LP guys you don't like and why

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LP guys you don't like and why

Postby TheVulture » Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:36 am

This might seem a bit negative but I think it's fair enough, simply because for me male porn guys should be like football referees in the sense that if they have a good game you don't notice them. Thus rather than having to rave about them (it's all about the girls ultimately) I think it's legit as paying consumers to call out their defects as we see them in the hope that either they or LP (or both) might find it useful.

With the girls of course it's different - you scream praise from the rooftops when they drive you wild and by and large shut your mouth if they don't do it for you (or at least show tact and discretion if making a constructive point).

Anyway, I think the male talent is a little bit of an issue with LP (a little old and jaded in places) but that said there are certainly a number of very good performers. In the main I don't know their names for the same reason I just mentioned; basically I just know who they're not and keep a list of names to avoid (excepting large scenes with more than 3 guys where it's kind of impossible but also where any "damage" they cause will be limited a bit).

OK so these are my 4 "must avoid" LP guys:

Mike Angelo - As long as I've been watching porn I've never liked this guy. He seems to view the girls more as his "prey" than as beautiful treasures to enjoy ravishing. The way he gets within a millimetre of a girl's face when fucking them I just think is intimidating and kind of ugly. I can't really say I've seen any obvious examples of it seeming to bring out extra heat in a girl. More often it seems to make them shrink a bit and I think that's kinda the point with him. Aside from this I think his performances are very average so get the feeling the "bit of extra" is designed to cover that up maybe. I can see why some guys might like his style but for me it's very joyless and unsexy and detrimental to the heat of the girls. To sum up: a porn bully (IMHO).

Kid Jamaica - AKA "The Ego". I just can't watch this guy. His whole style is "Me me me" and he seems to take pleasure in perpetually correcting the girls' positions, admonishing them for doing things wrong etc. He's like a stubborn headmaster - "No no no I think you'll find you're doing that wrong and that I know best. Now let's go over it again, shall we?" Classic case in point: SZ668 with Valentina Blanco. She's horny as hell and Jamaica gets first go at her bum. So what does he do? Give her the good seeing to she's demanding? Nope. "You know what I want? For you to do the fucking". This is annoying enough anyway for me as being a sex-starved, seethingly jealous porn viewer I want to see the guys go at the girls like the clappers (and especially from the outset - anything else is plain insulting to the viewer). But anyway, it gets worse. Valentina is horny as hell so does indeed start moving back onto his dick with great gusto. But of course it isn't good enough for Kid Jamaica. "No no no" then withdrawal, some spit in her ass and his hand on her back to push her down. And then (and only then) do we start. Valentina is an A list porn slut but that scene is dead for me from there. And it's simply one of many examples of where this guy cannot leave his massive ego at the door and just fuck but instead has to consistently make himself the star of the show. He is otherwise a very good sex performer, which makes this a shame. But I truly hate his performances and have wasted countless tickets on scenes with him in that he has single-handedly ruined. Oh well.

Cristian Clay - AKA "Drill Sergeant". This guy is an average fucker but boy can he dish out orders! Truly superb at that. His favourite is "Open open open" but he's also averse to "Stay stay stay" and "Push push push". Female porn stars to Clay are not incredible Goddesses he feels priviliged to get paid to fuck - rather they are disobedient dogs he needs to house train. Now let me state that I don't mind a little bit of instruction from a porn guy. But it should be infrequent and respectful. "Bring your ass here" maybe. Or if you want her to open her mouth then just "Open your mouth" will do it. There's something about the quickfire repetition of his 3 favourite orders that suggest both impatience and criticism of the girls, which brings a needless conflict to his scenes. Case in point: SZ384. While Ian Scott is giving Sandra Luberc the arse pounding of her life, Clay has both Jessie Volt and Blanche Bradburry to himself. Not bad eh? So what does he do? He puts his dick into Jessie's bum but then stands motionless and spends about 2 minutes just licking Blanche's bum and making poor horny Jessie visibly frustrated (don't feel too sorry for her though - she gets it from Scott in the end and loves it). For the remainder of the scene he barely fucks but cannot stop issuing orders. Nothing is ever "open" enough, obviously, nor any of the girls ever in the right positions. Sound is absolutely vital for porn but his scenes are nonetheless the best possible advert for watching with the sound off.

Chris Diamond - Made a great start to his career but has quickly degenerated for me. Has a huge dick, of course, but for me looks a bit disinterested at most times. Worst of all he seems to have been influenced by the Roccos, Galantis, Angelos etc. and become a bit physical and brutish with the girls. It looks out of character as well, which makes it all the worse. Reeks of peer pressure or fear of "falling behind". Also he has borrowed Clay's "Open open open" - purely for every cumshot he does and even if the girl's mouth could not already possibly be any more open. It just looks like a bit of a superiority kick and makes any cumshot of his unwatchable for me.

OK rant over. I feel better for that ha ha ha. Any thoughts on any of this/and or any male dislikes of your own?

Banderas is gonna walk this isn't he!? :)
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby TheVulture » Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:45 am

"Any thoughts on any of this and/or any male dislikes of your own?" I meant there, obv.

What's with LP's "can no longer edit" thing? :)
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:57 am

TheVulture wrote:"Any thoughts on any of this and/or any male dislikes of your own?" I meant there, obv.

What's with LP's "can no longer edit" thing? :)

You have about 1 minute to edit. :eek:

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Mon Nov 28, 2016 12:59 am

I hate all LP guys equally.

Lucky bastards! :mad:

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby TheVulture » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:02 am

avanfurwet wrote:I hate all LP guys equally.

Lucky bastards! :mad:

Ha ha ha. You know that we need them though, right? :)
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:08 am

TheVulture wrote:
avanfurwet wrote:I hate all LP guys equally.

Lucky bastards! :mad:

Ha ha ha. You know that we need them though, right? :)

Yes they're a necessary evil, except the loser tied to the chair. Him we can do without.

I still hate them all though ;)

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby hjohjole » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:49 am

Yeah.. we need some more really gentle guys that can just cuddle with the girls for a little bit. You know give her a nice kiss on the lips and then fuck her in the pussy for a while. But not to hard!! :rolleyes:

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby TheVulture » Mon Nov 28, 2016 1:56 am

hjohjole wrote:Yeah.. we need some more really gentle guys that can just cuddle with the girls for a little bit. You know give her a nice kiss on the lips and then fuck her in the pussy for a while. But not to hard!! :rolleyes:

Textbook "straw man" argument there lad.

Can you not have volcanic anal porn without egomania and/or histrionics then?

Maybe 70% of scenes on LP suggest that you can.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:45 am

I'm not on any of the guy's case on camera, although off camera there's a good many egos too many that cross the line of respect

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby Boshanks » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:48 am

I don't pay much attention to the guys unless something is glaringly obvious, i.e wood issues, or the constant stopping and starting every two seconds which ruins a scenes flow.

But I couldn't disagree more with your points on Mike, in my opinion he brings the best out of the girls, and when he's not present the scene almost always lacks intensity. It may not be a style that you like, but women love working with him. He has a ton of female friends in the biz and they're always complimentary on [spam].

What he provides is what invariably always comes out on top in a survey conducted on women's favourite sexual fantasies, which is to be dominated and manhandled, and he's done enough fucking in his time to know that the majority of these girls love that approach.

I think you'd struggle to find many models who'd agree with your points on him.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby mdsflyby » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:35 am

hjohjole wrote:Yeah.. we need some more really gentle guys that can just cuddle with the girls for a little bit. You know give her a nice kiss on the lips and then fuck her in the pussy for a while. But not to hard!! :rolleyes:

Yes! And as we do all that, let's make sure there's a Celine Dion song from Titanic playing in the background, you know "My Heart Will Go On"... :rolleyes:

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:40 am

JohnMcSpunkencock wrote:I'm not on any of the guy's case on camera, although off camera there's a good many egos too many that cross the line of respect

Sorry to hear that. Hope the studio directors don't take any shit on set. I guess too many steroids & etc. can destroy the brain.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby analaficionado » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:04 pm

I actually kind of like the guys to be more involved in the scene. I like Mike Angelo because he does well, good-looking, and definitely adds some great intensity to a scene. I kind of like that he dominates the girl although I have heard that he really isn't a nice guy, but idk where to draw the line between an actor's porn life and their personal life. Regarding egos, I'm sure most male porn stars have one. If everybody had a porn star's dick then we would all have egos. My general impression with what you have to say about Cristian Clay is that I agree with you although I want to add that I feel that porn stars who do this is because their language skills are pretty shitty so they repeat themselves to try and sound sexy, but it just ends up kind of strange. Porno dialogue can be hard when all you're expected to do is thrust. I actually really love Chris so when you say that he's boring that kind of hurts me, although I agree with you that he's taking too much influence from Nacho and Rocco, who have unfortunately in recent years lost touch with their fan bases. The lack of excitement from Chris is just a reflection of his mentors I guess.

Regarding LP guys I personally don't like, I'll add this in:

Marco Banderas - Good looking latino guy with a nice dick, but judging from his scenes, he's kind of lack luster and his thrust don't even go all the way. Not good.

Ian Scott - I actually really like Ian, great guy and great scenes with lots of energy, but my only real problem with him is superficial. He's chubby and it kind of ruins the scene for me when he's fucking a good looking girl. Even though I really like it when the guy is really involved, I kind prefer just dick shots with Ian.

Going off that I don't really have any other models that I don't like, but when it comes to a good looking girl and the guy is a beast in bed and a beast in person, it's just kind of weird to me.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby Gemini » Mon Nov 28, 2016 5:27 pm

Chris Diamond because he has a mountain gullies on the feet and dick shape of coffin
My beloved princess on LegalPorno:
Vanda Lust * Olivia Divine * Lita Phoenix * Nana Garnet * Eveline Dellai

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby TheVulture » Mon Nov 28, 2016 10:26 pm

analaficionado wrote:Ian Scott - I actually really like Ian, great guy and great scenes with lots of energy, but my only real problem with him is superficial. He's chubby and it kind of ruins the scene for me when he's fucking a good looking girl. Even though I really like it when the guy is really involved, I kind prefer just dick shots with Ian.

Ha! I do feel the same way a bit with his pot belly. But overall he's one of my favourites as he fucks really well and also treats the girls with total respect.

I do have one specific gripe with him though, which is the weird way he places his hands when fucking in doggy. He tends to either put one on top of the other in the centre of the girl's lower back or, worse still, cross his hands over. I kind of feel this shouldn't bug me in a way but I find it totally distracting. From a pure visual perspective I think it does create a bit of visual "noise" above the girl's arse, which spoils the view of it. But probably even more than that it just plain weirds me out. I don't get it.

What's especially weird is that I've watched him for 10+ years via Private, Christoph Clark etc. and he never used to do it until recently. I think maybe sometimes these veteran porn guys try too hard to do something unique and different and think people are gonna go "Oh my God! Look at that!" But porn doesn't work that way for the viewer. Keep it simple guys.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby Iddaoeeok » Tue Nov 29, 2016 3:42 am

I probably don't take as much notice of the guys as some other people. Of course, the people whose opinions I would really love to hear are the LP girls!!! Maybe they could do it anonymously ;) I don't agree with the criticism of Mike, he's domineering when he needs to be, but not in a bullying way, he seems to have a rapport with the girls (very important), he's a good looking guy in good shape - also Woodman seems to hate him, so he must be doing something right! Never really noticed Kid's massive, er, ego. Cristian Clay: Italian, bald head, big cock; that's as far as my impressions of him go. Chris Diamond, yes, he has got feet like barges. Etc.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby laird.cameltown » Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:54 pm

Hm. To each his own. I respect that everyone is going to like different things.

But, I am the opposite of the OP. I prefer the guys to be more in charge.

There are quite a few studios/series that are designed to have the guys "in awe" and less in charge of the scene. I am thankful that LP is one of the few studios generally not like that.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby TheVulture » Wed Nov 30, 2016 11:59 pm

laird cameltown wrote:There are quite a few studios/series that are designed to have the guys "in awe" and less in charge of the scene. I am thankful that LP is one of the few studios generally not like that.

In real life, 99% of guys would be in awe if they were lucky enough to fuck a girl like any on LP, wouldn't they? I don't get how any guy could get off on seeing guys casually (or even arrogantly) parading their porn chops on screen. Guys not concealing their "porn-ness" is a fairly recent trend in porn and a necessity of saturation. Porn is fantasy that historically has concealed itself and operated on a "suspension of disbelief" basis. I'm no fan of our current "meta" multi-media existence. Some ideas cannot be improved upon, such as watching porn that is so good that it makes you forget you're watching porn.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby mdsflyby » Thu Dec 01, 2016 4:36 am

TheVulture wrote:
laird cameltown wrote:There are quite a few studios/series that are designed to have the guys "in awe" and less in charge of the scene. I am thankful that LP is one of the few studios generally not like that.

In real life, 99% of guys would be in awe if they were lucky enough to fuck a girl like any on LP, wouldn't they? I don't get how any guy could get off on seeing guys casually (or even arrogantly) parading their porn chops on screen. Guys not concealing their "porn-ness" is a fairly recent trend in porn and a necessity of saturation. Porn is fantasy that historically has concealed itself and operated on a "suspension of disbelief" basis. I'm no fan of our current "meta" multi-media existence. Some ideas cannot be improved upon, such as watching porn that is so good that it makes you forget you're watching porn.

Blah, blah, blah ... Nonsense! Get a life! And don't think that you fool anybody with your passive-aggressive rhetoric. Guys are so brutal, they disrespect girls, they do this, they do that, blah, blah. What's your problem? Were you bullied as a child or something? Or do you have some strange case of misandry?

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby magizi877 » Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:16 am

I saw this thread and thought: "OP is complaining about some of Gonzo's Best dudes".

SOMEBODY do something! :cool:

I think TheVulture could see this movie, and change his opinion about Mike Angelo.


Notice the look of her eyes. Clearly HE knows his stuff.
Behind the scenes probably the arrangement was for chilled out sex. So Mike did that.

If you want hardcore anal, "bullies" as you call them, come with the package. You can't have vanilla levels of intercourse and at the same time enjoy seeing hard anal sex, balls deep style.

Good sex and I mean GOOD. Looks like this:


*clearly* not chocking her, still looking awesome.


If balls deep sex is what you like, them I'm sorry, but those guys you complain about, have to stay.


And relax, the dudes only do what is agreed to be done, prior to the filming. :p

EDIT. Also, Kid Jamaica alias is not "The Ego", it's the Chinese man. DUH! :cool:

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Thu Dec 01, 2016 12:55 pm

mdsflyby wrote:
TheVulture wrote:
laird cameltown wrote:There are quite a few studios/series that are designed to have the guys "in awe" and less in charge of the scene. I am thankful that LP is one of the few studios generally not like that.

In real life, 99% of guys would be in awe if they were lucky enough to fuck a girl like any on LP, wouldn't they? I don't get how any guy could get off on seeing guys casually (or even arrogantly) parading their porn chops on screen. Guys not concealing their "porn-ness" is a fairly recent trend in porn and a necessity of saturation. Porn is fantasy that historically has concealed itself and operated on a "suspension of disbelief" basis. I'm no fan of our current "meta" multi-media existence. Some ideas cannot be improved upon, such as watching porn that is so good that it makes you forget you're watching porn.

Blah, blah, blah ... Nonsense! Get a life! And don't think that you fool anybody with your passive-aggressive rhetoric. Guys are so brutal, they disrespect girls, they do this, they do that, blah, blah. What's your problem? Were you bullied as a child or something? Or do you have some strange case of misandry?

Hmmm. Reading your past posts it seems likely you actually have a brain. But, like all us males, sometimes you forget to bring it with you. :)
If you don't like his comments you could say why in a sane post. If he's wrong, it's easy to win the argument.
Instead you indulged in a childish angry rant, trying to provoke the other guy into a flame war.
So you lost your argument already. But, have a nice day. ;)

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby laird.cameltown » Thu Dec 01, 2016 3:07 pm

TheVulture wrote:
laird cameltown wrote:There are quite a few studios/series that are designed to have the guys "in awe" and less in charge of the scene. I am thankful that LP is one of the few studios generally not like that.

In real life, 99% of guys would be in awe if they were lucky enough to fuck a girl like any on LP, wouldn't they? I don't get how any guy could get off on seeing guys casually (or even arrogantly) parading their porn chops on screen. Guys not concealing their "porn-ness" is a fairly recent trend in porn and a necessity of saturation. Porn is fantasy that historically has concealed itself and operated on a "suspension of disbelief" basis. I'm no fan of our current "meta" multi-media existence. Some ideas cannot be improved upon, such as watching porn that is so good that it makes you forget you're watching porn.

There is a ton of porn that I don't get how any guy gets off to it. I think everyone can say that right? There's nobody without preferences.

From what I can tell, LP focuses on a specific type of porn. Gonzo. In other words, relatively intense stuff. As mentioned, there are quite a few studios (far more than the gonzo types) that offer the vanilla "real life" style you refer to. To me, that style gets old pretty fast. Why try to watch "real life" when you already have real life in your real life? As you mention, porn is fantasy. And fantasy is defined as something beyond what your real life is like.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby TheVulture » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:20 pm

magizi87 wrote:And relax, the dudes only do what is agreed to be done, prior to the filming. :p

Didn't they say that about Max Hardcore?

Clearly that's a leap of faith. There's no reason why a certain kind of porn guy wouldn't go beyond agreed bounds either to get his kicks or simply "because he can". I'm not suggesting that Angelo does but it seems both bizarre and naive to assume that all male porn stars will act entirely respectfully towards the girls at all times purely as a default.

The only scenes I like are those where it's obviously apparent that a girl is having a great time. If there's any grey area then I'm out and naturally that is more likely to occur when there is rough stuff. That's just me.
More non-manhandle scenes please. Hands away from face/neck/shoulders. Keep the girls loose, free and expressive. Don't overpower them - let them sizzle! Keep the heels on. More panties pulled to one side. More skirts/tight dresses. More 0% pussy scenes.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Thu Dec 01, 2016 11:23 pm

^ I think Max Hardcore said that about Max Hardcore, before they jailed him.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby yeahyeahyeah » Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:33 am

Arwen Gold Piss Scene. it. http://www.legalporno.com/watch/29862/a ... _off_rs073
At End the piece. Man of Tattoo hit Hard Beauty Arwen face with of Penis. Man Want Want. Awen not want. Cruelty.
I HATE IT! Arwen Is THE GODDESS. No Disrespect to Arwen EVER!!!! REMEMBER!

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby mdsflyby » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:51 am

avanfurwet wrote:
mdsflyby wrote:
TheVulture wrote:
In real life, 99% of guys would be in awe if they were lucky enough to fuck a girl like any on LP, wouldn't they? I don't get how any guy could get off on seeing guys casually (or even arrogantly) parading their porn chops on screen. Guys not concealing their "porn-ness" is a fairly recent trend in porn and a necessity of saturation. Porn is fantasy that historically has concealed itself and operated on a "suspension of disbelief" basis. I'm no fan of our current "meta" multi-media existence. Some ideas cannot be improved upon, such as watching porn that is so good that it makes you forget you're watching porn.

Blah, blah, blah ... Nonsense! Get a life! And don't think that you fool anybody with your passive-aggressive rhetoric. Guys are so brutal, they disrespect girls, they do this, they do that, blah, blah. What's your problem? Were you bullied as a child or something? Or do you have some strange case of misandry?

Hmmm. Reading your past posts it seems likely you actually have a brain. But, like all us males, sometimes you forget to bring it with you. :)
If you don't like his comments you could say why in a sane post. If he's wrong, it's easy to win the argument.
Instead you indulged in a childish angry rant, trying to provoke the other guy into a flame war.
So you lost your argument already. But, have a nice day. ;)

What argument? I don't see any! LP is shooting hardcore porn & this guy complaining all the time of porn being hardcore. That's stupidity ;)

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Fri Dec 02, 2016 8:10 am

mdsflyby wrote:What argument? I don't see any! LP is shooting hardcore porn & this guy complaining all the time of porn being hardcore. That's stupidity ;)

Obviously he's not complaining about "porn being hardcore".
He's complaining about what he perceives as lame and puerile bullying which, if true, is rather pathetic and the opposite of "hardcore".
Others don't agree about his views on e.g. Mike Angelo and they posted to say why. They use the forum to have a conversation and exchange views.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby magizi877 » Fri Dec 02, 2016 9:14 am

are you comparing Max Hardcore to legalporno? :rolleyes:

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:17 pm

yeahyeahyeah wrote:Arwen Gold Piss Scene. it. http://www.legalporno.com/watch/29862/a ... _off_rs073
At End the piece. Man of Tattoo hit Hard Beauty Arwen face with of Penis. Man Want Want. Awen not want. Cruelty.
I HATE IT! Arwen Is THE GODDESS. No Disrespect to Arwen EVER!!!! REMEMBER!

1. We shouldn't disrespect anybody ever.
2. We should only do it if she asks us to, simple enough even males can understand.
3. Women have teeth :)

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby JohnMcSpunkencock » Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:39 pm

I don't like guys with a bigger cock than me. That's why I'm ok with the porn boys :D

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:47 pm

magizi87 wrote:are you comparing Max Hardcore to legalporno? :rolleyes:

You know he wasn't.
Happens I don't agree with Vulture on this, but you didn't address his response to your claim that they only do what's agreed in advance.

I've never been on a porn set, but I guess:
1. Some boys are immature and show off, including bullying, going too far and disrespecting women.
2. A weak or poor director could be intimidated or complicit in this.
3. Steroids and other substances can influence behaviour.

But also ...
4. The various LP studios in Prague seem to be professional, and therefore I guess they just want to get a good job done without drama and disruption.
5. The better boys can get regular work, provided they get along with everyone and don't fuck up by causing drama and disruption.
6. The girls must talk to each other about male talent they don't like, making it harder for studios to attract female talent willing to work with them.
7. In LP style scenes, the boys are largely interchangeable. So a bad apple can be replaced in Prague without much difficulty.
8. So why would studios continue to hire boys who cause them trouble?

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby Iddaoeeok » Fri Dec 02, 2016 1:51 pm

A while ago someone posted links to a video of 'a day in the life of Mike Angelo', showing him preparing for a shoot with LP (the scene in question was http://www.legalporno.com/watch/28625/teen_anal_gangbang_4v4_timea_bella_anita_bellini_linda_sweet_tina_hot_teen_sz583). There was a lot of backstage footage at LP showing how affectionate the girls and the guys were, everyone seemed to get on well - it was in French, so maybe Mike was actually being horrible and arrogant and egotistical, but I don't think so. Nacho seemed like a bit of a dick though. :rolleyes:

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby mdsflyby » Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:20 pm

avanfurwet wrote:
mdsflyby wrote:What argument? I don't see any! LP is shooting hardcore porn & this guy complaining all the time of porn being hardcore. That's stupidity ;)

Obviously he's not complaining about "porn being hardcore".
He's complaining about what he perceives as lame and puerile bullying which, if true, is rather pathetic and the opposite of "hardcore".
Others don't agree about his views on e.g. Mike Angelo and they posted to say why. They use the forum to have a conversation and exchange views.

I don't see any "lame and puerile bullying" in LP scenes. Hardcore porn doesn't always have to be with girls smiling and having great time while getting ass fucked. It's about true emotions. And does it ever crossed your mind that some people actually enjoy little pain in sex? Ever heard of pain and pleasure goes hand in hand?

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Re: LP guys you don't like and wh

Postby mdsflyby » Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:22 pm

Iddaoeeok wrote:There was a lot of backstage footage at LP showing how affectionate the girls and the guys were, everyone seemed to get on well...

^ Exactly!

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby mdsflyby » Fri Dec 02, 2016 2:24 pm

avanfurwet wrote:
magizi87 wrote:are you comparing Max Hardcore to legalporno? :rolleyes:

I've never been on a porn set, but I guess...

The key word here is "guess".

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:30 pm

mdsflyby wrote:
avanfurwet wrote:
mdsflyby wrote:What argument? I don't see any! LP is shooting hardcore porn & this guy complaining all the time of porn being hardcore. That's stupidity ;)

Obviously he's not complaining about "porn being hardcore".
He's complaining about what he perceives as lame and puerile bullying which, if true, is rather pathetic and the opposite of "hardcore".
Others don't agree about his views on e.g. Mike Angelo and they posted to say why. They use the forum to have a conversation and exchange views.

I don't see any "lame and puerile bullying" in LP scenes. Hardcore porn doesn't always have to be with girls smiling and having great time while getting ass fucked. It's about true emotions. And does it ever crossed your mind that some people actually enjoy little pain in sex? Ever heard of pain and pleasure goes hand in hand?

Thank you for your reply.

Hardcore porn is about true emotions?
I don't think so. Performers are actors making a fantasy. Some reactions we see on screen are real, some are acting. None should ever be coerced from an unwilling subject.

Your points about pain are already covered here viewtopic.php?f=96&t=11905&start=40#p116083
If you're not interested to check what people have already said, please at least try not to be so sanctimonious and patronising in your posts.
Then people might actually want to talk to you.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby avanfurwet » Fri Dec 02, 2016 3:32 pm

mdsflyby wrote:
avanfurwet wrote:...
I've never been on a porn set, but I guess...

The key word here is "guess".

As you know, "guess" was by far the least important word in the whole post.

Do you work on LP porn sets? If so, please enlighten us about the truth.

Otherwise, you can continue to post your guesses too ;)

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby laird.cameltown » Fri Dec 02, 2016 6:02 pm

TheVulture wrote:I'm not suggesting that Angelo does but it seems both bizarre and naive to assume that all male porn stars will act entirely respectfully towards the girls at all times purely as a default.

Why must anyone act "entirely respectfully" toward anyone in any profession? That certainly isn't the standard that I'm aware of at any business. From professional sports to McDonalds, people don't always say nice things to each other. You don't think that the women are capable of standing up for themselves and dishing it back?

Again, porn is a job that people are being paid to do, knowing what it involves and what kind of people they will be working with (note the repeat scenes from most of the women at LP).

You seem to be applying your personal emotional feelings about how you would treat your wife to how porn stars should get along with each other through extreme (and yes sometimes painful) sex scenes.

TheVulture wrote:The only scenes I like are those where it's obviously apparent that a girl is having a great time. If there's any grey area then I'm out and naturally that is more likely to occur when there is rough stuff. That's just me.

That's great. But, why are you looking for that from a studio that makes sex scenes where that is the least likely to happen? There has to be at least two dozen other studios that focus on the type of porn you're talking about.

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby laura. » Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:40 pm

Not sure why you're all giving Vulture a hard time over this? Yes, we all know LP is at the harder end of porn, that it can be rough and that the penetrations are multiple. and intense and no doubt painful at times. And while I know my own tastes are rougher than his, I think the point he is making is that this caveman posturing and lapses into macho bravado can often be distasteful and at its most severe, over dominant misogyny. I dont actually agree about all of his observations on the performers he lists and tend to have a love and hate thing with them all and I'll share my observations or distant when I comment on scenes.

Porn can still be extreme and consensually rough without being degrading or abusive, the recipe to create edge and something visceral doesn't need those crueler elements.

It's refreshing to see a male porn consumer display some humanity and respect and I think it should be commended

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Re: LP guys you don't like and why

Postby laird.cameltown » Fri Dec 02, 2016 7:47 pm

laura. wrote:Not sure why you're all giving Vulture a hard time over this? Yes, we all know LP is at the harder end of porn, that it can be rough and that the penetrations are multiple. and intense and no doubt painful at times. And while I know my own tastes are rougher than his, I think the point he is making is that this caveman posturing and lapses into macho bravado can often be distasteful and at its most severe, over dominant misogyny. I dont actually agree about all of his observations on the performers he lists and tend to have a love and hate thing with them all and I'll share my observations or distant when I comment on scenes.

Porn can still be extreme and consensually rough without being degrading or abusive, the recipe to create edge and something visceral doesn't need those crueler elements.

It's refreshing to see a male porn consumer display some humanity and respect and I think it should be commended

If he had left it at "this is my personal preference" then I don't think anyone would think much of it. But, he's writing about it in the form of lecturing others, making assumptions and judging their preferences.

At first, I also thought mdsflyby was being harsh. But, then I've read other comments from Vulture in other threads and see that he is often starting the personal judgements about others.


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