Downloads show as complete, but aren't

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Downloads show as complete, but aren't

Postby davebowman » Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:55 am

Has anyone else had this issue? I've struggled with this for a while with Pornbox now, and it only seems to affect this site.
When I download large videos, the download bar will say it is complete, but about 25% of the time I can't play the video as it will freeze midway through, and when I check the file size it becomes obvious that it really only downloaded about 95%, not the entire thing. Which means for a 4K file I've just wasted 1-2 hours of downloading time, and have to go back and download again.

This issue doesn't happen every time, but it happens enough to be extremely annoying. I'm not sure if the issue is at my end, or with Pornbox.

I'm using Microsoft Edge at the moment, by the way.

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Re: Downloads show as complete, but aren't

Postby Ultra-Gape » Fri Nov 04, 2022 11:45 am

Is Edge indicating that the downloads have finished? I use Edge and download all scenes I watch but haven't really experience the issue you have. I did have a download last night that I spotted hadn't complete and I just had to click to restart it to download the last bit. I thought at the time I'd probably caused this by closing my laptop before it had finished but just possibly I experienced something related to what you're seeing.

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Re: Downloads show as complete, but aren't

Postby davebowman » Sat Nov 05, 2022 12:30 am

Yes, the Edge download bar says it's complete, but when you check the file size there's a small bit missing which prevents you from playing the entire video (and it's not the last 10 seconds, but will be some random section in the middle which means the video just freezes at that point, and you can't skip past it). So for example the download bar will say you've downloaded a 10GB scene completely, but right-clicking on the file tells you it's really only 9.9GB.

Anyway - I've just added 'Turbo Download Manager' as an extension to Edge, so I'll see if that helps.

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