sirnoelplum wrote:A bit of bts prep, ad hoc interview with the girl or something else (hearing the girl say how she feels about the scene, maybe excited or nervous etc makes her seem that much more real and draws me in the way character development in movies makes you feel more about the characters).
hernando wrote:The year is 2015, the city is Prague.
A young women enters a sterile white room. Within are 3 naked men, their penises are large. Or are they? Not all is as it seems. Perhaps they are only comparatively large and in fact should be larger.
'Excuse me Gentlemen' she asks them ' Could I trouble you for a glass of water and a cup of cream?
A large brute of a man looks her up and down. "the water we can provide, but the cream? No. There is no market for cream in prague at the moment. And by the way the water will be provided directly from our penises"
She nods, the words he says make no sense and yet somehow make perfect sense. She notices for the first time the men are aroused, their penises hard, proudly rising north. "have you been having sex with each other?" she asks one.
"no" he replies, taken aback "we don't do that in this room, "you'll have to go to another room for that. But we'll have sex with you if you like, all three of us"
It is a fine offer and she considers it, sex with 3 men is surely better than one she thinks, or is it? Maybe not for everyone.
"can I bring a friend along" she asks them, thinking of her companion from Russia who has cruelly been denied sex for years by her wicked uncle.
The men consider the question together and begin to make complicated calculations on a piece of paper. When they have completed this, one replies:
"Not this time, but if this session goes well, perhaps you can bring a friend along if she is popular. Or cheap."
She understands - this all makes sense to her. But under this she has an unsettling feeling, as if somewhere hundreds of men will be fighting over how this very situation will play out, over the positions she will have sex in, the clothes she wears, and even the color of the couch in the corner.
She suddenly remembers something... "what about my drink?"
One of the men smiles and rubs his penis - "you'll have your drink, oh yes, you'll have your drink. Open up"
tgcfc26 wrote:I like the script they use now:
Beautiful woman/women enter the room
Notice somebody's left some toys out and proceed to stick them in their anuses
Guys with three legs enter
Cue pounding assault on the ladies gorgeous holes
The End
magizi87 wrote:For instance, it strikes why no porn studios stage a brothel situation, where the scene starts with the girl putting her
sexy outfit and maybe doing some last minute touches to her make up, before entering the customer or customers room.
Maybe throw some customers signing up or choosing from a catalogue which girl they want to fuck between takes.
visigoth2020260 wrote:it woul not be adequate to use such words, as it sound and is directed to a certain group of people ( as drinking champagne ) who the F came up with tha phrase to said drinking piss.
but the plot intro is a most, esenes intros can not continued as,
example, a girl standing just touching her body or one here and another across the room doing the same, slightly moving and touching themselves, ( it has been done 1000s of times ) is not bad but it is overuse. even PW did a nice intro the other day.
the demand is not for elavorated intros but for simple ones,
and for the action to fallow the intro,
todays GG is a nice plot intro exelent in my opinion.
but once the fuccking began, it is as they forgot the plot altogether
like it never happened, we did not see the model been reluctant (having or assuming a specified role unwillingly ) or felt it, it was minimal at best. but none the less it is an excellent scene.
only GG does magnificent plots.
with your support it can only get better, thank you for watching.
and at the end ( this would have been a nice touch ) the model was supposed to call her husband and show him her broken ass wile begin him to come home, and maybe just maybe showing the husband opening the door and she running into his arms all full of cum, the end.![]()
only GG does it.
excellent scene. ... ow_gio2218
xxx wrote:Send me a PM with your ideas for a couple scenes.
English is not my 1st language, it took 2hrs to write this wrote:Send me a PM with your ideas for a couple scenes.
Giorgio Grandi wrote:The script miss a excellent reason why the girl should be very willing after the intro, the reason now is just specious. I will work on this in the short future, to find better solutions to have the girls change from "unwilling" to "willing".
Give me some time, the future of the studio Giorgio Grandi are stories and movies bit I need to tune my way to write it
visigoth2020260 wrote:Slammed brides Goes Wet.
very nice scene and 13 looks fantastic.
the scene action is hot very hot.
I just wished, the scrit would have been more elaborated.
as this one.
John goes to the airport to pick up his bride, while all his friends are
waiting at the studio they rented, no other lady friend was in attendance
as they all were very mad at john, cause they tough that john was making a very bad decision, to get a bride from Colombia.
one of the girls said to john, ( for all you know she can be a fucking whore, please john don't do this to yourself, to which john, reply, I love her and she is so beautiful, and all my male friends like her, {{{ little did john knew that his lovely bride was doing face time with all his friends}}} and are very happy for me ). the girls looked at each other and then say to john, fuck yourself and don't even bother to invite us to your white wedding.....
back to the big day.
john is already on his way back from the airport, he is so happy, he calls his friends and shows them his bride over the phone, ill be there in 10 minutes
now the guy's, device a plan to get john away..
1 guy said, let's tell him his mother is sick and he needs to go to her house
2 other guys said, no, that shit sound stupid, just let's send him for beers
3 other guys said, how are we going to do that, for sure he won't want to leave his new bride all alone with us.
4 another guy replied, I got a brilliant idea, listen to it.
one of us is going to wait outside for john to arrive, once he parks his car, go to the passenger side and help the bride out, then immediately, tell john to go and get some beers, cause we are running low, then we gonna have her for ourselves. bring her inside and put all the locks on the door, so when john comes back, he won't be able to come
they went ahead with the plan as planned, now they got the bride
inside and poor john is buying beers at the store.
at first, the bride is reluctant to give in, to the guys' desires,
but gives in after seeing all those big cock, her only words were,
( what about john ) to wish the guy's reply, don't worry he is at the store and won't be able to get in, we put all the locks on the door, and she gave a big smile, and the fucking started.
30 minutes after.
john is desperately trying to open the door, and like a maniac yelling for the guys to hear him and come downstairs to open the door for him, to no avail, he tries to call on his phone, nada nothing
upstairs the fucking is getting harder, piss, cum, dap.
the guys were so much for the bride that when they finish her off
she was laying on the floor, all full of cum and in a pool of piss, all she can do was smile, and give big smiles....
now the guys dress up quickly and they all went downstairs and opened the door saying to john, that there were living cause he fail to get the beers on time, to which john replied, I been here for 2 hours trying to get in, sorry john no beer we go, bye.
now john runs upstairs and finds his bride all drenched in piss and cum, with a big smile on her face.
John runs to the window and yells to the guys, you FMF. the END ... ow_gio2222
it is a great scene and 13 looks more beautiful than ever.
I pretend to get paid for this,![]()
visigoth2020260 wrote:ho boy, ho boy, ho boy,
one more time master GG does it, in this new scene (movie)
you will immerse yourself as you have never had, it is a plot very well organized, the narrative is absolutely fantastic, and puts the story in motion for a brilliant performance
For those involved, this scene (movie, is more like a movie ) intro is spectacular, I was not expecting what I was hearing and seeing, it knocked me out of my chair.
GG deserves a grammy. ... ow_gio2296
visigoth2020260 wrote:NUNS INCANTATION
maria and juliet woke
up just like any other day, as they
put on their holy garment, there was a
knock on the door, it was sister
manuella informing them that the
mother superior wanted to see them at
once, soon after they both are at the
presence of the mother superior,
MS...i have call upon both of you as
something awful happened to a group of
local priest. it seem that at the
guesthouse they where staying some how
as they where watching tv, all of the
sudden some pornografic material came
on the screen.
the guest name is mr GG and he call
this morning informing me tha the goup
of priest have been glued to the tv
all naked and jerking off, and that he
has not been able to make them stop,
that it is as if they are in a trance
or some evil spirit has taken over
them as he himself has not been able
tu turn off the tv set.
he has requested that i send someone
to enchant and deliver those priest
from that evil emptrapment that they
are in.
so i have call upon you to go to this
house and do all you can to help this
poor souls, but first you must take a
bottle of holly squirt, your holly,
to be continued.
visigoth2020260 wrote:let's look at the scenario before we continued.
priest in a trance glued to their sits jerking vigorously to a porn movie on the tv,
nuns in lingerie still wearing their headpieces, reading the book
of deliverance.
sis maria... please read it, what does it say.
sis Juliet... this book is evil, listen sister maria.
Chapter XII book of deliverance.
delivering priest from evil spirits.
before you start have sister Juliet fill the Kings Cup with piss.
this is very important, for the deliverance to work.
holding the book, kneel in front of the priests, and recite these words, as fallow,
First, recite: in a loud voice.
seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
if recited properly, the tv should turn off and the priest should all stand up and lay on the floor next to each other.
recite three times, in a loud voice as sister maria is standing on top of the priests and pissing on them one by one or as many as she can aim her piss at.....she may begin to piss on them only after the first recite, not before or it won't work...
in a loud voice, recite.
1)...seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
2...)seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
3) ...seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
now drink the Kings Cup
and go join the other sister and piss on the priests as well,
taking the emptied cup and filling it and making Juliet drink it.
( this is where you'll get your powers for what is coming) .
the sisters did as the book stated, and everything went as follows.
the priests came out of their trace with their vigorously cocks erectile as a candle waiting to be melted, the sister got on their knees and started a frenzy head game on the priests, which turned into DAP, ATM, PISS GALORE, from all angles, piss from ass to girls face, it was something unbelievable.
now the sisters were the ones in a trance. screaming, wanting more and more insatiable as hell.
when all was done, as the priests were putting on their garments, the sister wanted more they were kissing, eating each other's ass
pussy, and tits saying profane words, and begging the priests to keep on fucking them, they even started to fervently dildo their pussy-es and ass, cumming as they pull it out begging the priests not to go but the priests knew they needed to go and get some help for this poor insatiable souls.
the end.
if possible show the priest walking in line, humbly out of the house onto the street. this is to show their garments and sandals.
a nice ending touch so I think.
hope everyone likes it. and gets involved.
How many guys should be in this scene?
Which girls do you think are the ones for this scene?
Who should play mother superior?
come on have some fun, and answer these questions.
but it is only for master GG to decide.
visigoth2020260 wrote:let's look at the scenario before we continued.
priest in a trance glued to their sits jerking vigorously to a porn movie on the tv,
nuns in lingerie still wearing their headpieces, reading the book
of deliverance.
sis maria... please read it, what does it say.
sis Juliet... this book is evil, listen sister maria.
Chapter XII book of deliverance.
delivering priest from evil spirits.
before you start have sister Juliet fill the Kings Cup with piss.
this is very important, for the deliverance to work.
holding the book, kneel in front of the priests, and recite these words, as fallow,
First, recite: in a loud voice.
seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
if recited properly, the tv should turn off and the priest should all stand up and lay on the floor next to each other.
recite three times, in a loud voice as sister maria is standing on top of the priests and pissing on them one by one or as many as she can aim her piss at.....she may begin to piss on them only after the first recite, not before or it won't work...
in a loud voice, recite.
1)...seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
2...)seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
3) ...seeing that they tarried over long, hee at their coming enjoyned them all to a pennance, which was, that she should piss on them all.
now drink the Kings Cup
and go join the other sister and piss on the priests as well,
taking the emptied cup and filling it and making Juliet drink it.
( this is where you'll get your powers for what is coming) .
the sisters did as the book stated, and everything went as follows.
the priests came out of their trace with their vigorously cocks erectile as a candle waiting to be melted, the sister got on their knees and started a frenzy head game on the priests, which turned into DAP, ATM, PISS GALORE, from all angles, piss from ass to girls face, it was something unbelievable.
now the sisters were the ones in a trance. screaming, wanting more and more insatiable as hell.
when all was done, as the priests were putting on their garments, the sister wanted more they were kissing, eating each other's ass
pussy, and tits saying profane words, and begging the priests to keep on fucking them, they even started to fervently dildo their pussy-es and ass, cumming as they pull it out begging the priests not to go but the priests knew they needed to go and get some help for this poor insatiable souls.
the end.
if possible show the priest walking in line, humbly out of the house onto the street. this is to show their garments and sandals.
a nice ending touch so I think.
hope everyone likes it. and gets involved.
How many guys should be in this scene?
Which girls do you think are the ones for this scene?
Who should play mother superior?
come on have some fun, and answer these questions.
but it is only for master GG to decide.
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