Orgy itself was too crowded, too much happening at the same time and camera often too distant.
But its was really ace fun!

Highlight was the 4 (!) studs Kira Thorn has casual bts sex with!

All in a soft touch of course, total vanilla, but so much fun to just see it happen in bad light and with no MU applied. And than watch her dress up again with that smile on her face!

Even the Sara-Mina anal workout in that kitchen I liked less compared to those 2 soft Kira workouts!

Freddy Gong also shot a nice load on her butt cheeks! LOL!
Total classical butt cheek shot!
Vintage pure!

In a mix I'd like to have a bit more of just girls chatting and especially dressing in those leg wear.
Cute chat was that Czech corner with Kristy Black and Florane Russel, though!

Showing so much deeper, like the totally relaxed Kristy vs. a stressed Florane.
Interesting insight!
What did you like most in that BTS?
Who preferred BTS over the film?