Doggy style sex in Luis/Gonzo movies analysis.
My favorite parts in Gonzo movies are usually the blowbangs and the doggy style sex.
I think camera wise, actors performance, and the body features that I like in a woman,
all combine to make those two positions my favorite to watch in Luis movies.
For this one I want to focus on Doggy only tho.
I want to cover 2 things. The duration of this position throughout each movie and
how well is depicted or how inconsistent it can be.
I'm gonna be blunt here but I think it is not fully understood why sometimes when Luis
is filming Doggy style sex, it all lines up perfectly and we can see the penetration,
her legs, her torso, and her face, despite the model getting banged by 3 guys in airtight mode,
and why sometimes, it's the same idea, same position, but for whatever reason, her face is obstructed,
or her ass or her boobs or her legs or whatever. I think it's best when we can see all/most of her glorious body
and that's why I'm posting this, because it's not consistent from one movie to the next.
But first I'll talk about the duration this positions can last.
In the movie, SZ1932 with Evelina Darling, doggy style last for a grand total of: ZERO, lol.
That's a tragedy because she's got a wonderful ass and I just mentioned that capturing doggy style sex is one of Luis' strengths.
It also happens quite often with Kristy Black scenes. These are all Kristy's scenes, SZ1986 only 2:53 minutes of Doggy, SZ1815 4:07 mins,
SZ1861 6:04 mins. That's all not very good IMO, when her ass is as good looking as hers:
Let's compare two movies with Kristy made by Giorgio,
In the movie GIO607, Kristy gets fucked doggy style for 12 mins and in the GIO649 it last for 7:30 mins.
There are 6 extra minutes of Kristy' ass getting nailed in doggy, from Giorgio Studio, with one less movie.
SZ1858 with Nataly Gold, she is one if not the best performers right now, when it comes to
getting penetrated, balls deep style. big cocks can bury very deep inside her, it's amazing.
There aren't many girls with her capabilities.
the action was peaking,the intensity of the sex was off the scale, she was getting fucked, so well.
and instead of prolonging the duration of that performance, letting more guys fuck that awesome ass of hers,
the action was cut short at 3 mins of doggy.
I mean, you have the best performers when it comes to this style of sex, and you just don't let them perform.
I have always wondered how would a Giorgio movie look like, if he had more Mike Chapman's in his team.
and IMO, all Gonzo male actors are kinda like Mike Chapman, they good, they are really good.
But for whatever reason, you are always telling them to switch at the worse moments, as in, when
they are performing the best, just when they picked up the rythym, *switch*.
I grabbed about 150 recent movies from Gonzo and Giorgio and cut out all the footage that wasn't doggy style sex.
So all that remained was Doggy style sex. Then renamed each file with a number at the beginning that indicates
how many minutes does the model gets penetrated while she is in all fours, doggy style.
Here are some numbers.
Gonzo movies with 9 or more minutes of Doggy Style sex: 14 movies. Of which the longest doggy style footage was 14 mins (SZ1897 Sonya Durganova)
Giorgio movies with 9 or more minutes of Doggy Style sex: 59 movies. Of which the longest doggy style footage was 19 mins (GIO561 Victoria Jay)
Giorgio has also made movies with very little doggy style, I don't think there is a movie from him with no doggy style tho.
Doggy style footage average duration is 9 mins and 30 secs. So, right now I'm thinking 9 mins is the standard, and close to 20 mins
is extraordinary. For this one, longer is better. Gonzo movies, positions always last less that in Giorgio movies, it doesn't matter the position.
It's always less time. The sex duration is also, usually much less. anecdotically it's at least 10 mins shorter.
Some of the reasons why I think longer sex is better. Stimulating the model for longer, without interrupting the penetration(s),
it's more fun to watch because she can orgasm more and because she is getting fucked for longer, her moans appear less fake.
Also, the guys can penetrate her for longer and therefore have more fun and perform better.
And the action is interrupted less so it appears more intense and organic. So the movie is better.
ALSO, not gonna lie, just the idea of a woman, penetrated from all directions, pinned, locked down, stuck between many men,
who just can't stop fucking her is just incredibly hot.
Ultimately I don't like when movies have positions that go for 2 mins. Please stop adding positions that only last 2 mins or so.
That's just wrong. 6 mins should be the least amount of time spent per position. For instance, in blowbangs, for the girls who really try
to perform the best they can, the blowbang position ends, when her eyes start to tear up, but, that's what we want, that kinda the point
of deepthroats, we want them performing at their limit, why not make that last longer?
The girls start to look challenged and the action always moves to the next position.
It's OK to move to new positions when the model is new, or for those models who
don't really care how good they are, but for seasoned models why not go all the way.
Going back to that scene with Nataly, the scene is a 10 on 1, TEN GUYS ONE GIRL.
We want to see all ten guys get their chance in every position. That's the point of stacking the numbers.
We want to see Nataly Gold handle 10 guys in her ass, when she is doggy, and in the other position.
Make each scene as good as it can be
There has to be a reason why Giorgio is always, ALWAYS at the top of sales.
OK, phew! heh! I'm totally not rating, I'm just passionate about this.
Moving on to what we see on video during doggy, which is not always equally good.
We can't see her face, it goes on for some time, you move the camera but it doesn't work.
So the solution wasn't "moving the camera".
There were two paths, telling the black guy to get up on top of the couch in front of her,
so she would be forced to move her head up, like in both gifs with Nataly Gold above,
or telling her to stop doing the handjob completely and move her arm to a resting position on the couch:
Or I guess telling Chris Diamond to move behind the couch so she would stroke his cock with her other hand?
That movie with Natalie Russ, is IMO one of your best camera work, during the sex, ever.
We can see Natalie so well in that movie.
But as you can see it's not always the same.
In this Sonya Durganova movie, this is basically the same idea, but can't really see much of her.
And I'm thinking you decided to cut this position because of the result, because the position didn't lasted
nearly as much as with the Natalue Russ scene.
This was visually great and it has the same amount of guys:
But again in this other movie, the visuals are not as good
How the guys position around the woman has a big impact on what we can see.
We want to see as much of girl as possible.
I think what you can do is to put a TV behind you
that plays what you are recording, mute it.
so the guys can see on the TV how the model is appearing and move when necessary.
Maybe the TV is unnecessary.

I'm always noticing this inconsistency,
where despite the position being the same, and the number of guys, the visuals are not always the same.
Not just with Doggy. Other positions also have this problem.
This scene with Alexi Star was also pretty awesome with the camera and actors positioning
I always appreciate the movies when we get video of the girl and her feet, as well as everything else, appears on the screen at the same time.
Here are a few more where everything was perfect
How you position the camera and how the guys position is much better now, but it still needs a bit more control, sometimes.
I love your movies, /hug.