Make LP ads for premium TKT

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Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby xxx » Tue Aug 16, 2016 9:33 pm

Hey. We need some new ads to promote LP.

If you can make banners 338 pixels width x 235 height, either slightly animated or not, that we like, we will send you premium TKT's.

You can grab any LP pic (add 1 or more in each ad), and write a catchy slogan or anything that you think would make people click the ad.

TIme to put those great gifs to good use :)

Just post the banners in this thread.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby pastaga » Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:10 am

I'm no graphist at all and my Paint skills are below zero, but enjoy :



OK the last one has no chance :cool:
lp1.png (131.93 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
lp4.png (105.9 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
lp3.png (108.52 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
lp2.png (134.89 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
Last edited by pastaga on Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:26 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby Oldshark » Wed Aug 17, 2016 12:30 am

This is very intriguing, but that's a tiny size for text! I haven't figured out yet how to do a .gif, but this might inspire me to learn.

My first three efforts, for constructive criticism, please:




Explanation for my tagline: I visited this site probably 10 times over the last several years, drawn by some hot girl or some snippet or preview I'd seen somewhere with this website name. Every time, I was intrigued by the content, but couldn't convince myself to try the ticket system, which seemed to be a bad deal compared to other paysites. Having now tried this site, and having obtained a much better understanding of its premises & business model, my views have changed.

It seems to me like advertisements & promos for this site need to attack that problem -- initial intense skepticism about the tickets and a sliding-scale pay-per-scene model -- by stressing value. Value comes from what you get, how much of it you get, how good it is, and at what price. That's too much to explain in a promo. Hence, the best three-word phrase I could think of is, simply: "Totally worth it." That phrase implies the cost-benefit analysis, even if it doesn't run through it in detail. It signals that: Hey, this site isn't ashamed or defensive about its business model. To the contrary, come see, and we'll show you how you can genuinely get your money's worth if you care enough about high-quality porn (and the law) to pay for it!

Very truly yours,

Oldshark, trying to pretend he's Don Draper
('Cause Don Draper got all the hot chicks.)

Oldshark's_bannerad#1.jpg (15.82 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
Oldshark's_bannerad#2.jpg (18.56 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
Oldshark's_bannerad#3.jpg (14.94 KiB) Viewed 7240 times
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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:14 am

I took me a while to figure out how to add multiple lines of text to a gif :o



P.D. just in case it isn't clear, not only it would be awesome to get a boost in my tkt, but ALSO, I want more Ines Lenvin at LP. :p

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby Oldshark » Wed Aug 17, 2016 4:24 am

magizi87 wrote:I took me a while to figure out how to add multiple lines of text to a gif :o



P.D. just in case it isn't clear, not only it would be awesome to get a boost in my tkt, but ALSO, I want more Ines Lenvin at LP. :p


Hey, can you point us to any freeware or cheap software for creating .gifs? What you're using, you're obviously getting good use from.
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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 5:32 am

I'm really liking this subtitles thing (lol)


I don't know if XXX or any of his directors understand why porn fans make gifs,
but probably the biggest reason why we do them is to infinitely loop the best parts in the movies,
but really, if the director notice any of these "gif worthy moments" while he is filming the scenes,
he should go like: "YES! keep doing that, that looks great" and extend that set piece for as long as possible.

I promise doing that, it wont make the movies any boring. It would make porn so much better.
Giorgio does this already IMO and he is regarded as the best director by many. I think, this is one of the reasons behind it.
For instance, when he films a cowgirl DP or DAP set piece, it goes on for longer on his movies than on Gonzo or Sineplex.
Which doesn't make sense, because Gonzo has more dudes and thus, the multiple penetration acts, SHOULD be better at Gonzo.

Also, the act of penetrating a woman, in multiple ways simultaneously and without any interruption for long stretches of time, say 7 or 8 minutes of non-stop cowgirl action per say,
makes "rough sex" porn videos, way better than slapping and spanking the girls non-stop, etc etc,. Just saying "hard sex" is better this way...

I have to add my thoughts as the come, I'm sorry for going a bit off-topic here! :cool:


I use photoshop. Which is why I go into periods of not making any gifs, because I have to pay a monthly subscription. (only $9.99 though).
The cool thing about it is, even if you have no idea how to use it, Youtube is the greatest school there is. That's how I learned the few things I know how to do anyway.

Therefore I only pay it, when I feel compelled to do it. (haha :p)

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:12 am

Speaking of Giorgio :D


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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Wed Aug 17, 2016 6:29 am

You guys ever think about posting ads on your site to help decrease the cost to users? Prices continue to increase every month. While I understand that the cost of doing business is going up, putting ads on your page to combat cost instead of merely passing the cost off to users might help increase your sites popularity.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby xxx » Wed Aug 17, 2016 2:42 pm

The text style in the first set of ads is fine but in the others it looks too plain or blurry.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby Oldshark » Wed Aug 17, 2016 11:42 pm

xxx wrote:The text style in the first set of ads is fine but in the others it looks too plain or blurry.

I'd be happy to tweak my first efforts above, or re-do them entirely, with more specific guidance -- assuming you were referring to mine anyway. (You may have just been talking about magizi87's much more snazzy .gifs, which I'm sure he could tweak the text on to change the font, size, outlining, etc.) But I'm not sure what "too plain" means in this context. Two specific questions:

First: I decided instead to go with a plain san-serif font on a high-contrast bright-colored background, with a tag-line that I think you ought to use consistently. pastaga (who did the first set of samples above), by contrast, was clever enough to find's own clip art for its name and web address. If you'd rather others use that instead, I'd be happy to try if you can furnish me with a clean sample. I don't think it's a particularly attractive or clever logo, but it's at least customized and perhaps you want to stick with it for continuity. Is that what you'd prefer?

Second: Otherwise, my text was just like pastaga's -- white print, sans serif font (like Arial or Verdana, the latter being optimized for computer displays instead of a laser printer), with a reasonably thick black shadow-outline to set the text off against background colors -- so I'm not sure what else I could do to make mine more like his. (The white with black borders has become extremely popular among amateur artists doing internet meme posters, for example, because it is so flexible and works against almost any background.) Is that what you want? Including for the company name? I did my cropping and image reduction first, and only added text once it was down to 338x235, so it's not like the print margins have been warped or blurred by size transformations; I don't know how that text could be less blurry.

Regardless, this was fun. Let me know, here or via PM, if you'd like me to take another stab. And thanks for the opportunity to play, even if I don't qualify for a door prize. ;)
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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby doctor01 » Thu Aug 18, 2016 12:07 am

I'll try to do a couple of hot banners with humorous message that carries the right advertisement for legalporno.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:39 am

I been thinking about this:

If we keep the animations as gif, file sizes are bigger.
I post the gifs to ultraimg which limits the size to 10 MB. Better image hosts, such as imgur, do not work here on this forum.
the 10 MB limit, takes a toll on the quality of the animation. (loses detail and color accuracy). And often times, I have to remove part of the animation that I originally envisioned to make it to the limited file size.

I also noticed that many of my gifs from ultraimg, are not displayed on this forum after certain amount of time, although they are still available at the host.

If however imgur would work at LP forum, the filesize limit would be improved to 25 MB.
That gives me much more room to work with.

That being said, gif files are kinda ancient.
Nowadays there are better techniques but none of them work on this forum, to my knowledge.

Gifv and webm, are the two that I notice more often in other sites.

I was also thinking that maybe XXX needs to disclose which girls he plans to keep around, and we make marketing around them.
Because I was thinking about that Ines Lenvin gif that I made and thought: "it's gonna be a tad disappointing for people who were drawn to her, to find out she's only got two scenes available".

Another thought about the gifs I made and because I added subtitles is, that the "legalporno" watermark, overlaps with the subtitles.
But I didn't want to place the subtitles on top, because it would cover the faces. That's a bad thing IMO.

Maybe you could release some videos that don't have a watermark?

Also, on some of the new videos you should ask the girls to do something to seduce new customers.
Hand gestures that say "come join me"

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby rollin_dubs187 » Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:44 am

If you guys want my opinion, and I am sure you do...All of these are horrible. Fucking god awful.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:48 am

ultraIMG seems down at the moment :(

I made a new gif and uploaded it to IMGUR

HERE is the link if you want to check it.

Edit: Here it is:


Although the one at IMGUR looks better.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:08 am

This one is a lot kinkier. :p

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby Boshanks » Fri Aug 19, 2016 4:06 pm

^ I think that comes across a bit too aggressive with the language, especially when I'm sure the goal is to attract more female members as well as men.... great image choices though.

I like the gifs but I think the message should be a lot shorter and more to the point, something like: Like what you see ? Introducing LegalPorno, Click here to join now!

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby utopiaa » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:16 pm

I think the more simple the better. Just a a good gif with the text Legalporno on a good place. I think the action on the gif is good enough selling point to make the user click it.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby laura. » Fri Aug 19, 2016 5:46 pm

magizi87 wrote:Speaking of Giorgio :D


This I like and kind of encapsulates LPs USP. And I agree with Boshanks that the nastier edgier stuff may turn people off as opposed to pull them in. For me the charm of LP is the fact that it is very hard porn but manages to avoid the more misogynistic elements of some of its competitors x

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 8:41 pm

Thanks for the comments.

I really have no idea where XXX is planning to place the ads. So what kind of ads he wants it's a complete mistery.

That latest gif I made of Angie in perpetual Cowgirl position, the one with all the perverted lines,
was really just for kicks, because it makes that scene appear as more brutal than it was and I'm kinky like that.
I took a lot of inspiration from comics and rough sex Tumblr blogs.
I think it could work to attract costumers if published in websites such as HardCoreGangbang or similar.
Of course it wouldn't work if published into those glamour, light sex kind of websites.

Moving on, I was initially going to pretty much concentrate on Blanche Bradburry gifs, cause she is my favorite.
But honestly the camera angles during the sex part of her newest 3 on 1 were "OK" at best and not gif worthy IMO.
Heck why I only made gifs during the eye candy part, and some dildo action, but I thoght, "people might think Legalporno is a softcore studio"
Also, only 4 new scenes this year, that's waaaaay low for a woman as good as her IMO.
And if I go back to her older scenes, with natural boobs, people might think Legalporno is an archive of old stuff.
Hence why I went for the Angie scene, because it had awesome camera angles (IMO) and new. (And I wanted a to show some appreciation for Sineplex)

I also thought about doing a 2 girl scene gif. The problem with that is that I rarely buy those and even more uncommonly, end up liking any of the few that I buy.
So I had to go all the way back to this scene, to find something that I liked. But unfortunately the angle that GG managed was so perfect for a wide screen,
that it just doesn't look quite as amazing in the old TV aspect ratio that XXX is requiring.


I might give the shorter gif idea a chance. I also want to do a solo "sexy" performance like the one Athina did in the stipper club scenario. (Oh my god that body of hers)
The lightning in the scene though, it doesn't portray high production values yet.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 3:24 am

Here is my last one.



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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby gapefan » Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:24 pm

^The picture quality, overall length, inclusion of the LEGALPORNO.COM watermark in the lower right corner, and ending message all look pretty good there, but it's too much tease sequence.

I agree with Boshanks on your previous GIF:

Boshanks wrote:^ I think that comes across a bit too aggressive with the language, especially when I'm sure the goal is to attract more female members as well as men.... great image choices though.

I like the gifs but I think the message should be a lot shorter and more to the point, something like: Like what you see ? Introducing LegalPorno, Click here to join now!

The beginning sequence could start with a tease, but I think the rest of the GIF imagery should include a great preview of the hardcore action (including BJ, Anal, DP, DAP, and possibly DAVP and/or DVP), without all the aggressive editorial language.

Good revisions though magizi87, I think you are getting closer :cool:

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby doctor01 » Sun Aug 21, 2016 9:20 pm


Another my gif

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby leroiosoleil83 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 4:55 am

For those who've done this before, can you tell me a good way to slow down the gif progression? All of mine I've tried to create seem so rushed - like you can barely see what's happening? (shrugs) Just curious. I'm not that familiar with the gif making progress, so just thought it worth asking. It's weird, they look okay on my computer, but when I post them on the internet it's like they're in fast-forward... Like I said, not that familiar with the process. If anyone has tips, I'd love to hear them.

I guess the obvious answer is just "give less slides per file" which okay, I could do that easily - but really, if anyone knows a way to delay the transfer from slide to slide, I'd love to learn their modus operandi. Truly. :)

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:32 am

each frame appears after a predetermined amount of time. Say the movie has 30 fps (frames per second)
so what you do is divide 1000 by 30. the 1000 is the amount of milliseconds that each second have.
So each new frame appears every 33 ms in that case.

Knowing that, when you do a gif, typically you remove frames from the movie to make it smaller and loop it in a way that tricks the brain to think is an infinite motion.
Because you remove frames, you need to increase the time each frame has to wait before appearing

For instance, in the example of 30 fps. say you reduced to 15 fps.
It would be advised to increase the time of each frame to appear from 33 ms to 66 ms and check how it looks then.

You need to play with the number a bit, until it "looks right"

Hope that helps.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby leroiosoleil83 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:36 pm

^awesome, thanks. Playing with it now, I'll see what I can come up with. :o

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby pastaga » Mon Aug 22, 2016 6:30 pm

I think .gifs would be better if they were made of just a part of the vid and not the whole screen. Like Magizi's signature banner. Would aldso help to remove the Legalporno tag, and to focus on a spécific part (a girl face, a gape, or whatever). I don't know how to do it, then.
Also it's just ads, so it's better to make short gifs than long ones. People usually don't stare at gifs for seconds, it has to catch the attention immediately.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby laura. » Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:04 pm

doctor01 wrote:

Another my gif

Not gonna lie but that is really perverted and hot. May be a lil extreme for many but I love it :o :o x

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby doctor01 » Mon Aug 22, 2016 9:51 pm

laura. wrote:
doctor01 wrote:

Another my gif

Not gonna lie but that is really perverted and hot. May be a lil extreme for many but I love it :o :o x

Thnx. More to come.

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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby magizi877 » Thu Aug 25, 2016 3:41 am


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Re: Make LP ads for premium TKT

Postby twistedvincent » Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:25 am

Well SOMETHING has to be done as ticket prices continue to rise while gonzo/sineplex quality goes down.
Make LegalPorno Great Again.

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