where director John Stagliano and performer Markus Dupree had a little talk. As much as I can´t stand Dupree´s tipfucking and overacting, according to this short sequence he seems to be a smart guy in private life.

From 21:23-23:05 they talk about Rocco Siffredi and his passionate way of directing (and of course his passionate way of performing). Dupree tells, that he once on set asked Rocco "How many positions left?" and Rocco answered totally annoyed "You can go home".

LP directors (and male performers, too): Listen carefully to those 100 seconds. Porn is not about going through positions, it´s about passionate fucking in an atmosphere with fun. No matter how rough things are going.

I guess, if Rocco would see this almost depressing atmosphere in the long Gonzo BTS, he would say to the director (and probably the male performers, too - though they are dependent on the style of directing): "Luis, find yourself another job and please don´t ever enter a porn set again".

Here´s the link:

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby bob94600 » Sun Feb 23, 2020 9:26 pm

Wotan29 wrote:LP directors (and male performers, too): Listen carefully to those 100 seconds. Porn is not about going through positions, it´s about passionate fucking in an atmosphere with fun. No matter how rough things are going.

I guess, if Rocco would see this almost depressing atmosphere in the long Gonzo BTS, he would say to the director (and probably the male performers, too - though they are dependent on the style of directing): "Luis, find yourself another job and please don´t ever enter a porn set again".

Here´s the link:


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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby grey00owl » Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:20 am

Wotan29 wrote:Lately I watched a BTS, where director John Stagliano and performer Markus Dupree had a little talk. As much as I can´t stand Dupree´s tipfucking and overacting, according to this short sequence he seems to be a smart guy in private life.

From 21:23-23:05 they talk about Rocco Siffredi and his passionate way of directing (and of course his passionate way of performing). Dupree tells, that he once on set asked Rocco "How many positions left?" and Rocco answered totally annoyed "You can go home".

LP directors (and male performers, too): Listen carefully to those 100 seconds. Porn is not about going through positions, it´s about passionate fucking in an atmosphere with fun. No matter how rough things are going.

I guess, if Rocco would see this almost depressing atmosphere in the long Gonzo BTS, he would say to the director (and probably the male performers, too - though they are dependent on the style of directing): "Luis, find yourself another job and please don´t ever enter a porn set again".

Here´s the link:

Yes, you are right, Rocco is right. Nonetheless it seems a bit too hard to me: we have to differentiate. There is not only good and bad porn: we have several degrees, from great to unwatchable. I didn't see that material, that BTS footage from GONZO, and if it's so bad, they had better not released it, but what counts is the final result. I think that Luis still shoots good porn. I miss too, like you, some creativity, some innovation, that "psychotic" twist, found in Rocco's productions as well as in some American ones. This together with passion and involvment makes porn great. We can't clone Rocco, but I find that many male actors here are not so bad. At LP we have seldom great porn, just good, watchable porn, but for me it's fine as well.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Wed Feb 26, 2020 12:34 pm

Feel a bit sorry that Giorgio got all the critic and bad vibes, because he was the only director to care to answer and explain why and how is his POV.
I really had hoped also Joachim and maybe Luis or sb of his back office would join the discussion.
Too bad so far they didnt. :( :confused:
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby magizi877 » Thu Feb 27, 2020 2:54 am

I've never seen Luis, reply to anything outside the gonzo board.
Although nowadays I skip over half the threads, for fear of seeing something I cannot unsee,
taboo thread for instance with poop eating women, TS stuff, Giorgio actors being gay, that kind of thing, lol,
so I could've missed replies from him, but I doubt it because of my experience reading this board for like 7 years.

I'm just saying your best bet to get a response from him, would be to post it at the Gonzo 2020 preview thread.

Although, getting criticized with "cold and bored" director is pretty harsh. (because he is the director),
and on top of that, he is not very communicative with us, the odds I would say are super low anyway.

And IMO if the action feels boring, I would put the blame on the actors, not the guy holding the camera.
But that's just me. Which is why I said something like "Gonzo doesn't care about their studs"
and giorgio refuted with "maybe Gonzo realized that quality of action doesn't matter in the presence of sales"

Which to me translates to: "we only care about the mighty dollar and not really about good porn".

Also, I wanted to reply to Giorgio when he said I watch porn "too close to the TV",

I watch a big TV about 6 or 7 meters away. (In the living room).
Which IMO is a normal distance :p

I think you could, if you want, use eye tracking cameras to see where on the screen,
you or your crew, are staring at the TV, the majority of the time, while watching your movies.

I already did this with myself, lol. :o

When I watch a Blacked Raw or Brazzers movie, my eyes are usually at the center of the screen.
When I watch a Hollywood movie, say Avengers, guess where my eyes are? yes at the center.

Which to means is standard practice in video production to put the thing of focus in the center. lol.

But not with Giorgio movies. That being said my latest Gio movie is GIO1161.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby dap-addict » Thu Feb 27, 2020 10:56 am

magizi87 wrote:And IMO if the action feels boring, I would put the blame on the actors, not the guy holding the camera.

Well, the guy holding the camera and/or director instructs the studs how to act and what to perform and he also chooses who he books usually. ;)
So its not only due to quality of acting.
Let me re-post sth I wrote in Leila's model thread about studs just to consider:
This said GIO studs are really good IMO and especially Angelo, Neeo and Ricky bring a lot of positive vibes on set and that is all but cold. :)

dap-addict wrote:Czech white GIO Prague team works like a clockwork thanks to quite fix roles. Tiny Tom doing always first DAP takes in almost every position, Angelo and Neeo working together mostly and 4th stud supporting rather. 4th stud is Fly or recently missing Ricky, or Mr. Anderson (formerly Rocket) or Robin Reid recently. Anderson and Reid are commuting from outside and they still have to find their roles. Anderson was the best in manhandling 2y ago when he still mainly worked in Prague. Now he lost his place in the team so to say. Robin is completely new, but he's more active and thus better even than much more team accustomed Anderson. Strange, but so it is. Don't know whats happening with Anderson/Rocket in Prague! :confused:

I dont care much for studs really, but always same team roles indeed tires out a bit. I recently often skip Tiny Toms takes because its always the same, always same positions, always first etc. But I do realize he's a good and very reliable stud doing that very crucial job of opening the girls up for the rest of the crew!
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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby avanfurwet » Thu Feb 27, 2020 11:55 am

magizi87 wrote:... and giorgio refuted with "maybe Gonzo realized that quality of action doesn't matter in the presence of sales" ...

Giorgio was responding about male performers and the Gonzo MCT, and he actually said ...
Giorgio Grandi wrote: Maybe Gonzo discovered that to have one performer or another doesnt change much the results of the output on sales level

Which translates to me as "paying customers don't care much about exactly who is on the team of male performers".

Giorgio may want to make "great porn" ~ but probably he mostly wants to make porn that his customers want to buy.

So if changing one ingredient in the recipe doesn't change the sales figures much, maybe he will concentrate on changing other ingredients instead?

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby grey00owl » Fri Feb 28, 2020 12:07 pm

I would invite the LP directors (and the users as well) to take a look at the trailer of OILED AND SPOILED #2 By Aiden Riley, out now for EVIL ANGEL. This is awesome porn: innovative, visionary, psychotic, passionate, dirty. I'm not telling to copy this, but to take some inspiration for something new and more satisfactory.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby bob94600 » Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:19 am

Even if I don't agree with many Giorgio explanations and choices (women, guys, kind of scenes, etc.), I think we all must respect him for being a real producer who take risks and answer to the questions of consumers.

That's a proof of intellect, in quality of producer, to keep listening and reading what people think about his work. :cool:

For Luis, and Gonzo in general, I don't even know what to say anymore...This studio is (sorry Giorgio) the spinal column of LP, and they are loosing more and more consumers, respect and interest days after days.

Luis is clearly not the right producer for this studio...With all we can say, all the mistakes he makes, and his sales going down, it's an EVIDENCE !!!

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby grey00owl » Mon Mar 02, 2020 3:05 pm

bob94600 wrote:Even if I don't agree with many Giorgio explanations and choices (women, guys, kind of scenes, etc.), I think we all must respect him for being a real producer who take risks and answer to the questions of consumers.

That's a proof of intellect, in quality of producer, to keep listening and reading what people think about his work. :cool:

For Luis, and Gonzo in general, I don't even know what to say anymore...This studio is (sorry Giorgio) the spinal column of LP, and they are loosing more and more consumers, respect and interest days after days.

Luis is clearly not the right producer for this studio...With all we can say, all the mistakes he makes, and his sales going down, it's an EVIDENCE !!!

I don't agree. I like both productions, and increasingly IV's as well, otherwise I would not be here. In particular at GONZO I appeciate always the care for the details, the settings, the clothing, the lighting and the presence of more colour. I share, as highlighted in numerous posts, also the criticism coming from many users. Me too would like to have more variety and less lined up scenes. We see often the same building with the same sequence of positions. To me, as long as I see my favourite girls doing raunchy things, is still satisfying, but honestly, as I already said, we see here seldom great porn.

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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Wotan29 » Sat Mar 07, 2020 10:46 am


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Re: Cold and bored director-cameramen in LP porn factory

Postby Giorgio Grandi » Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:19 pm

My work:

Girls here ->

My toys at

Do you want to review my scenes (and not only)?
I would refund you the cost
Ping me on twitter @giorgiograndi76


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