mrtrumpet777 wrote:Very nice, maybe she could do this to a few of the models for the first ten minutes of a scene, obviously, she keeps all her clothes on, that way nothing is compromised.
No point in thinking about (boy-girl) scenes, as Jana is most likely happily married in a stable relationship, why ruin all that just to make a few people happy, not worth it.
However, a sweetener would be a ten minutes (Jana model/anal preparation scene) with every other model, now that would add an extra edge to the scenes, as they do get a little stale from time to time.
Hopefully, Tarra white will come back and do a few more of her intense female anal movies too.
As you folks can see (from the picture), she would most definitely know how to slide her fingers into a models anus and roughly prepare it for when the guys turn up. Maybe she can spread their labia lips wide too and comment on how beautiful their (yawning) donkey smells.
We can all but hope for this to occur.
Also Hungarian Mistress Lady Jenny has done some pretty unethical work in the past, also known as (Andy Private), but that is another story.