How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

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How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Sat May 11, 2024 10:13 am

I know the very popular non hardcore girl Melanie Maria sells her old clothing from photoshoots such as bra and panties and even dresses. She charges a lot for it. I know there are probably ton of OF girls that probably sell their panties as well. I don't check OF but heard a lot about it so that wouldn't surprise me.

Now, how much money would you pay for an ex-pornstar panties? By that I mean a girl that has been out of porn for a while, whether it's a few years or many years and thus say they don't do OF or anything like that. So say it's a real hot ex pornstar from back in the day like Suzie Diamond or Lucy Lee or Anna Lacey (Priscilla). Or say it could be Jane Darling or Claudia Rossi... the private girls from back then. To me, those girls are the best looking girls of all time in any type of porn.

Now assuming these ex-pornstars are no longer in porn anymore, do you think any of them would be willing to sell their panties for money? Like imagine you have a lot of old fans who want a pair of panties from Suzie Diamond or Lucy Lee etc. However, say the ex-pornstars wouldn't want to advertise it because well they don't want to be associated with porn anymore.

Now say they have fans they are willing to pay $500 for a pair of worn panties... do you think they would ever do it? But of course not like OF where it's publicly advertised? Like imagine they get 20 fans to buy their panties a month, well that would be 10 grand a month. Now obviously they would need more old fans to want to buy but do you think any ex pornstars would do this? Now let say one fan or person wants a pair of their panties and was willing to pay like 10k or 50k. I can't imagine an ex-porn girl refusing it? Well it would be something like can you take a picture of you wearing it and send the panties to me.

I can't imagine an ex-pornstar would ever refuse it even as a one time thing for 10k or 50k right? Like imagine it was some director who worked with them when they were active in porn and someone asked the director about this so it's all behind the scenes so it's not public. I can't imagine it would be a no? Of course there would be ex-pornstars who probably doesn't even want to speak to their directors from back then.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby TomHardick » Sat May 11, 2024 1:20 pm

i wouldn't pay a dime for pornstar panties. I'm not judging, it's just not for me. I'm just curious, what are you gonna do with those worn panties?; 'cause you are talking about big money; wouldn't you prefer to have sex with a pornstar for that money?.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby CocosNucifera » Sat May 11, 2024 3:03 pm

Up to 500 EUR.

Fair price.
Zizi Minuscule

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby isis666xxx » Sat May 11, 2024 3:08 pm

a real pornstar shouldnt wear panties to begin with

she should only wear the minimum amount of clothes to respect the laws

underwear sucks shit

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby Anselm_Weinberg » Sat May 11, 2024 6:09 pm


For me porn like all things involving sexuality is all about the humanity and interaction of those involved. A detached object just doesn't do anything for me and it would feel rather weird playing around with someone's worn panties for that reason.

Just my personal opinion, not meant in a judgemental way.
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Sat May 11, 2024 10:49 pm

What do you mean what you going to do with those worn panties? The ex pornstar pussy and ass would have touched those panties. Let say they also took a picture of themselves wearing those panties as well and sent that photo in as well so you have a picture of her wearing those panties and the actual panties itself. Now I'm not sure how long you would want the girl to wear the panties for but even if it's just to wear it for a few minutes just to take a picture of herself in it and then remove it and then put it in a bag, to me that is good enough. Though I think some people might want the girl to wear it all day?

If you have a pair of ex pornstar panties, that would mean you touching it would mean you touched her pussy and ass. Of course many would jerk off to it because her pussy has touched it. Now you telling me most guys wouldn't do that if they had their favorite pornstar panties? Or let say it was some celebrity and you had a pair of her panties. You wouldn't sniff or jerk off on it?

Of course you rather be with the pornstar instead but I mean a situation where the ex pornstar has been out of porn for a while and say they won't escort. However, would they be willing to wear a pair of panties and take a picture of them wearing it and then sending it to you for a lot of money. I'm curious how many ex pornstars would do something like this. Like imagine an old director who worked with them years ago contacted them and said hey, you have lot of old pornstars and they would love to have a pair of your worn panties. Would you be willing to wear panties and take a picture of yourself wearing it and then put it in a bag and give it to me and I give you money for it? Of course, good chance the ex pornstar might not even want to speak with their old director anymore and things like that. But if they would, do you think any ex-pornstar would do this? Imagine they have 20 pantie requests a month and it's $500 each. So say they could make $10,000 a month just for that. Let say they might have to pay 20% commission or $2000 for someone like the director to take care of the shipping and everything. How many ex-pornstars would do something like this? Remember, this would be all under the radar as it isn't really openly advertising it... though some people might go on a forum and talk about it and then it would be public. But it isn't like an ex-pornstar returns to porn to LP and now everyone knows about it. What percent of ex-pornstars would do this? Now if they say no, do you think if it was like just a few requests... but say it was a ridiculous amount of money... like $10,000 for a pair of worn panties and it was say only say 5 fans... I can't imagine almost any ex-pornstar refusing it?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Sun Dec 22, 2024 1:55 am

So people here wouldn't pay like $500 for a worn pair of panties from their favorite pornstar? Say whether it was back then or say right now. Obviously now is much different because they are much older and no longer long as good as back then.

But you telling me if you could get say a picture of a current retired poster wearing the panties sent to you to confirm or say a short video chat of them wearing the panties for a short while and you getting those panties, you telling me you won't pay for that?

I think lot of people would pay at least few hundred dollars for their favorite pornstar. Imagine if Lucy Lee did something like this. Wouldn't she have ton of people who want to buy? She is by far the most popular pornstar I think. Now imagine Suzie Diamond.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby fister2 » Sun Dec 22, 2024 2:23 am

Difficult to say, but probably few hundreds, but I'd request that it has been stuffed inside her pussy during her period and image to proof it.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Sun Dec 22, 2024 3:16 am

Well the proof would be they take a photo them wearing the same exact panties or them doing a short video of it. Then the panties come in a package shipped to you. Of course they could fake it easily by selling a ton of these panties and using the same video. However, if they were include an autograph to so and so name with it, that would seem more better? Say the girl wears the panties for like an hour only because they have to sell many of these panties to be sold. Or say they wore it just for a few minutes. Obviously most people prefer it be worn longer but wearing it a short time would be good enough for most people?

I think people here would be $500 for their favorite pornstar of all time?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:30 am

paulyshoresituation wrote:Well the proof would be they take a photo them wearing the same exact panties or them doing a short video of it. Then the panties come in a package shipped to you. Of course they could fake it easily by selling a ton of these panties and using the same video. However, if they were include an autograph to so and so name with it, that would seem more better?

Funny, exactly this is in that German TV Doc about porn feat. 'our' Jolee Love: ... GljYXRpb24

Btw, as for OP question: I would never pay a single cent for it!
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby latina-girls-yes » Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:00 pm

isis666xxx wrote:a real pornstar shouldnt wear panties to begin with

she should only wear the minimum amount of clothes to respect the laws


underwear sucks shit

a *real* pornstar (like the model on your photo) would ignore entirely the laws written by fascist cowboys in washington (and followed to the letter by their colonies in the west) that seek to dictate to women what they can and can't wear in public
it's nothing less than an admission of unadulterated hypocrisy for western politicians to say women in iran are opressed because they are expected to wear a headscarf in public (factcheck: by far the majority choose to do so due to their faith), while those same politicians make the laws that say a woman can be arrested and charged (even imprisoned) if she feels like walking down 42nd street with nothing covering her top or bottom

perhaps all those fabulous 'lost' tribes (only 'lost' to western hypocrisy) that still exist in forgotten corners of the amazonian rainforest, in africa, and on islands across asia - where the populations have happily wandered around just as nature intended for millennia - should collectively sanction the US for oppressing women's right to dress themselves (or not dress themselves) in public as they please and whenever they please
but of course they never will, because they're not rabid western fascists who think it's their place to dictate the terms by which the rest of the world should be forced to live

recommendation: if you ever feel modern society is a hopelessly lost cause, corrupt, rotten and oppresive as hell, and that there really is no meaningful future for humanity within such a system, just type 'amazon tribe' into any image search engine of choice and you will instantly be filled happiness and hope
it's like those tv game shows where the contestant loses the big mystery prize hidden behind the curtain, and then the host then takes them behind the curtain to see what they could have won
these are the *real* people. these are the *real* civilisations. this is the *real world.
while the shit techno-pantomime parody or reality that we live in is just a run-down boarded-up mall long marked for demolition

and while the woman in your photo may not consciously think about any of this ever, her gesture in that photo makes me think that at some subconscious level she is still deeply in touch with her inner amazonian tribe. and i love her for it
latina girls yes!
lucy mendez, daniela garcia, lenis diamond, sussy sweet, katia sweet, kelly oliveira, miley kitty
2025: dulce miller, abby evans, ana cleopatra
natasha teen is an xxx genius! lancelot is the top stud!

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby latina-girls-yes » Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:16 pm

ps. i *STRONGLY* advise against anyone considering posting images of the peoples of the tribes i mention on this forum in response to the point i make about such peoples.

this site is full of images of women who happily participate in the business of being photographed without clothing for the purposes of making money, and reposting their images here is what the forum is for

but the peoples of the tribes i mention don't participate in such transactions, therefore no one should disrespect them, insult their dignity or seek to objectify them by reposting their images here for the purpose of sexually objectifying them. that's tantamount to abuse

admire and respect the peoples of these tribes for being some of the last independent and truly free peoples on this earth and don't demean them. they deserve better than that
latina girls yes!
lucy mendez, daniela garcia, lenis diamond, sussy sweet, katia sweet, kelly oliveira, miley kitty
2025: dulce miller, abby evans, ana cleopatra
natasha teen is an xxx genius! lancelot is the top stud!

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby Anselm_Weinberg » Sun Dec 22, 2024 9:58 pm

latina-girls-yes wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:a real pornstar shouldnt wear panties to begin with

she should only wear the minimum amount of clothes to respect the laws


underwear sucks shit

a *real* pornstar (like the model on your photo) would ignore entirely the laws written by fascist cowboys in washington (and followed to the letter by their colonies in the west) that seek to dictate to women what they can and can't wear in public
it's nothing less than an admission of unadulterated hypocrisy for western politicians to say women in iran are opressed because they are expected to wear a headscarf in public (factcheck: by far the majority choose to do so due to their faith)

The US is not fascist, stop throwing that term around. I have no reason to defend the US or its imperialism, but no, they're not fascist. And neither are the other states in the so-called West colonies. They're quite capable imperialists themselves whose interest just happen to align with those of the US for now, though this is rapidly changing. And it is true that Women are oppressed in Iran and sure this is being exploited by Western politicians to other ends just like LGBT rights, however them doing so doesn't make it any less true.

perhaps all those fabulous 'lost' tribes (only 'lost' to western hypocrisy) that still exist in forgotten corners of the amazonian rainforest, in africa, and on islands across asia - where the populations have happily wandered around just as nature intended for millennia - should collectively sanction the US for oppressing women's right to dress themselves (or not dress themselves) in public as they please and whenever they please
but of course they never will, because they're not rabid western fascists who think it's their place to dictate the terms by which the rest of the world should be forced to live

This is nothing more than a peculiar fetishisation of "the other" in scribing u

recommendation: if you ever feel modern society is a hopelessly lost cause, corrupt, rotten and oppresive as hell, and that there really is no meaningful future for humanity within such a system, just type 'amazon tribe' into any image search engine of choice and you will instantly be filled happiness and hope
it's like those tv game shows where the contestant loses the big mystery prize hidden behind the curtain, and then the host then takes them behind the curtain to see what they could have won
these are the *real* people. these are the *real* civilisations. this is the *real world.
while the shit techno-pantomime parody or reality that we live in is just a run-down boarded-up mall long marked for demolition

and while the woman in your photo may not consciously think about any of this ever, her gesture in that photo makes me think that at some subconscious level she is still deeply in touch with her inner amazonian tribe. and i love her for it
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby Anselm_Weinberg » Sun Dec 22, 2024 10:05 pm

latina-girls-yes wrote:
isis666xxx wrote:a real pornstar shouldnt wear panties to begin with

she should only wear the minimum amount of clothes to respect the laws


underwear sucks shita *real* pornstar (like the model on your photo) would ignore entirely the laws written by fascist cowboys in washington (and followed to the letter by their colonies in the west) that seek to dictate to women what they can and can't wear in public
it's nothing less than an admission of unadulterated hypocrisy for western politicians to say women in iran are opressed because they are expected to wear a headscarf in public (factcheck: by far the majority choose to do so due to their faith)

The US is not fascist, stop throwing that term around. I have no reason to defend the US or its imperialism, but no, they're not fascist. And neither are the other states in the so-called West colonies. They're quite capable imperialists themselves whose interest just happen to align with those of the US for now, though this is rapidly changing. And it is true that Women are oppressed in Iran and sure this is being exploited by Western politicians to other ends just like LGBT rights, however them doing so doesn't make it any less true.

latina-girls-yes wrote:perhaps all those fabulous 'lost' tribes (only 'lost' to western hypocrisy) that still exist in forgotten corners of the amazonian rainforest, in africa, and on islands across asia - where the populations have happily wandered around just as nature intended for millennia - should collectively sanction the US for oppressing women's right to dress themselves (or not dress themselves) in public as they please and whenever they please
but of course they never will, because they're not rabid western fascists who think it's their place to dictate the terms by which the rest of the world should be forced to live

This amounts to being nothing more than a fetishisation of the wholesome other, onto whom some is projected some orientalistic misconceived notion of authenticity. This alone ironically being extremely racist.

This is nothing more than a peculiar fetishisation ost cause, corrupt, rotten and oppresive as hell, and that there really is no meaningful future for humanity within such a system, just type 'amazon tribe' into any image search engine of choice and you will instantly be filled happiness and hope
it's like those tv game shows where the contestant loses the big mystery prize hidden behind the curtain, and then the host then takes them behind the curtain to see what they could have won
these are the *real* people. these are the *real* civilisations. this is the *real world.
while the shit techno-pantomime parody or reality that we live in is just a run-down boarded-up mall long marked for demolition

and while the woman in your photo may not consciously think about any of this ever, her gesture in that photo makes me think that at some subconscious level she is still deeply in touch with her inner amazonian tribe. and i love her for it

This is just straight up reactionary, "subconscious level" what, like it's in her blood? You keep complaining about fascists and then use these Blut und Boden and quasi völkisch concepts no Nazi would have any issues agreeing with.
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby krisb01581 » Mon Dec 23, 2024 12:58 pm

paulyshoresituation wrote:So people here wouldn't pay like $500 for a worn pair of panties from their favorite pornstar? Say whether it was back then or say right now. Obviously now is much different because they are much older and no longer long as good as back then.

But you telling me if you could get say a picture of a current retired poster wearing the panties sent to you to confirm or say a short video chat of them wearing the panties for a short while and you getting those panties, you telling me you won't pay for that?

I think lot of people would pay at least few hundred dollars for their favorite pornstar. Imagine if Lucy Lee did something like this. Wouldn't she have ton of people who want to buy? She is by far the most popular pornstar I think. Now imagine Suzie Diamond.

I bought a pair of Holly Hanna's panties many years ago. She was wearing them and took them off right in front of me and put them over my head. I'll always remember that. My only regret is that I didn't ask her to rub them hard against her asshole first.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby xxxVIPERxxx » Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:56 pm

For an EX-porn star's panties, no more than 50 Euros (you do not even know for sure if they are actually giving you their real pair).

For a popular, current, and very active, big name porn star's real panties...possibly up to 250 Euros for the biggest name performers.

How much does 1 of the cheapest panties cost anyway? 1 Euro...?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby PornoManiac » Mon Dec 23, 2024 6:14 pm

I could have bought a Gina Gerson thong for $100 but I decided against it...$100 is the most I can give for a smelling pussy thong Porn actresses
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Tue Dec 24, 2024 10:14 am

Does anyone know if all pornstars sell panties if some fan was willing to pay a lot for it?

What about an ex pornstar? Do you think an ex pornstar would do it if it was a lot of money?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Tue Dec 24, 2024 10:49 am

If the money is worth the fuss why not? ;)
Problem is rather to find and contact who you might think about buying her panties. ;)
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby fister2 » Tue Dec 24, 2024 1:56 pm

I would spend considerable amount of money for the schoolgirl outfit that Scarlet Chase stuffed in her ass and shitted it out. Hottest scene I have seen for ages.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:17 am

Let say Woodman was to try to reach Suzie Diamond or Lucy Lee. First off, do you think they would even respond back to him since it's been so long since they done porn?

Now if yes, if Woodman says lot of fans are offering you $500 for a pair of panties and say you have a ton of fans, do you think they would do it? It would have to include a picture of them wearing the pair of panties and maybe an autograph to that person to make sure it's real? Say someone wants a video chat with them as well and pay another $500 for it. If lot of fans do that, you think they would do it or not?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Wed Jan 01, 2025 9:42 am

Woodman is of such bad fame, I cant imagine either Lucy Lee or Susie Diamond would answer him. Other current or ex-directors, especially Czech ones, they might answer. But just for selling panties, I sorta doubt.
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Thu Jan 02, 2025 8:36 am

Woodman said Suzie didn't seem friendly a while back. I think he saw Lucy Lee was very friendly.

Do you think Suzie would respond back to say Torbes?

I got to assume other male Pornstars they worked with, they would answer them right? Well... imagine it was like you have 100 fans that wants to buy your panties and pay you $500 each. You think she still turn that down?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Thu Jan 02, 2025 9:17 am

Earning 50000$ sure not!
She'd do it instantly!
But would 100 fans pay 500$ each really? :confused: ;)
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Fri Jan 03, 2025 7:07 am

You don't think she has at least 100 fans that would pay $500 each for a pair of worn panties from her?

Okay let say $200. You don't think she has at least 250 fans? I am pretty sure she has tons of fans from a while back.

This would include like a picture of her wearing that specific panties and it could be a personal one for each fan. I think many would pay $500 for it?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby isis666xxx » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:27 pm

buying belle delphine bath water is cooler
belle delphine bath water.png

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby isis666xxx » Fri Jan 03, 2025 6:40 pm

isis666xxx wrote:buying belle delphine bath water is cooler

btw do you know they tried to demonetize her????


they demonetize you for even selling bath water

humans are so ugly and suppressive in general

humans are to suppression what mermaids are to the ocean
if you study human history humans have always been extremely suppressive

curse suppressors, they shall receive multiplied the same suppression they give

what can you expect from creatures that are so stupid that suppress nipples ... lt-content
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Sat Jan 04, 2025 3:47 am

That selling bathwater trick is even better than selling panties. LOL
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby xxxVIPERxxx » Sat Jan 04, 2025 12:59 pm

Let's not try to make new ways to monetise everything to do with the porn industry...buying porn star's used panties from sex scenes is okay.
But buying their is laughable...

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Sun Jan 05, 2025 1:50 am

So people here think an ex pornstar would always do it if the money is right?

Say 1 fan is willing to pay $5000 for a pair of panties from Suzie Diamond or Lucy Lee. It would also include a 5 minute video chat to prove it's them and they could ask them few questions and chat for a short bit.

Do people here think think they would ever turn this down? Imagine 10 fans willing to do that. I assume yes? But what if it's say 100 fans and each pays $500. You think they still do it?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Tue Jan 07, 2025 7:56 am

If someone who worked with Lucy Lee back in the day were to ask her if she is willing sell worn panties to a few fans, you think she would do it if it was a lot of money? Imagine like 10 panties for $5000 and do a short video chat with it and with the buyer?

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby Jocke » Tue Jan 07, 2025 9:04 pm

No, I wouldn't want any worn panties but it would be interesting to fuck some of the performers I have watched. I could only give her 7" when she is used to 10" but I guess the money would compensate.
I would like to fuck some of the icons like, Arwen, Polly and Alysa.
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Wed Jan 08, 2025 9:27 am

I missed the chance to fuck May Thai in 2024, that was a mistake.
I'd do Arwen and Alysa in 2025 - not to repeat that mistake, indeed!
But zero cents for worn panties so much I'm absolutely sure about.
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby Jocke » Wed Jan 08, 2025 10:10 am

If you actually get a chance with Arwen or Alysa you must tell us all about it. I didn't even know they were available.
Can we have guys licking the girls' anal gapes Mike Adriano style, while the girls are pissing, please!

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby paulyshoresituation » Thu Jan 09, 2025 9:33 am

Who is Arwen and Alysa?

Woodman mentioned that he has panties from old pornstars he worked with and I believe he said he might have Lucy Lee but not sure.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby Arnold646 » Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:10 pm

Many girls nowadays, including pornstars of course, stopped wearing panties on a regular basis when they were around 15 in their everyday lives. But often still value them as a cool and sexy work item :cool:
But just buying some panties the girl has only put on for her work or for the fan/customer she is about to sell them to, is not very exciting in my opinion :(
You would want to have something of hers she really wears on a daily basis. Of course it is difficult to know who goes commando or not, even if some girls have mentioned it on social media or in interviews. The BTS scenes can sometimes also provide some insight to this.

In America, plenty of girls aged 15-40 simply wear a bra but no panties , having her everyday bra :D would be more titillating than something she has just put on in order to sell it to a customer.

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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Sat Jan 18, 2025 7:09 pm

paulyshoresituation wrote:Who is Arwen and Alysa?

What planet are you living on?
Or did you go blind in 2012? ;)

Anyway, worn porn girl panties are still not even worth the postage for me.
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby DD_hh_sgp » Sat Jan 18, 2025 9:07 pm

now call me a strange nerd but following this thread i was thinking it could be a bizarre item to own heels the girls were wearing during
my very favorite scenes. but i wouldn´t pay crazy money for it...

hmmm...for example Laura Angel heels from a rocco true anal stories scene. certified with an autograph......eaaaaasily 200$ on ebay;)...and it would find buyers...
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby dap-addict » Sat Jan 18, 2025 10:29 pm

Stacy Bloom was last year selling - and maybe still is - her heels from GIO scenes. All of them as far as I know were bought by herself and some made for her only.
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Re: How much money would you pay for ex-pornstar panties

Postby DD_hh_sgp » Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:12 pm

these screenshots are from the XXX Roadtrip & Elastic Assholes series. early 2000s
this is that typical kind of porn they produced in these centre apartments in eastern european cities like prague and budapest.
visiting these cities years ago quite often the places where they pick up the girls, the stairwells, courtyards , room equipment and high ceilings
of the houses look often familiar to me. in some cases i´m even sure i had an apartment exactly in the same house.
so i was thinking it could be nice item also to have exactly the apartments adress from known scenes. likely the´re available for renting.
another bizarre item....
vlcsnap-2025-01-19-14h55m51s888.png (324.47 KiB) Viewed 1421 times
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