BlueShadow wrote:bwahahahah I laughed so hard when I saw this
He seriously believe that Jennie Garth is now like that... taking a clicking bait site.
There are the sheep who without questioning believe what he says,
but fortunately there are the others too.
Bwhahaha he looks like an idiot posting these things.
ValenciaCF wrote:The amount of shit
ValenciaCF wrote:Imagine making fun of this girls breasts -Era Queen, but then you go on X and say she is a supermodel. You only make yourself look like a fucking clown for what you said earlier
I guess he decided to put the money on the table lololol. It's him who suck up to all the girls in the end.
ValenciaCF wrote:Imagine making fun of this girls breasts -Era Queen, but then you go on X and say she is a supermodel. You only make yourself look like a fucking clown for what you said earlier
I guess he decided to put the money on the table lololol. It's him who suck up to all the girls in the end.
isis666xxx wrote:pierre sells his porn in this website
kolbino wrote:That gnome is disgusting. With his ugly botox ape face.
I'm surprised somebody didn't take cafe of him. There are so many reasons for that.
isis666xxx wrote:kolbino wrote:That gnome is disgusting. With his ugly botox ape face.
I'm surprised somebody didn't take cafe of him. There are so many reasons for that.
you mean take 'care' of him?
you misspelled care for cafe????
BlueShadow wrote:Now the girlfriend of multiple convicted Dennis Burka is selling the brand name 'Dennis Black Magic' (''it seems'' is no longer convenient to be the owner).
His great friend PW if interested he can take it over and help her
BlueShadow wrote:
Los genitales femeninos que poseen son la vagina, útero y trompas de Falopio, mientras que los ovarios no se desarrollan
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