This is a guide on how I do a small
porn gif, that loops nicely.
Here are some basic concepts that you need to understand.
1 second has 1000 milliseconds (ms for short)
Gonzo films movies at 50 frames per second (fps)
That means that there are 50 different images every second.
It also means that there is a new image every 20 ms. This is the play speed.
(1000ms divided by 50 fps equals 20 ms).
Giorgio films movies at 30 fps
So there are 30 different images every second.
Each new frame is played every 33.33 ms
For a gif to look "good" it has to trick the brain
to think that the loop it's infinite.
To make this happen you have to skip frames.
By doing so, the brain will have to fill in the gaps
of the missing images to make sense of the gif.
And will also help to make the gif appear infinite.
If you do not skip frames, the brain will easily detect the starting point of the loop.
In other words, the gif will appear choppy.
So when you skip frames, you have to adjust the play speed of each frame.
Because if you remove frames, and do not adjust the play speed.
Your gif will look funny and at high speed.
I used to think that depending on how many frames you skip,
was in direct correlation of how much you need to increase the play speed.
So if on a Giorgio video you remove half the frames from 30 fps of the original
you bring it down to 15 fps, I used to adjust the play speed of each frame to
66 ms. But in my experience, for the speed to look correctly, it has more to do
with the total amount of frames in your gif.
For instance, if my gif is only 5 frames, I usually do a play speed of 110 - 140 ms per frame.
But if my gif has 7 or 8 frames, I usually do a play speed of 90 ms.
That being said, if you are not happy with how slow or fast the gif is playing,
you need to experiment with the speed until it feels right.
Otehrwise it will look choppy.
I avoid choppy looking gifs like the plague, I really dislike them.
There are many variables that make gifs appear choppy. Some examples:
The most common factor is the camera sway:
The camera moves in random directions and seemingly uncontrollably.
It's a very subtle movement, but for gifs it's a huge problem.
This probably happens due to the director breathing and his heartbeat
causing his body to vibrate a little bit.
So the only real way to fix this is technology.
Optical Image Stabilization, tripods, and other apparatus that negate the camera sway.
Obviously, porn requires a handheld camera.
So I dream that the day will come when LP actually films movies,
with a handheld camera operated by the director,
and multiple stationary cameras positioned strategically to get good camera angles.
and possibly combine all the footage in smart ways to artificially make the movies longer lasting. heh!
For instance, in lengthy pieces of cowgirl style DP, Imagine a camera on a tripod
positioned in such a way that it captures the tunnel view angle, the entire duration of the position.
And another camera, that is positioned directly in front of her face.
Maybe these extra cameras could be cheap "go-pro" cameras.
To get an idea of what could it look like and wheater fans like them or not,
before investing in better equipment for the extra cameras.
I got this idea because those gifs I made about the Asian gf and dildos,
were extremely easy to loop due to the camera being static.Back to the gif guide, I was talking about what makes gifs appear choppy.
Another factor is when the director takes too long to find the camera angle
that he is happy with. The gif in my initial post "1617T" is a good example of this happening.
Simply, the kiss is over by the time Luis gets a steady camera angle.
Also, the actors on her ass and pussy are accommodating themselves into her
and those type of movements usually doesn't loop well due to chaos.
Other things that make gifs look choppy are the actors moving in unexpected ways.
Raising their arms to balance their weight, moving their body to a different position for comfort,
moving their head, breathing, even muscles twitching, etc.
I'm not complaining about these, obviously, these are unavoidable. Just saying.
In porn, an important factor that can make a gif appear choppy
are the cycles or revolutions of the actor's movements, in particular, the penetration act.
For instance, during doggy airtight DP, it could be the case that both actors penetrating
the model ass and pussy are well synched and they both take the same amount of time
to pull their cock out and put it back in all the way into her holes. But the babe is sucking the third dude's cock
at a different pace. So by the time both guys on her butt finish a cycle, she is only halfway through
her own revolution of sucking cock.
If that is the case, or any similar case when each actor cycle doesn't align with the other ones
the gif will be choppy.
Ass spanking gifs are very difficult to do, due to this reason.
As you can see there are many factors that potentially make small gifs that loop nicely,
difficult to do, but once you get the hang of it, it's not as hard as it sounds.
This is what I do, step by step.
Software tools that I use, Photoshop and Machete.
1.- Purchase the movie and download the 480p version.
the 480p version is so much easier for your PC to process and thus makes the process quicker.
2.- Watch the movie, enjoy it, and think about your favorite parts.
Be observant of the movie segments that you want to loop in a gif
and analyze whether or not, it has the necessary elements for a good loop.
minimal camera sway, short duration of the thing you want to loop, good synchronization, etc.
3.- (optional) Open the movie in Machete, find the area of interest in the movie,
and clip a small video that contains the desired moment. The smaller the clip the easier.
4.- Open Photoshop, Click File / Import / Video Frame to Layers
5.- Select your desired video and Open it.
6.- Make sure the checkbox for "Make Frame Animation" is activated.
7.- Click on "Limit to Every X Frames",
For 30 fps movies, I suggest setting X to 2.
For 50 fps movies, I suggest setting X to 3.
8.- Use sliders to narrow the piece of the movie you want to make a gif and hit "OK"
9.- In the timeline select all frames.
10.- Below each frame in the timeline, you will see a number, that's the speed.
While having all frames selected, click in the speed number and change it to 0.09 secs as your starting point.
11.- Play the animation and spot the part you want to make it into a gif.
12. Delete all the other unnecessary frames.
Make sure whatever frames are left, the actor(s) complete their penetrating cycle.
All the way up all the wait down.
Go frame by frame to see if it loops correctly.
13.- Once you are happy with it, go to file / Export / Save for web
I use these settings:
Click save!
Hope some of you give these a try.