eurofighter wrote:250 scene in 3 months? Just out of curiosity have you watched all of them? Are these scenes "selected" in some way or do you buy in bulk?
I usually buy in bulk of 10-30 DAPs.
But if I want to really support a girl or a studio I try to buy her DAP within first 48 hours after release because it helps studios to get more money payed out by Pornbox as a first revenue.
Last few months were difficult for DAP production - and pro porn production in general - because of this during my DAP shopping I had to recourse a lot to 2-3 previously shot DAP scenes I had put into my 'emergency kits' for girls I previously tended to run into cold turkey.
This isnt sustainable ofc!
Now to be honest I try to condition myself to step away from takeing frequent bookings for granted and thus also to avoid those cold turkey for lack of new DAP scenes.
And: No, I didnt watch all those 250 scenes!
I'm usually only interested in some aspects of those scenes, hardly do I watch them A to Z, but even that most meaningful footage I checked only for maybe 50-70 scenes.
Finally, I sure hope for more DAP scenes produced again. Have spoken with a some newcomers last few weeks and all of them were clear that they wanna offer DAP right from the start. DAP is readily available meanwhile, but porn itself run into a sales crisis. That paradox is the worst for me after lobbying for more DAP being produced for so many years!