paulyshoresituation wrote:Well the proof would be they take a photo them wearing the same exact panties or them doing a short video of it. Then the panties come in a package shipped to you. Of course they could fake it easily by selling a ton of these panties and using the same video. However, if they were include an autograph to so and so name with it, that would seem more better?
isis666xxx wrote:a real pornstar shouldnt wear panties to begin with
she should only wear the minimum amount of clothes to respect the laws
underwear sucks shit
latina-girls-yes wrote:isis666xxx wrote:a real pornstar shouldnt wear panties to begin with
she should only wear the minimum amount of clothes to respect the laws
underwear sucks shit
a *real* pornstar (like the model on your photo) would ignore entirely the laws written by fascist cowboys in washington (and followed to the letter by their colonies in the west) that seek to dictate to women what they can and can't wear in public
it's nothing less than an admission of unadulterated hypocrisy for western politicians to say women in iran are opressed because they are expected to wear a headscarf in public (factcheck: by far the majority choose to do so due to their faith)
This is nothing more than a peculiar fetishisation of "the other" in scribing u
recommendation: if you ever feel modern society is a hopelessly lost cause, corrupt, rotten and oppresive as hell, and that there really is no meaningful future for humanity within such a system, just type 'amazon tribe' into any image search engine of choice and you will instantly be filled happiness and hope
it's like those tv game shows where the contestant loses the big mystery prize hidden behind the curtain, and then the host then takes them behind the curtain to see what they could have won
these are the *real* people. these are the *real* civilisations. this is the *real world.
while the shit techno-pantomime parody or reality that we live in is just a run-down boarded-up mall long marked for demolition
and while the woman in your photo may not consciously think about any of this ever, her gesture in that photo makes me think that at some subconscious level she is still deeply in touch with her inner amazonian tribe. and i love her for it
latina-girls-yes wrote:isis666xxx wrote:a real pornstar shouldnt wear panties to begin with
she should only wear the minimum amount of clothes to respect the laws
underwear sucks shita *real* pornstar (like the model on your photo) would ignore entirely the laws written by fascist cowboys in washington (and followed to the letter by their colonies in the west) that seek to dictate to women what they can and can't wear in public
it's nothing less than an admission of unadulterated hypocrisy for western politicians to say women in iran are opressed because they are expected to wear a headscarf in public (factcheck: by far the majority choose to do so due to their faith)
latina-girls-yes wrote:perhaps all those fabulous 'lost' tribes (only 'lost' to western hypocrisy) that still exist in forgotten corners of the amazonian rainforest, in africa, and on islands across asia - where the populations have happily wandered around just as nature intended for millennia - should collectively sanction the US for oppressing women's right to dress themselves (or not dress themselves) in public as they please and whenever they please
but of course they never will, because they're not rabid western fascists who think it's their place to dictate the terms by which the rest of the world should be forced to live
This is nothing more than a peculiar fetishisation ost cause, corrupt, rotten and oppresive as hell, and that there really is no meaningful future for humanity within such a system, just type 'amazon tribe' into any image search engine of choice and you will instantly be filled happiness and hope
it's like those tv game shows where the contestant loses the big mystery prize hidden behind the curtain, and then the host then takes them behind the curtain to see what they could have won
these are the *real* people. these are the *real* civilisations. this is the *real world.
while the shit techno-pantomime parody or reality that we live in is just a run-down boarded-up mall long marked for demolition
and while the woman in your photo may not consciously think about any of this ever, her gesture in that photo makes me think that at some subconscious level she is still deeply in touch with her inner amazonian tribe. and i love her for it
paulyshoresituation wrote:So people here wouldn't pay like $500 for a worn pair of panties from their favorite pornstar? Say whether it was back then or say right now. Obviously now is much different because they are much older and no longer long as good as back then.
But you telling me if you could get say a picture of a current retired poster wearing the panties sent to you to confirm or say a short video chat of them wearing the panties for a short while and you getting those panties, you telling me you won't pay for that?
I think lot of people would pay at least few hundred dollars for their favorite pornstar. Imagine if Lucy Lee did something like this. Wouldn't she have ton of people who want to buy? She is by far the most popular pornstar I think. Now imagine Suzie Diamond.
isis666xxx wrote:buying belle delphine bath water is cooler
paulyshoresituation wrote:Who is Arwen and Alysa?
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