Kira Parvati, what a babe!. Pretty much bought her video day 1.
and wanted to talk about it right away, but I was a bit let down when realized that the sex act only develops for 25 mins.
I wonder if the duration of the scenes is a decision or a limitation of the batteries.
Just to make it clear, the important part of your porn videos, is the sex act.
(When the males interact with the females). That's what drives a hardcore porn fan, such as me, to pay you money.
So that's where you want to allocate most of your time budget and all of your care.
This video is supposed to be 44 minutes long, but, it takes 19 minutes for the boys to appear.
That's pretty much half the movie, where the hardcore video is actually, a softcore video.

This is not a good practice. Please make the intros more time efficient.
Just take a look at my gifs, and then go to reddit, tumblr and other sources and see how often
people actually make a gif of the intro parts. And then compare that number to the ocean of gifs
about the sex act part. In short, is not comparable.
That's a good give away about what most of us really care about.
We appreciate that is there, the strip tease, masturbation eye candy, but is not why we are here.
And seeing it so often makes it less impactful.
Take cues from Giorgio, who keeps shortening the intros and keeps the movies run time, on par with Gonzo's.
I actually find them more erotical when the boys take the clothes off from the girls and vice versa.
And so much better when the sex act goes on and on and on, 40, 50, 60 minutes.
This is my personal satisfaction scale as far as sex act duration goes:
25 minutes or less = BAD
30-35 minutes = OK
40-45 minutes = GOOD
50-55 minutes = EXCELLENT!
60 or more = EPIC!
Please consider this plead when you want to add an "amazing" tag to the scene title.
Also a 60 minutes plus scene, was not a rare thing from Sineplex to do.
It's not like I'm asking for unprecedented stuff.
Another disappointment was that her photoset only comes with 12 pictures. Please tell me that was a mistake.
Alright, now onto the goodies about this scene.
I find Kira Parvati to be quite special. She has a skinny body type but yet owns quite a girly figure.
Looking at her legs getting thicker and thicker as you move your eyes closer to her bum, such a beautiful ass.

I'm quite surprised at how little fat she has under her chin and her face and eyes are fantastic.
Love her hair. It looks so nice and would love to see future scenes where the man grab it and pull it, constantly.

And she is quite fuckable.
And manages to swallow bbc all the way in
I also think her 'damsel in distress' facial expression is gorgeous.
I like in particular the way her eyebrows look, while getting DPed by big cocks
and because the rest of her face doesn't discomposes into an ugly expression
I think she would be a great candidate for a rough sex gangbang scene.
She is a nasty girl after all, love the way she smiles to this:
And once again

Notice the pink asshole, love it.

I would love if rough sex scenes could combine this position:
it's similar to a Reverse Cowgirl, except no guy is underneath her
And in that position from above do a A2P train montage, where the first guy fucks her asshole, then her pussy and finally her mouth
and at the time when he switches from Ass to Pussy, another guy start penetrating her ass. And when this new guy is penetrating her ass,
the first guy is doing her pussy. Then they switch to the next hole a a third guy joins in.
And so each guy has a consecutive turn from ass to pussy to mouth and keep that up for 4 or 5 minutes, that would be so hot.
I almost forgot to mention that in this scene, she is wearing high heels the whole time

Notice how this gif above, does not have the Gonzo watermark. That's because in actuality, the camera was farther away.
and I cropped the image to take advantage that her entire body was in view, but to demonstrate
what should appear on our TVs.
I don't like seeing shots so far away you also see the dudes, and the room. the dudes and the room are things I don't want to see in detail
I'm pretty sure most of us, excluding some gay fans, prefer it, this way.
Please use gif 0599 as a guideline on how to capture the doggy position from afar.
That's the farthest we want the camera to be and is also exactly the perfect distance and angle.
Not saying you shouldn't get closer for other angles,
Can't get enough of this either:
And just in case I forgot to add Cowgirl DP

Do use her flexibility in sexy and kinky ways: