Seriously, but where is the customer support???  Topic is solved

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Seriously, but where is the customer support???

Postby kwido » Sat Jun 08, 2013 3:31 am

Hi, I know that many people have already mentioned this before, but does the customer support at respond to anyone at all? I get the feeling that nobody's works there at all! I have been having problems with passing the attestation process and have mailed customer support multiple times in the past two weeks, and even called to the enlisted phone number (censored) for help, although the phoneline appears to not exist at all. In the meantime my tickets have been charged for scenes that I cannot watch, which is just bizarre. PC_82, you're always here promoting scenes (which I appreciate), but seriously where is the customer support???

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  Topic is solved

Postby rimundinp » Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:32 am

I sent email 2 times

they respond and help me at the ocasion

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