Gay videos still shown desptite filter to NOT show them.

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Gay videos still shown desptite filter to NOT show them.

Postby MackZatis » Thu Apr 28, 2022 3:48 am

Well since this always goes unresolved and met with the same answers in the "general discussion" forum I figured I'd post here.
I know there is NOTHING more I can do to have this site function properly as it should. So really just posting for you guys to get your stuff together.
It seems almost as if (and this is referring to all mistakes I see on this site) there is nobody that EVER double checks their work before posting/uploading to the main site. As if they couldn't be bothered to do their job properly. That or they literally can not muster the brain power to know if it's correct or not.
It really is not the fact I had to see a "gay" thumbnail for a second or 2, but the fact that this place wants to keep on charging MORE & MORE & MORE, yet the quality control is DOG SHIT!
You'll never shed the "less then flattering" things said about you guys from within your circles of peers, until you correct these CONSTANTLY reoccurring oversights. Have some pride in the work you do.
It's embarrassing, or it should be at least. I'm guessing you really don't care at all to have it be so. i.e. if you don't care 1 bit at all, it can't be embarrassing, because YOU DON'T CARE!

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