Oleg_Laten wrote:she is retired ...we'll never forget you
Elbuenomalo wrote:Oleg_Laten wrote:she is retired ...we'll never forget you
I just saw the post on her public inst app. Does someone know what happend to her???
Oleg_Laten wrote: she is retired
Rjhose wrote:She is one of the rare sluts who did piss in ass and anal creampie in a single scene. Only a handful of porn stars do it.
chris401 wrote:Tnx for explanations Kitty
ps. legalporn is the best studio for me and the fans of true hardcore scenes love it
dap-addict wrote:Problem seems LP has become too risky work for her than her other job.
It's something I heard from porn girls directly before and its very worrying.
Work conditions have to become safe again!
xxxVIPERxxx wrote:Not safe, too risky...do they mean that male performers are not STD tested?
giovibianch wrote:rightly so. They earn a thousand euros an hour without doing extreme things...in fact often with impotent elderly men. LP is useful to be known, it's good advertising to write "porn star"
Please be clear and open, write exactly what they are doing with non-humans and humans too. This is porn forum and whatever you write its not your fault what someone else do.xxxVIPERxxx wrote:giovibianch wrote:rightly so. They earn a thousand euros an hour without doing extreme things...in fact often with impotent elderly men. LP is useful to be known, it's good advertising to write "porn star"
On the other hand, I have heard of super hot escort girls who get paid huge amounts of money by Dubai men to do things that are illegal (in some countries) e.g. things with non-humans. Also, other, even more sick, and disgusting sexual things than we can imagine on LPAV.
giovibianch wrote:rightly so. They earn a thousand euros an hour without doing extreme things...in fact often with impotent elderly men. LP is useful to be known, it's good advertising to write "porn star"
feltrough wrote:Is it me or is Kitty Li potential in latest scene wasted? looks like is focused on other girl?
dap-addict wrote:feltrough wrote:Is it me or is Kitty Li potential in latest scene wasted? looks like is focused on other girl?
For some reason Kitty Li didnt want to work with the boys anymore.
Looks like her decision and not directors decision. Must have been her last scene during that shooting batch.
dap-addict wrote:If she really shot the GIO scenes that way round
dap-addict wrote:Thanks, Oleg, it's all clear now.
JBird wrote:Presumably the shoots on 24 and 25 April were the ones with Ria Sunn released on 10 and 12 May. The basined scene released on 26 April must have been shot near the start of April..
JBird wrote:Was the hitch-hiking scene the one which led to her decision maybe to retire when she posted “there is only one reason, it’s too hard for me and not safe”? However, that was 5 days after the shoot and there was no hint of unhappiness when she was in Cannes or Monaco. Confusing.
feltrough wrote:So we have only one more scene left from our amazing Kitty Li
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